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Biggest regret is creating a game too large (always do this every jam!) This led to not being able to fully test and play the game until too late and leaving some horrendous game breaking bugs and it also not being clear on what to do. Also made an isometric game which meant that we had to create a bunch of animations when we should have went side on, top down or 3D. I'm super proud of what we have achieved in the time (and seems like people are pretty shocked too!). Feels like the scope of the game was more for a week jam rather than 48hrs. Love for people to check it out though!
Really nice simple game! My highscore was 146. I think increase drag, increase gravity a bit and maybe force the thruster to change to switch sides after boosing (currently if you are boosting with a bit of left boost you have to wait for it to ping pong all the way over to the right before you can start slowing down which was a bit frustrating). Overally really liked it though!
Downloaded will play on my lunch break!
Please rate our game Bret Pilgrim - A lumberjack zombie survival game.
Added your game to my list of games to rate (soo many games to play). Would love to get some feedback on our Lumberjack zombie survival game Bret Pilgrim
Thanks for playing mate. Was hoping to do the other 4 angles of rotation but meant doing a bunch more animations (why we didn't just do it in 3d I don't know....)
Love the idea of throwing the box. Really think we need to play with the holding one item at once idea some more but as always I went too big in the time. One day I will learn to just think of a small idea and make that!