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A member registered Feb 17, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Hey, thanks for playing anyway and thanks for the feedback.

Thank you for playing! The game was supposed to be set in an orphanage, so the doors are all rooms for the other inhabitants. In hindsight, maybe it could've helped to differentiate the locked doors visually so people don't try every door. But glad you enjoyed it.

Yeah that's a big downside, thank you for playing though!

Thanks for playing! Movement speed could definitely be bumped up a bit. Glad you like the art.

Great feedback! I had a really hard time tweaking the wind. When the wind was first introduced, it was a lot too strong, but now I think it achieves a bit of a balance. It only gets really hard if there are a lot of bullets on screen though. And it's a bit intentional for the game to be easier when not shooting, but I get what you mean. Currently the incentive to keep shooting is to get a high score. I'll keep that in mind though.

Sorry about that. Unfortunately I can't upload a new version since the jam's voting period isn't over. Thanks for trying it out though!

Great game, cool patterns, nice music, nice visuals.

Nice to see a fellow Godot user :). Loved how you incorporated the theme into the game, but right now the upgrades don't seem worth it at all. I got to wave 8 without any upgrades, just holding right click and moving side-to-side, before an enemy went off-screen so that I couldn't shoot it and got stuck. I can see some potential though, I really like the turrets and how they can also hit you, but maybe you shoot also be able to destroy the turrets. I didn't use the ice bomb because I don't know how to activate it. 

Very charming game. Love that you can see the bullets before they come onto the playing field and how you can preview how to bullets will split in the upgrade screen, just really neat details that adds to the charm. I do think I noticed something unintentional: When you use slow-mo, some of the bullets sometimes stay slow even out of slow-mo. Also, the boss is very easy if you pick all the split upgrades and some fire rate ups. Overall was very fun.

As some of the comments have said, the game is really difficult. I tried for some time, but never even got to phase 2 (don't even know what phase 2 looks like). And I never used dash at all because of how limiting it felt.

Something that might help is making the hitboxes a bit more forgiving, to make the game feel more "fair" for the player. For example, I noticed that the propellers on the circle enemies actually kill you when touched. It also sucks a bit when a bullet just grazes the black outline on the slime then it kills you, not exactly what you'd expect. Or otherwise you can be a bit clearer on the hitboxes, one way is color-coding them, or even to have a hotkey you can hold to see the exact hitbox on the slime.

That's just my opinion though. Overall it was a great game, love the aesthetic and music.

Thanks for playing! If you mean past the boss, then there isn't currently anything unfortunately. I'll add an ending screen after the jam.

Thank you for playing and the wonderful feedback! Glad you had fun. I've (hopefully) fixed the bugs I know of, including the one with enemies shooting offscreen, and I'll update the game as soon as the jam is over. But thank you for the compliment on the boss design! I spent a lot more time than I would've hoped on that one.

This game is really fun. I was a bit underwhelmed at first because there was no death mechanic, but I ended up playing it a lot to get a high score. You can keep the score that you gained in the tutorial by the way, if anyone wants to try getting the maximum score in controlled. However, sometimes the tutorial broke if I moved or changed multiplier at the start of it. Also, I noticed that you can mash the spacebar presses to shoot a lot faster than just holding it. My poor spacebar button. Other than that, nice music, nice visuals, overall really great.

Thanks for playing and the comment! About the enemies spawning super late, that's the first thing that will be fixed when the voting period ends. For the level design itself, I think we have an advantage in our game, that if players don't want to make the game very hard, then they can! So I intentionally made the level not too hard if you just focused on dodging. As for playtesting... I'm the only one who played the game before publicizing it, so I probably gained a ton of karma in the process. Wish me luck!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! I know, I didn't have time to put up a tutorial about the cards since we were already late with the submission T_T. And it was our first time trying to make a game with detailed art. Originally it wasn't going to be pixel art, but then we realized that the game's native resolution was too small for 4k art to make it into the game. Great learning experience though!

Thank you for playing! Shame that you encountered some bugs. But thanks for the feedback, I agree the controls could've been more smoothed out.

Thanks for playing! The writing repeating itself was a bit of a bug xD. I only noticed it after the game had been published, but glad you had fun anyway. It was fun to conceptualize, even if I didn't get to realize it fully.

A hint in Rot13: Gel hfvat gur obk va gur "Ur jrag onpx" ebbz gb lbhe shyy nqinagntr. Vg zvtug uryc va gur "jung jnf ur ynpxvat" ebbz jura lbh'er pbzvat onpx (V'z nffhzvat gung'f jurer lbh'er fghpx) naq svthevat bhg n jnl bs chfuvat gur obk vagb gur arkg ebbz (gur bar jvgu znal ynfref) nf jryy.

It is definitely possible. Try backtracking a bit and see what may be possible :)

Thanks you very much for the feedback! Glad that you had fun playing!

Also not to disappoint you, but I've honestly barely made any music before. I just tinker around in a DAW (I just use Cakewalk for now because it's free), and try to get the piece to sound right. It very much encourages me to learn more on how to produce good music, that you enjoyed it so much :D

Damn. I love that you love it! I'm honestly not that experienced in music (didn't study in a conservatory, but took piano lessons years ago), and this piece was something I cooked up loosely inspired by a flash game soundtrack that game stuck in my head as a child (Aether by Edmund McMillen, in particular "Conclude" from the OST). Even now it gives me a bit of nostalgia when I think it. I'm very glad that you love the music as much as I loved making it!

Thanks for playing! Appreciate the feedback.

It should be possible. I don't think there are any softlocks on that particular puzzle (Although there are other softlocks elsewhere in the game :P). Well, thanks for trying out the game anyway.

Glad that you love the music! I just updated my profile page with a link to SoundCloud. I also extended the piece a bit. Enjoy!

Thank you so much for the feedback! Visuals certainly are the weakest point of this game. It was my first time doing pixel art, so I kinda just picked a palette in aseprite and ran with it. I'll be sure to pay more attention to that in future jams. Regarding the reset button: I don't even want to think about how to program that without remaking my entire codebase, though hold to repeat the undo button should've definitely been in the game from the start! The "but he journeyed to find" section was a consequence of reducing the area of the "vision" box, not a bug. It was intended for you to be able to push boxes into walls (every single collision outside of your vision is actually deactivated), but I could've been more careful with that, since it allows for softlocks to happen. Glad that you had fun though!

Thank you for playing! I made all the music in the game. In fact, the last piece was actually the first thing I made in the beginning of the jam, even before I had a concrete idea for the game. The first piece's name is "Happier Times" (I know, I'm very original with names). I'd be willing to upload a youtube video for the song or something if that interests you.

Always love a sokoban puzzle game, especially with a very cool mechanic involved. Besides what other people have said (sound effects and music), my main gripe is just how little puzzles there were to explore the mechanics! With some more work, I could see this being a game with very deep interactions even with just those few mechanics. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for playing the game! Shame that you didn't finish it, but hopefully you had fun!

Thank you so much! I agree that the colors maybe should've been desaturized (or de-contrasted? I don't know much about colors), but my stubborn designer brain wanted to only stick to a certain color palette that had very striking colors, so the result is this xD

Thanks for playing the game! The small vision box was actually supposed to be the first vision you had in the game, but it was really hard to constrain the player because boxes could essentially be ignored by pushing them into the wall. In fact, there is still a softlock in the game concerning the small torch, hopefully nobody encounters it though :P


Sorry that it was laggy for you. It ran fine for me aside from a couple of lag spikes. Unfortunately I don't have time to optimize the game right now. Maybe in a few days I can try tackling the problem.