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Ron Ronson

A member registered Sep 24, 2021

Recent community posts

Where is the download? Is it public or paid on Patreon? If so, would be good to write this in the post. Bit confusing otherwise ...

download is not working with itch application. there the version is still at 0.8.5

You need to correct the heading of the post

What does it have to do with the fact that  I got it from They should not modify the game files in any way. Can you explain why you assume that?

The dreams are shown twice in this version every night

for public version Windows

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Yes, download from itch is not possible when using the itch app. It only works in the browser directly. This is not normal.

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very promising start ...

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the app does not check that the files were updated. after uninstalling no files are selectable, reinstallation is not possible. seems to be a problem with the way how they were uploaded? 

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same here. happens really so often that it is hard to play the game at all. There is btw always a graphic flashing through the screen from right to left before it happens.

ok, according to the discussion on discord it seems to be not part of the 2.0 release?

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Where is Wolf's Den and how do I get inside? I am on Connors quest and have reached the suburbs. After killing the guards there are two buildings with a sign, one is an Inn, the other one has a statue in front. Both of them are never accessible, regardless of the time. Also I do not understand what kind of hint (if any?) the inscription of the statue shoul be?

Looks like an incredible amount of work that had been put in this update!

Mega link to PC version of JASON, Coming of age V0.8.3-i1 does not work

file size limit is 4 gb afaik, so shouldn't be an issue hopefully. Thanks for looking into it.

Update can still not be installed with the launcher, only if you download the file directly with your browser. Would be great to reenable itch support which worked up until version 0.8-5 btw

I am running it on windows using the itch launcher. might be that it tries to install some additional stuff? are there any dependencies?

laoding and saving in the game would be essential

you can enter the bar by talking to the guy standing around in the woods (after you escaped the goblins)

you need to talk to the goblins (space key) and do what they request.

Why does it need admin rights to launch? No-Go right of the start ....

thank you for the clarification!

Why is it external now and not on itch? The save games are now all in a different profile as the itch player creates a sandbox.

Is there any content with prostitution in the slums? The lead prostitute always tells me that she has not more positions available. Can I progress beyond that?

All savegames are gone after the update

did not happen with previous updates. Also the start from withn the itch launcher does not work anymore

When are you going to release chapters 10 and 11 here?

FINALLY! We did it!

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We do meanwhile know that you are very excited ....

Update can not be installed with the launcher, only if you download the file directly with your browser.

on PC it is <ESC>

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me too, its on PC. To be more precise: the default mouse cursor is missing. Whenever I hover a special object I see a cursor, but not in between.

Update: after restarting the game it worked

Bright Past community · Created a new topic Oh no!
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Oh no, why are the savegames broken? Is there really no chance to fix this?

ah thanks, for the clarification. but anyway, it would be great to publish chapter 10.

Are there any further updates coming?

had been released now as it seems, still no update here though