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A member registered Jul 17, 2021

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Good looking game - I like that the sense of scale makes you feel like a powerful Chaos knight. Great idea of having a squad to fight for you - I'd definitely like to see more ways to control it for additional strategy. As it is now, it's just sort of a floating meat shield that damages opponents rather than an army of undead ravagers. I'd like to know whether you intended the knight to have Chaos powers as well - as it is right now, he's seems a bit more like a regular knight with a Chaos skin :-) I hope you continue to develop it!

Thought it was well made, though I feel like the action needs to be a bit more frenetic (i.e., faster main char, at least) to really be "chaotic."  I did like the sword throwing/retrieving mechanic - I used it almost exclusively up until Wave 8 or so and then figured out I could bat bullets back at people. Nice work!

I was drawn in by the "clicker" gameplay... but the novelty sort of wore off after 20 minutes of manufacturing lower level guns on the first page. The chaos meter never really went up and - maybe it's just because I don't play a lot of clicker games - I really didn't know what to do (and didn't really feel like continuing). I'd say, if you feel like revisiting this, add some scripted events (just a few text boxes that ease you into the game play) along with a few surprise global events that throw a wrench in your plans (or vice-versa). Nice work.

Did a pretty good job creating a "simple"-looking bullet hell. It controlled well (other than a few times I clicked off screen) and even had a bit of "juice" in there. Could use a background track of some kind to help add a little flavor... not bad overall though!

Great job on this fun little shmup. Framerate definitely started to chug when too much stuff was going on screen. I didn't really feel a solid sense of progression with the wands, but it could have just been me. I'd definitely be interested in seeing where you could take your idea. Be sure to thank your mom for the great music as well!

I played through a few rounds of the first level - ran into a bug where it just instantly sent me to the defeat screen when trying to restart the level. I think it might be fun to see where it goes, but unfortunately the difficulty was so punishing in the first few stages I didn't want to stick around to see what was next. I think if you work on balancing the difficulty, you can create a fun little game. Keep it up!

Kudos for attempting something with a non-traditional look - I thought it was visually interesting.The "game" aspects of this felt slightly unpolished though. For example, if you wanted to get a full color bar on one of the objects, there were times I felt I was unfairly assigned a "hit" to a wrong color. I think it would be a nice compliment to your art to introduce some sort of narrative (even if it's non-traditional). As it is, it feels more "random" than "chaos."

(1 edit)

Great graphics and fun idea - the spins were just a bit too much for me to handle though.  Excellent UI work and movement felt responsive (I didn't feel like I had any "cheap" deaths). Overall, very well made - excellent job!

I've never played Downwell that all these other reviews have mentioned (after looking it up I can see the aesthetic), but this is definitely drawing gameplay inspiration from Robotron. Pretty good job at replicating that feel - nice fit for the theme as well.

Thought the graphics were great, but also felt like the controls were a bit too punishing. Good polish and decent amount of juice though - fine tune those controls and I'd definitely be interested in playing more!

Really enjoyed the game, though I didn't feel the chaos. Pretty cute aesthetic and definitely well made. Great work!

The character proportions sort of reminded me of a toddler - the idea of a toddler running around "corrupting" fire pits had me cracking up. The jumping/platforming felt surprisingly good.