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A member registered Aug 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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I had so much fun with this one, the frogs are so adorable 🥺 It’s such a cool take on teh theme as well, really great work!

Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! :)

Thank you for the feedback! I’m glad you got the hang of the minigames, I had a lot of fun implementing them, but they for sure need more of a prompt/tutorial 😂

I totally get the confusion with the dressup game because it’s technically incomplete! Currently, it doesn’t matter how you dress the cutout, but, with some further work, the hair colour, eye colour and clothes available would be impacted by what you put in the computer at the start. 🤞 Hopefully these kinds of things will be addressed in a future release :)

This game is super cute and a decent challenge to boot! I feel it’s been very well thought-out and I really enjoyed it 😄 Nice work!

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it! 😄 (Also, I’m so happy you mentioned David Landlord in particular. I came up with that one 😂)

This was a lot of fun, the puzzles were really well thought out!

This is such a cool game, it’s come together so well!

I feel you, web builds are a pain 😫 I once made a game where enemies would sometimes just vanish sometimes in the web build 😂

Anyways, just want to be clear, I think you’ve done a great job :)

Very cute game and novel take on a classic like breakout. Nice work!

Really nice take on the theme! I really enjoyed the ambience and aesthetics :)

Oh, my bad! It seems you can only make it higher though? Sorry if I’m misunderstanding, but it would be nice to have the option to lower the sensitivity as well.

I really like this idea of swapping between the human and the mouse to solve the puzzles and I’d love to see it developed further :) Only thing I’d say is it would be nice to have the option the change camera sensitivity as it’s just a bit too sensitive for me currently.

I think this game is really creative and it looks great! Really interesting concept.

Thank you for the feedback! :)

I totally agree, we wanted to include a proper in-game tutorial, but time got away from us a bit. If there is a full release in the future, this would absolutely be included!

Hey, it’s awesome to see the work that’s gone into this since Sunday, I really enjoyed playing 😄 Also, “Clod” is iconic.

Thank you :) Alex really does some amazing work!

This game is very fun and very stylish! I also enjoyed reading the plot, it would be great to see it taken further 😄

This game is so well-polished and was a fun experience! I’ve seen you plan on adding more levels and I look forward to seeing where this concept goes 😄

I absolutely love what you’ve done with this game! I found it satisfying to get into a good rhythm and it’s a really cool take on the scene. (I also have a sticker of the dust sprites on my laptop 😄)

I’m sorry to hear there are issues with the game’s display, and I really appreciate you giving it a chance anyway :) Thank you so much for the feedback, it has been noted!

Thank you so much! 😄

The intention of the computer minigame is just to input the order without getting overwhelmed by popups. Currently, the only penalty for getting the details wrong is a lower score, but, ideally, it would also impact hair colour, eye colour and the dress-up items that appear, which was just out of scope for us this time.