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A member registered Nov 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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I enjoyed playing this one and I liked its art and particles applied to fire. I think it’s a very creative game. I hope you will make more levels sometime. Also Is it a Guitar Hero III reference in the game cover? lol

The puzzles are very well-made and the graphics simple and clean. I liked it. But in my opinion the jump feels a little bit weird with a delay (not sure if it was intended though)

I’m very glad to know you enjoyed it. thanks for the feedback

I was really worried about this balance, as when the enemy size limit was a little higher, sometimes it was literally impossible to jump over, and when it was a little lower, there were too many enemies smaller then you in a row, allowing the player to just keep on the ground growing, so it’s nice to know the current balance is not bad at all. Thank you for the feedback

Thank you for the feedback. I did think about a double-jump mechanic, but I changed my mind and let the power-up spawn height to RNG, but unfortunately for some reason they spawn more often higher then we can jump while we are still in small sizes. Making the game easy when we are big, but almost hopeless when we are small

I hope I can make the RNG range proportional to the player size, as I did for enemies’s size, after the jam is over, in order to make the game more balanced

Thank you for providing it in another page, but unfortunately I was not able to play it as intended, maybe I’ve missed something, or maybe there was something wrong on the Linux port caused by some config on export preset(not sure how it’s called in unity)

For some reason, nothing happens when I “enter” the lens, even if I press any button, and the jump height does not change. It might be some “config on export window” thing

I don’t know if it was intended or not, but when I hit the ‘up’ key, the character jumps infinitely(while I’m holding the ‘up’ key) about 6-8 times/second

(This one is just an advice) Also you’ve said about unzipping in the instructions, but sometimes, executable Linux files need to have execute permissions, and a non-experienced Linux user could struggle to run the binary after unzipping it, I think you should suggest them to give execute permission under right-click -> properties -> permissions, or even by running chmod +x filename.x86_64

Looks very interesting but unfortunately it didn’t work for me. Hopefully it will be fixed sometime. anyway thanks for providing a link to the Linux port

I just tested with the game I submitted to this jam, in about 2 ~ 5 minutes I included a TouchScreenButton for each screen (3 buttons total), exported an apk and installed on my device, it’s working flawlessly as the images below:

Title Screen:

Game by itself:

Game Over:

For some reason it has never failed me, every time I tried to export to android on Godot it worked like a charm. Maybe it’s related to some specific builds of Godot, or maybe something related to your android-dev environment?

Does it happen to you only in Godot, or also other game engines? Did you try Android Studio and it successfully builds/installs apks from your environment?

Did you setup ADB path, keystore files (for both release and debug), and jarsigner?

I got curious about this game, but despite flagged as having a Linux version, the only downloadable file I found is for Windows only. Could you please tell me how can I download it for Linux? The description and comments made me want to try this one. Thanks in advance

(2 edits)

This one is really fun, I even tried to download it in order to play more smoothly, as my PC does not run browser things very well.

I also liked that the police car cannot be cheesed by just keeping yourself at the most right and throwing the big donut, but I want to point out two small “details”:

In my opinion, the “E” key should be remapped, as the same finger is used to move, making it hard to move while throwing small donuts (maybe something we can press with thumb or pinky, or even the mouse).

The other thing is about the export, I downloaded the linux version, and it contained the Godot project files, instead of the binary, make sure the option “Embed Pck” is checked under “Binary Format” header in the export window(for each platform), and use the “Export All” button

This will generate a binary file called Big_Donut.x86_64 (or something similar), instead of a zip with the project files

Also make sure that “Runnable” is checked in the same window

I enjoyed this one very much. A fun game with a simple mechanic, beautiful art and follows this game jam theme

In Godot you can just add some TouchScreenButton, bind them to the functions you already have for throwing the donuts, set them to “only display on mobile”, and generate a keystore using the keytool command, and include the .jks file into android export screen under Godot, and export as a Release build. You’ll also need to install adb.

Having a keystore set up and the game exported as release, you’re allowed to post the apk anywhere you want(even if you don’t have or don’t want to pay google developer license)

I don’t know about exporting for IOS

Thank you for the feedback. This is the first game I’ve “finished”(at least the concept), as well as my first try at a game jam, so I’m glad to know you enjoyed it

Thank you for the feedback. I’m glad to know the RNG range I picked for enemies’s scale is good for the players

Thank you for the feedback. I have this feeling too, as well as the feeling that power-ups and enemies spawn at the same position very often. Maybe I should improve my RNG “skills” in order to be able to make the algorithms quick enough for the next time