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A member registered Sep 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Eureka! I figured it out!

I'm not able to preview the exported image. But once I import it into Gamemaker, I'm able to res it up to say 200% and it retains all the pixels.

Great software :)

Thanks for the reply back.

Yes, it happens with batch export as well. I've tried importing as jpeg and png and get the same results after exporting. And I've tried both win64 and win32.


When I go to Export my pixelated image, everything exports. Then when I go to preview my exported image, the image is blurred slightly and poor quality, and file file size is significantly smaller.  Before anything is exported, everything looks crisp and as it should be. Exporting only results in poor quality.

Why is this happening?

Great work so far. 

Keep it up!

Nice video!

I will definitely play again. Thanks for that upload.

Great little platformer. I love the color palette too. Great work :)

Looks interesting. Love the trailer. Will definitely give it a try

Amazing art style, great usage of the neon theme and weather system. And great choice for the music. The jet pack was fun and definitely made it a little easier against the ground enemies. 

This is a really great neon-themed game! And love the retro-synth music to go along with it. I like that you need to light your way by shooting the ledges and platforms.  Your GUI hud systems are spectacular!  Great work!

You're very welcome.

This is a great fanmade game of SMB. You did a terrific job! Keep up the great work :)

Wonderful job on the sprite animations! And I like how the music changes as you move away from the enemies.

Great platforming mechanics and tight controls. 

Great job on this!

Great choice on using monochrome. And I like how when he gets hurt he turns red.  Fun little platformer. Good work.

Wow! That's some major kickback on that gun! :) 

Great visuals and usage of colors. Nice platforming and glad you added input for the control pad.

Just endless, racing fun!  I was waiting for Fox McCloud from Star Fox to come on screen. LOL! Great job on the background; love the space theme.  

I really like the bat vomiting green, neon toxins. LOL! Nice platformer and you did great work on the sprites. 

Pretty fun and amazing visuals. Took me a minute to get my timing down to land  on each other, but I eventually got it. I'll need to work on my score, though. LOL! Great work!

Quirky game with beautiful neon colors. Couldn't figure out how to kill a fish, but I still enjoyed it. Great concept.

Thanks for uploading your cool game :) Always love a good shooter. Smooth controls too.

Very cute and simple-to-the-point game.  Great job with the sprites; loved the faces on   the cubes. :)

This was very creative and smooth controls. A little too hard for me, but still fun. :)

Excellent use of the neon theme. It got a little scary going that deep, and I like how the colors changed.  Great mood for the music too.  Excellent work!