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When the line turns red, it may snap. Pull out of the water and change position to retry.

I'm interested, let me know if you want to team up. I could use some backgrounds for dungeon environments.

(1 edit)

Can you draw in lower resolution as well? I do mostly pixel art-- there may be some interesting ways to mix pixel and higher resolution art together but for the purpose of a game jam it may be better to put together many lower resolution images than a few higher ones. For example a sprite sheet where each sprite is 32x32 or 64x64

For reference, my previous jam submission:

Submissions are open for a week, is that expected development time? Why does the description say 48 hours?


The visuals are pretty basic here but the background music is perfect and I like the concept a lot. I had to creatively position myself to angle the orbs into the safe zone and there was some creative level design to force me to jump around to do it. I like the physics of the orbs too. I'm surprised this doesnt have more attention I think the concept is unique. Nice job 👍

Cool idea and the funky art and music was really interesting. There is definitely a bit of strategy involved which made me interested and play more levels.

I can tell this was supposed to be a narrative driven story so It's unfortunate I didn't get more story but dialogue sounds were funny and the concept is pretty novel. The art is very good as well. I would like to see this style of bartender in another dimension game again. Nice job 👍

I wish the magnet and two dimensions played more of a role in this game, but I really like the visuals and the parry mechanic and it felt good game-play wise right away. Nice job 👍

The graphics are cool, feels like a retro video game. The movement feels good just a bit confusing where I'm at in reference to the enemies. It was difficult to figure out how to kill the enemies consistently as well. But neat idea with cool visuals.

Awesome concept, I love the isometric and 2D combination. It didn't take long for me to figure out the puzzles, but the graphics and music were charming and that's enough to make me finish the game. Super polished, only thing I could maybe say is might be nice to have some more detailed physics on the blocks in the 2D puzzle but not necessary. Really nice job 👍

Hold the "D" key simulator. But it was funny I'll give you that.

Probably most polished use of the two dimensions theme, and it felt really weird controlling the player upside down. I plugged in my XBOX controller and it was a lot more enjoyable. Nice level design and I started to get ahang of chaining together the magnet sections towards the end. Overall really nice job super impressive.

Nice simple game, I understood what to do immediately. Obviously would have liked some more mechanics but you do what you can in the time. Maybe have it subtract points if you click on the wrong magnet, or have the magnets spin so you get confused. Nice job 👍

First, the art music and gameplay feel are great and super polished. I like the ideas here and the enemy design is good. My only critiques are it feels like the player moves a little slow, I know that's the point of the magnet is to help movement but it also doubles as aiming so Its difficult to evade enemies. I wish I used the magnet more. Lastly, kind of following up on that, the level design is a bit punishing-- there is one or two layouts where the enemies spawn right next to you and almost instakill you if you aren't immediately ready. I ran into this often and only ended up getting to level 5. But overall with just a little balancing, I would want to play this all the way through nice job!! 🤠

Looks like you set a high bar for this, would have liked to see more but obviously its a short amount of time to work. Neat concept, nice job 👍

That would be funny to see that message. Of the platformers I have tried so far, this has the best "game feel"

I also made a game about magnet fishing, so brilliant idea 🤠

Game was fun, I wish the magnet moved a little faster and the fish slowed you down more because I just plowed through all the fish to the bottom. Other than that I like the idea of the metal detector helping you find the best location for the magnet. Last bit of advice, 270MB for this game is kinda crazy and my laptop  fans went crazy when it started, might be some performance issues to check. Nice job though 👍

The concept is pretty straight forward but I like the creepy art style and sounds. I wasn't expecting that, and the puzzles were pretty good. The second dimensions felt really trippy. Nice! 🤠

Great concept. Simple enough that I instantly understood once I started playing but the last level definitely took me a few tries. I ended with 43%!!

A little weird when the magnet was toward the top of the screen and I was trying to angle it without my mouse going off the canvas, but aside from that the game-play was great 🤠

This is definitely the type of game I would play on lunch break back when I was in school.

Obviously not finished, but I actually like the pixel art and the magnet throwing mechanic is kinda fun. Would have been nice to see a full level.

This was really impressive! I had to look at the controls in the game description cause they werent in the game itself but the mechanics and physics and level design in this was creative. I actually beat all the levels because it was tricky. Obviously could have used some sounds and art but in the time of the game jam, I think the actual gameplay fun was more important. I liked that I could wall jump off certain colors but not others. Nice job 🤠

I liked the platforming mechanics, It seemed like when I was attracting the block so that I could stand on top of it and jump there was some weird physics where it bounced into me and then stopped attracting. I had to jump around for a while to get it moving again. Also it was very punishing to go back to level one when I failed on level three. I think if you added a checkpoint system and fixed some of the glitchiness with the physics this would be great 🤠

Looks like you didn't finish, but even though the concept was pretty simple I think the platforming mechanics felt pretty smooth and I liked being able to bounce super high with the magnets. I would have like to be able to play one whole big level. Nice job!

neat idea