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A member registered Oct 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really fun game, wish there was more but I understand there not being as many levels. 

BTW I originally tried a firefox browser but the game wasn't properly working for me so I tried Chrome and it worked after one refresh. Just for anyone trying this game.

Fun but very challenging puzzler. Made me use my brain in ways I didn't think of.

A small enjoyable game. Love the music choice really sets the tone.

Great game and holy crap that npc is overqualified, Cheese merchant, black market dealer, retired soldier, loving widower. I can hardly manage two projects a week.

Loved this game. Hope to see you in the top 100!!! Also the Terms and Conditions for the anti virus are pretty funny. Also cat.

Pretty fun game. I like how you naturally switch from attacking to possessing.

Incredible game. Deserves to be top 100. The dev notes got a chuckle out of me.

Great presentation. Clearly influenced from all that 80s delinquent stuff. However I feel the controls should be changed cause its very awkward for e to be punch and interact be ctrl+e. But overall incredible job!!!

Solid game!!! I made sure to practice my repeated NPC lines when someone walked in. :D

Really good game. Love the idea and the execution. Hate the player though. He hardly explored the dungeon, couldn't find any upgrades and had the gall to rage quit. But thinking about it that did put me in the mind set of the demon lord. Fantastic job!!!

Top tier mate!!! The strategy is great and the style is incredible. Hope to see you in the top 100.

Really fun game and really addictive. Also great use of sound effects.

Fun little game though I do think this would be drastically improved if you had a timer displayed for when your about to turn. It'd make it much more fair.

Really enjoyable game. I like how all the obstacles are different but I do wish it was a little more challenging as the skier seems to be very slow turning but overall great game!!

Enjoyed it but I feel getting worms from the hook should be more of a challenge. But thew presentation and tone was lovely.

Short but fun game. Very nice.

I'm sorry mate but when you export the game you also export a bunch of additional folders and files which are needed for it to run. In the future its best to export it into a new folder, zip it, then upload it.

I really have no idea what I just played, how you play it and how the audio kept being layered on top of each other. I'm sorry if I sound too harsh I know how hard it is to make a game but I genuinly had no idea what I was suppose to be doing.

Great game, very interesting and fun. Though I'd say its a little too RNG focused so maybe make it more forgiving by increasing the timers. But all in all a great game.

Started off a bit boring but really picked up. Loved the story and the descent. Also as someone who's currently looking for a job it made me live my dream of having one. Good job mate.

A bit basic but all in all a fun, well put together, enjoyable game.

Love the idea and the premise is pretty funny. I wish though there was a way to just restart the game when you die. Cause I suck.

Fun idea but if you ask me the hero moves far to slowly and on the second level I didn't know what to do.

Fun game. I do think you should display the controls though. Either in the game or on the page. But overall fun game and I like how in the final the camera is still on the mushroom.

Fun game though I like the comedy aspect to the game and it reminds me of the golden era of web browser games. I do wish though the sacrifices gave more, there was a way to cancel investigations if you click on them fast enough and the game paused when an event popped up and your in the shop. But overall fun game and pretty funny.

I think the presentation is great but I do think there should be a bit of a challenge. Maybe count how many kicks you do and the player aims to have as few kicks as possible, or more of a penalty for going out of bounds. Regardless good job mate. I also had a similar idea in the brainstorming stage but I went another direction.

Incredible game mate!!! I love how you don't switch through timew but for ammo to make it a little more balanced. I also love the visuals on how you can clearly tell when its your turn. Full ratings hope you get in the finals.

Fun game. I like the sprite work it seemed kinda cute in a way. However I would think this game could be improved dramatically if you could randomise the spawn placement. However a great entry.

I like the concept of both players playing both sides, that's really fun. The animations of the pieces hobbling across the board were nice however for a game like this you need rules in the game (ANYONE WANTING TO PLAY THIS SHOULD KNOW THE CONTROLS ARE ON THE MAIN ITCH PAGE) Also sice you could move all your pieces in one turn it kinda makes it a bit less strategic in my opinion.

Hey mate I'm sorry but when you exported the game you need to include the data folder with the executable. I recommend exporting it into a new folder, zipping it then uploading the zip file.

Fun game. I love how you gave each player roles and how they get out of the way when the boss makes a charge attack.