WOW la atmósfera es increible!
Yes, but a game jam is an event where human collaboration one of the core pillars. Almost all solo participants search other members to fill the gaps. You could have seek a programmer to form a team.
I get that some people like to work alone, I am one of thoose, I get you. But tho IA based games are not against the rules game making, and more hobbist, is a very personal craft, one that every layer you use distances you from the product. You could make that point too about Game engines, and you will be correct in doing so.
But Game engines aren’t inherently toxic to the industry, Generative IA models are. There is no way of denying that.
I am not saying this piece doesn’t show effort, passion or dedication. I will not rob you that fact. I see the vision, the time and the motivation when I play. But using this tools goes against the very essence of game jams and passion driven development in my opinion. I highly encourage you to take some time to think about what is the creative process of making a game and then take the decision you think sits better with your conclusions.
Wow that was pretentious. At the end the message was diluted, I will make it one phrase:
Im glad you are making games, I cant ethically like the way you are making them, but you do you. Gatekeeping == bad
Indeed, a Spanish company has violated the net neutrality law and blocked a lot of ips.
The reason…. to stop ppl pirating a football game… wait.. rlly?
Service has gone back to normal but wth
The aesthetics are on point, music is also very nice, all the mechanics work fine, but I feel it needs some balancing, at least make the start a bit more easy to start understanding what’s going on. Also the screen shake could cause motion sickness.
overall You made something really impressive with the time given and I appreciate the narrative intro. Good job. If you give it more time I can see this turn into an actual product.