Nice game! I made it to wave 13! I think some feedback I would have for further improvement would be to change the visual when I upgrade a shooter. I had fun playing it!
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Great game! I got a speed boost and outran 10 missiles before they all collided into me! I do wonder though what the game would be like if the mouse controlling the shooting and the actual movement were separated, so I could fly forwards and shoot backwards...although that would make much sense with the helicopter. I only say this because I was spinning in circles to shoot the missiles without getting hit by them, and shooting them head on never destroyed them in time.
Thank you so much for your feedback! I kept the camera smaller because I thought it wouldn't be as fun if you could see more of the map because the purpose was to keep it like a maze. I can see how that would get annoying. I am sorry that you couldn't find the escape pod, although it should have spawned. The movement is definitely an issue I need to address, along with a couple other bugs mentioned in previous posts, although I think I need to wait for this jam to be over before I edit my game?
Hi! I was planning on writing all the code myself and probably make some of the UI art myself. However, I was thinking about using animated characters and background art assets from the Unity Asset Store for my game, so I can focus on the code. Does this still count as making the majority of the game myself?
The game is not very difficult to play, but I think that focusing on the stories of Mary and Timothy was a higher priority. These people risked their lives to serve their country (Timothy paid with his life, RIP Timothy). I did think about implementing some features that would make it feel more risky and "spy-like", however I unfortunately didn't have much time left to think of any let alone implement them. Thank you so much for your feedback!
Thank you so much for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I will definitely try to figure out these issues soon. Unfortunately, I quite literally just saw this comment so I probably won't be able to fix it before the jam voting ends :( But hopefully after fixing it, people will be able to play it without these issues.
oh I think I know what happened. I don't know if you use unity, but basically I put all the "characters" on the same layer. So they will all collide with you and if the ghosts manage to encircle you in a corner then you essentially have no way out. I think I will be able to fix it (hopefully tonight!) Will comment when the bug is fixed!