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A member registered Apr 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

LOL this was not where I expected it to go but I really enjoyed this game!!! genuinely adore the visuals of the spooky crabs filling the entire screen.
I really like your style of writing,  it's really engaging and kept me hooked! I don't want to directly quote some of the lines here in fear of spoilers but some of them were metal af

Also really enjoyed your use of sound in this game, really good ambiance! 

First of all I really appreciate the extra steps you took for accessibility!
The scope of this game is so good, the entire thing is super well polished and I really love the endings tracker & unlockable epilogues (esp the end 5 epilogue ;w;)
Scared to get the tragic ending but I'm looking forward to it LOL

maaan :(
Very emotional but also very touching!!! Yes I cried 😎👉👉
Really enjoyed the writing in this and the visuals were also great! Having extra files in the game directory and encouraging players to go through them was a really fun touch too although I wish the code didn't rip my heart out when I unlocked it :))) </3 (jk I loved it)
I really liked the relationship between Than and MC, I think it's nice to see characters who love each other deeply but in a platonic sense :) something we don't have enough representation for imo!

bonus note: i love is the most relatable shit ever LMFAO

Yeooowchhh, love me some angst 🤌
I really like writing style and the dynamics between the two characters!! You definitely feel like you're entering a story with a lot of weight and existing lore/outside world which I really enjoy :)
The visuals are really nice and all elements compliment each other really nicely!! I especially enjoyed the scrolling background, added a very subtle touch that really gave some life to the scene ^^

AAAGGHHHHHH *clutches my chest*
OUUUUUGGHH *falls to my knees*

I really enjoyed this story and the good end CG (I won't describe for spoilers sake) waaaaWAAAA it was so cute ;w;
Really love the visuals on this one, especially fond of the little ruffled trim on the UI it's so so cute. The colour pallette is really nicely done and helps incorporate the backgrounds nicely with the hand drawn elements :)

yippeeeee!! Congrats on 1k <3

Hearing your thoughts on Amelia & the bad end interaction is so interesting! Since I wrote it obviously I know both characters motivations and its easy for me to see both sides so I'm really glad it doesn't feel misplaced without the full context ^^

Keeping to the limited word count for the jam was so hard lol! I wanted to write more so badly hahaha, I hope I can revisit this group of characters again sometime in a future game :)

Thank you so much for playing and for the kind words!! <3

Thank you so much for playing!!! 

She truly does, everyone deserves to feel beautiful (*´▽`*)❀。

ahhh so sorry for the late reply!! Thank you so much for playing, it means so much to meee (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) I'm so glad you enjoyed it <3

first of all: WOW, this was chilling...
I was super excited when you announced kanau since I really enjoyed karamu so ofc I had to play it straight away!!

Your writing style is so captivating and the VAs did an outstanding job of bringing all the characters to life! (extra shout out to Raku's mum & Nelli's dad because those were tough roles and BOY WERE THEY CHILLING my tummy was like hnngbgmgglgl)

The art, as always, is stunning and I really liked the use of silhouettes and limited colour palettes when it came to portraying some of the more brutal scenes. I think it created the perfect balance of not over showing and potentially being too graphic /triggering but instead showing just enough to elude to the situation and let players imagination run wild.

Having a look into Raku & Nelli's childhoods was so heartbreaking they both went through so much ;-; I think it definitely shines a light as to why they were they way that they were in karamu.

Also I'd just like to shout out how much you've grown as both a dev & artist since karamu!  There is for sure an extra level of polish here which I think you should be really proud of :D:D

yipppeeee yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee amazing work chatter!! <3

ahhhhhhhh so exciting!!! I'll have to have a think and come back with some good questions >:3c

Picking up a big project after getting post jam burnout is a HUGE accomplishment in itself <3

you guys are killing it, I can't wait to play the new demo!!!!

aggghhh I just want to give Jace (and you!!!) such a big hug ;-;

Such a hard topic to face and I'm really proud of you and so grateful to have a game that represents me and my experiences so well despite the hard to digest subject matter.
When I first worked out the age difference between them it made me sick to my stomach, god I want to fight alois!!!!!! disgusting man. (╬▔皿▔)╯
It was so frustrating seeing Alois weaponise Jace's sexuality against him, trying to imply that he couldn't possibly be ace because of the sexual acts they had previously engaged with. It's such a common response and happens too often in real life >:(
Content aside I was also really impressed by how well rounded and in depth the game felt despite only being 1.2k words & I also really liked how immersive the GUI was too!

I am ace-spectrum (demiromantic ganggg!) and unfortunately have had my own encounters with vile people like Alois in my life. It means a lot to see myself reflected in games, I hope creating this game was a cathartic experience for you!

Keep it up, Chim! Another amazing game <3

I am so in love with this game, the attention to detail for a 4 day jam is absolutely mind blowing!!! I loved the story & writing style and the visuals are stunning! Even your game page is so well put together omggg
I loved the little animated elements they added so much life and I really like that you chose to give different characters different fonts too that was a really fun touch.

I hope you are all super proud of what you achieved, amazing job!!

I really liked your take on the jam's theme!!! The sprites are also beautiful, apollyon's design is *chefs kiss* I also really enjoyed the dynamic between des & apollyon :) some really nice work!!! :D

I was so busy screaming directly into cres' DMs I forgot to write a comment here!!! Absolutely amazing game you guys SMASHED IT FR!! The story, gameplay, art, UI & sound design all go together so incredibly well not to mention the soundtrack going SO HARD I just left the game running at some points just to vibe hahaha

also without giving away spoilers "???" needs to kiss me right on the mouth THIS. INSTANT.

genuinely so impressed that this was made in only 4 days the overall art direction is so well crafted and it's such a polished game too!

Heya!! If you follow the instructions listed under "known bugs" on the game page you should be able to progress past that section! So sorry for bug!!

Thank you so much for playing 🥰

(1 edit)

I am so in love with the visuals of this, there was clearly so much thought put into the aesthetics of this game!!
The new game + feature is also really awesome, I can't believe how much content you managed to make in 4 days??
Loved the writing too, an amazing job all round!

I used snowfall by tofurocks !! 

There's also a really good YouTube tutorial on how to edit it to fit your needs :) 

Also thanks for playing!!

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waaaa tysm robo!! Even though we had less than half the time it didn't feel as frantic this time around which I think is 100% down to the whole team growing and learning from VF! I'm so glad to hear it's noticeable to others too!!! Next velox game jam I must keep this trajectory going by coding my own game engine for us to use /j

Playing this after 4 days of terrible sleep from the jam makes for a truly next level experience lmfaaaoo

Heya, games programmer here!! Yeah unfortunately that bug slipped through and I realised just as we posted it o(TヘTo)
So to navigate that bug you need to choose the other option when making a deal with Lidia "You will accept the terms she presents. They're lopsided, but they're her wishes." or choose to input the riddle incorrectly for the choice you made "You propose a different promise." !!

Really sorry about that but as soon as we're allowed to make edits to the game files I will patch that bug right away, thank you so much for playing! <3

omg haha so glad to know I helped! o7

Thank you so much for playing!!! <3
Ambiguous choices also usually stress me out but I thought within the context of the game (and the jam) it would be fitting, I'm glad I managed to pull it off (or at least get away with it hehe)!!

CAAATHHH what you wrote was so kind ♡o(╥﹏╥)o ♥♡

I know I've said it in the discord when we wrapped etc but I want to put it on record that you are truly the best lead we could have asked for!

I am incredibly grateful to have worked with everyone on our team, it was absolutely jam packed with talent but by far I am the most grateful to you!
You looked out for everyone on the team and I don't even want to think about the pure caffeine content in your blood throughout the 10 days of this jam but you stayed up until ungodly hours each night to ensure that there was always someone online to answer questions or give help if needed.
Your writing is immaculate and (as someone who has read through the routes an endless amount of times) it is always a delight to read (o´▽`o) <3

I am truly in awe that this is your first game jam but I am not surprised at all that you absolutely smashed it!


Absolute delight and pleasure to work with every single person on our team, genuinely couldn't have pulled off such a big workload if it wasn't for the chaotic & immensely supportive energy everyone brought to the table ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡

( with love: please drink water and pee I beg of you all )

This was so cinematic!! I really like the pacing and the flashing images at the end omg
The twist was really really good and the stories and visuals compliment each other so well, amazing job!

This is soooo sweet (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) I really love their dynamic together its so so cute! I really like this take on the jams theme as well :) beautiful art too (that cg wowow!) and lovely writing *chefs kiss*

ahhhhhhhh this is amazing!! I was so tense the whole time the atmosphere you managed to create is so eerie and unsettling (so good!). I am very excited to replay this to try and get the 2nd ending ^^
really great work, I love how you interpreted the jams theme :D

SO CUTE!! I love fantasy so I knew I'd love this entry :D:D I really like your take on the theme of unreliable narrator, I like that you technically had more than 1 with all the different characters sharing their take on the same story :)
great job!!! ^^

Stunning visuals & really wonderful writing (I weeped I wept)  I think I managed to get 3/5 of the possible endings? I will definitely have to come back to try and get all of them!

Really really love the point and click element in this game ^^  Incredibly well polished I am so impressed!! (also that submitted 4 mins 48 seconds before deadline skjdgjdh godspeed soldier)

This was incredible!! I played it multiple times to get both endings, I LOVE your take on the jams theme!
absolutely stunning visuals every scene was a delight to look at and the CGs are *chefs kiss*

I really like your writing style and the pacing was really really good, hooked me right in!


I was about to comment the same thing ksdjfhgkj

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I'm gonna be real with you it's a real struggle to try and bring myself to rate anything lower than 5 stars because I feel so mean knowing how much love and effort surely went in to all the entries T_T the way I'm trying to get over it is by playing a bunch of them first, rank them from fav-> least fav for each section and then make my stars reflect that rather than critiquing each one individually ^^; 

I had so much fun with this jam! I challenged myself to reach out and join a group and I couldn't be happier with my team honestly! I am loving all the entries I've played so far and it's so interesting to see all the different directions people took the prompt in :) 

I kept joking to everyone in my team how it felt like we'd been working on our game for months hahaha  it definitely didn't feel like it was only 10 days long, I don't even want to think about the total hours I spent over those 10 days working on the game LOL 

I think my biggest take away as for what to do next time is I should have worked out and proposed to my team how many hours I could spare on code for the project and ensure it was scoped accordingly. There were a lot of last minute cuts and I took a day off work for the final 24hrs to make sure everything got finished in time!  So next time I'll definitely try to pre plan that aspect a lot better

I really hope I can join the next velox fabula jam :) it was so much fun! 

LMAO I'm so glad you found it :') I sprinkled a little something at the start of each route for motivation hahaha! so happy you hear you enjoyed the game ^^ <3

ack I believe the variable to unlock Asters CG is buggy, if thats the one you're missing? If you've seen Asters CG during gameplay (at the end of his route) it should have unlocked but I think this needs fixing ;-; 

tysm for playing!!! <33 

I read both the tumblr and this post-mortem and I really enjoyed the insight into your process!!! I love how different it can be for each dev :) 

congrats on the 2k thoroughly deserved!!! 💕

This was so much fun!!!
wowowow I love the guide (hate him as a person, love him as a character... y'know?) I have yet to kick off my journey through the purgatoryverse but now that I have more time on my hands I simply cannot WAIT!  
The GUI for this is INCREDIBLE every aspect of it I absolutely adore omg!
The art is stunning as well, I love the extra effort that was put into animating his mouth as he speaks, that was really immersive!
The writing is so good, I can't believe the entire thing is under 1k!? I really loved that you decided to make it so players went back to the home screen and then had a chance to progress in the story, somehow it felt more immersive despite taking you out of the game (if that even makes sense!?) I loved it! and I really appreciate that you added in a way to check which endings you have so far that is a brilliant qol feature :) (I have all but D so far!)
Props to the VA too for really bringing it all to life!! They did a great job ^^

What a beautiful and poetic story, I love your writing style this was so lovely to play!! The art is STUNNING so so so pretty and elegant I looooveee it <3

I can't believe this is your first game!??!?! You did an amazing job, I hope you are super proud of yourself omg!!!

I love the soft gentle atmosphere you created with the art, writing and music it was very comforting while still making my heart going HNNGNGNGNGNGNGGGGGGGG (/pos)

----- spoilers! ----------

the start screen change!?!?? I'm going to SOB (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )づ♡

Thank u so much spinch it truly means the world to me that you enjoyed playing my little game !! I love you MWAH (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*)

Right!? me too!! Thank you so much for playing ^^ <3