That's definitely the kinda' feature I'd be interested in pursuing in the long run ^^
Maybe something like how Wildfrost handles it, where you're offered a semi-random selection to choose from 🤔
It's no worries, these kinda' platform specific issues are just always a headache to debug
Sorry to hear you're still having issues. Is your PC particularly low end? I wouldn't have thought the game would be that performance intensive. Other than that, perhaps it's a problem with Godot on Windows 11? Someone else was also reporting problems from a Windows 11 device...
Sorry, I know this isn't a particularly helpful answer, but I can't really think of another reason for it 😔
oh my gosh I'm glad you had such a good time with it! Thankyou so much!
Yeah the rounds dragging on sometimes is an issue I'm conscious of. I've toyed with concept of adding some kind of timer - something like reducing both players allure by a small amount each turn so the room for error gradually shrinks as the round goes on, but I ultimately never settled on a specific solution before it was time to submit. Definitely something I'd like to address in future though. Thanks again for playing!
I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
Hope you don't mind my asking, but what do you mean run out of potions? Your potions should be automatically replenished once you've played every ingredient in your supply. You can actually what ingredients you still need to play to reset by clicking on the satchel next to your active items.
The cowbell is definitely kinda' crazy tho, I won't lie - probably warrants a nerf. You can actually find them yourself too though!
Really cute and fun!
The Balatro inspirations are clear, but the game definitely has it's own feel. I won the demo with a run where I was just rerolling as many 1s as possible and actually playing dice was secondary. Also the decision to make this game's equivalent of 'jokers' be cats is inspired.
If I could offer a couple pieces of feedback, I'd consider something a little more ambient for the background music. The current music isn't bad, but it feels a little intense for the gameplay.
I'd also place a little more emphasis on the Boon & Banes. Give them their own graphics and place them front and center of the screen. They're kind of the closest thing this game has to bosses, so they could use a little more fanfare.
Really look forward to seeing where this game goes. It's definitely earned a spot on my wishlist. Best of luck with development!
Oh I absolutely adore this. Platforming feels good. Love the collectathon element to the gameplay. The pixel art is great. The CRT aesthetic is great. The popup animations are beautiful.
But that premise. Sublime. Kitty's excitement is absolutely infectious.
Would love to see more of her adventures in future.
Really nice work! A lot of cute pixel art and a lot of variety in the animations.
Gameplay felt good - I like the choice between pairing enemies off or lewding them yourself. I do feel like the gameplay's missing a that little extra something to really tie it all together - though I'm not entirely sure what. Maybe some Kirby / Megaman esque power stealing when you lewd the enemies yourself? Or perhaps instead of temporarily stunning enemies, 'charmed' enemies become your allies, helping you fight / traverse until you either; charm another enemy in which case they pair off, or you make love to them to recover some health? Or maybe it just needs some kind of charge shot to spice up combat a smidge? idk, I'm just brainstorming don't pay me too much attention.
My overanalysing aside, still a really impressive slice of a game I'm very interested to see more of!
Just love the aesthetic you went with. Feels almost like a papercraft diorama. And the gameplay reminds me of a clicker game, where you start out doing everything manually, but then you buy things to slowly but surely have everything done for you automatically. The designs were all super cute as well. Some more variety amongst the clients would've been nice, but that goes without saying.
I could see a ton of different ways you could expand on this concept. Upgradable rooms. Buying advertising to attract higher paying clients. Clients with varying tastes that pay better if you have a particular employee. Outfits that function as employee upgrades.
Super neat.
Really enjoyed the combat. Felt responsive and was surprisingly punishing, and the all or nothing nature of the combat made the relatively straight-forward encounters feel tense and impactful. Loved the various ambushes and traps sprinkled in as well, felt almost reminescent of 1001 Spikes in a way.
Also, big fan of the sound effects.
Thanks! Yeah, I figured with the gameplay being a little more on the experimental side, a tutorial would be worth the investment. Don't worry you weren't doing anything wrong regarding the difficulty spike - just a biproduct of me not having more time to fine tune the encounters I'm afraid.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Love the collectathon elements, managed to hook me longer than anticipated off of that alone. Especially like the way they get incorporated into the background. Also very much enjoyed some of the more out-there designs.
The randomised structure does get frustrating as you close in on those last few entries though - given that there's no way to forfeit battles once you find out they're the wrong one (at least not that I found).
This is a really impressive tool, but there's some functionality that'd be incredibly useful to me concerning object categorization, so I hope you don't mind me leaving a feature request:
The first feature that would be super useful would be the ability to somehow compartmentalize objects of the same category.
The second, admittedly more involved feature, but one that I think would be really powerful would be the ability to place objects in multiple categories
I realize you can kind of approximate some of this of functionality using properties, but it'd really useful to, for example, quickly get a list of all Underworld Deities without having to open up graph view, categorize all of them exclusively as Underworld Deities or personally maintain a list.
I appreciate this kind of functionality may well be no small task to implement, so I understand if this outside the scope of this project, but I wanted to leave a comment all the same. Thank you for all your hard work!