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A member registered May 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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thanks for the great feedback
We're working on a settings menu to rebind keys, it's a great idea! :)

I mean we did that intentionally with the ice physics and whatnot. That's more or less the whole idea about the game otherwise it'd be just a normal platformer

Yeah it was a bold move to go with ice physics lmao

I was so sad when it was over haha
Absolutely awesome game really loved the vibe and enjoyed it! :)

Cool idea and presentation. Could need some more depth to it

Cool and fun game if keyboards weren't such a prick sometimes haha

Very fun short game. great idea chill music and cool physics! Good stuff :)

Beautiful vibe! Very innovative game although a bit of a lack of depth gameplay wise. Cool game nonetheless!

beautiful and polished art and music! Gameplay wise improvable but great for a gameJam :)

Was fun after understanding the controls. Was fun but it can be optimised on a few occasions like better camera movement (since you can't really see what's ahead of you, player movement and scoring system
Great for a gamejam tho really enjoyed the graphics and music :)

Controls are a bit tough but it's a fun idea with some great originality

Great game, great aesthetics, great idea. One of the best games I've played including one of the best soundtracks :)

Movement a little hard but was cool!

oh yeah I see that
It just feels like you dont pull the ball at all if you're too far, that's like the only thing about the physics I meant

Cool game although the physics could be a bit more polished out. But since we only had 48h we can't really blame that can we

Cool game although I think after the control changes the overlay doesn't change accordingly, unless I'm missing something

You need to duck there^

It saves your momentum, so if you already build up some velocity you can switch character and then jump and you'll continue moving :)

Cool concept for a puzzle game! Last level was tough to figure out but I got it after a bit :) fun short game

Visuals are so great, I absolutely love that you did in pico, huge fan of that :) Fun short game with a some cool ideas, feels good to play! :)

Great game, a lot of fun and a great idea :)
Beautiful aesthetics and menu screens thus looking very polished :)

that is my personal biggest problem as well with  the game. Sadly unity was a bit mean with setting up the tiled spike hitboxes and we didnt have the time to manually adjust them. It's definitely high on my to-do list though! :)
Thanks for the great feedback!

Fun game if you're into text adventures! Haven't seen those in a long time so it's kinda cool to see someone just doing it even though it's not the most popular category! <3

Fun game! A bit hard to move around the enemies sometimes since it feels like they can come from the other side and block you real quick while running away
Beautiful aesthetics and a fun innovation though!

This was such a beautiful, chill and happy enducing game! I loved the vibe and the many different ways of interacting with your scene to create a world. Absolutely fascinating and innovative game! Can recommend anyone to try this out

cool games although the controls are a bit tough to learn. Enjoyed the theme tho was a pretty cool idea of a game!

Greataesthetic and message along a beautiful song. Great game for the story and visuals :)

Thanks for the great feedback!
Animations for swapping sounds like a great idea, definitely something added to the list!
Level design wise, that's fair enough. If we make it out to be a full game we'll definitely try to take more care for the difficulty curve, since it's right now kind of flat.
Definitely considered and thanks for the kind words! <3

Great game was a lot of fun! Visuals are nice and the game plays very nice itself. Very neat idea and definitely shows potential! :)

Great game with the best graphics I've seen so far. Was a lot of fun playing, very challenging to maintain everything and so much action in such a short amount of time. Controls seemed hard when first encountering it but since you have a bit of time in the beginning to relax you can get used to the controls very well and then it's a very rewarding game! I'd feel sorry for anyone that doesn't get to play this game! <3

Great game. I really like the physics and the idea of driving a car and swing around the mace. It's very challenging to control the mace but it feels rewarding the more you play it! Great challenge and can recommend almost anyone to at least go try it out! :)

Cool and pretty hard game, sadly couldn't get past the first jump in stage 2 but was still fun nonetheless!

Was a lot of fun and a cool concept behind it. The green platform caused me some small amount of frustration but it worked out good in the end :)
I played it on the WebGL version since it worked quite nice there as well, only downside were some walls to the left and right not showing, but that's if I guessed only a Webgl thing
Anyway, great game! Loved it

Great game! Has been a lot of fun playing it! I absolutely love the idea you had there with building your ship! Cool stuff :)