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A member registered Jun 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much, I'll be sure to tell my wife as she was our artist lol.

I like that the backgrounds change every attempt.
Also the death-scream sound got an audible laugh out of me every time lol.

Thanks, that means a lot to the team.
Most of our members were entirely new to jams, and the rest only had one under their belts before this lol

Thank you, I used to work retail for 7 years lol. 
Black Friday and the holiday season hit different when you're a current/former retail employee haha.

I appreciate the kind feedback.
Sadly, hitting customers can cause a soft lock bug so the game may not end correctly if you use the Last Stand the way it was intended lol.

Finally another "Last-Stand-Type" Furniture game lol. Our game also involves the pun of it being furniture.

When I played it through the first time and got to the recycling button at the end, I purposely threw myself off a cliff instead so it would warp me on the button to see if anything happens. It ends the game with him telling me that I can't even do the simplest task which I found to be a funny alternate ending.
I believe, after replaying through, this is actually just his normal dialogue for falling played over the ending, but I wanted to mention it because it got a great laugh out of me and it feels like adding more alternative ways to fail successfully would enrich the experience in a similar way as The Stanley Parable.

Overall I liked it, but the AI voice didn't hit the mark for me.

Very polished UI, and the game does a lot with its still image background through great lighting tricks. Very cool for those of us who love this genre and similar ones.

Hey sorry you got soft locked, it seems that melee killing monsters locks the game sometimes. 

It's true, the walls are imaginary lol, I had planned for them to have collision but then there were concerns with the layout where larger bosses might get stuck so due to time constraints we played it safe and left them without collision.

Very charming, and I love the spell combos you can pull off.
Honestly, I don't really have any negative feedback, great game.

Sorry, it would seem our soft-lock bug we thought we fixed wasn't fixed. :(
But thank you for playing and leaving feedback nonetheless!

Thank you for the kind words!
The camera and jump mentions in the description are actually an accidental inclusion from a previous build before we cut the two camera system. The current camera was an attempted compromise between the two cameras to finish in time lol.
In retrospect, I should have used the building camera instead.

Sorry, I'll edit the description to avoid misleading players, thank you for pointing it out.

I was definitely thinking about Orcs Must Die and Dungeon Defenders when we designed this one haha.

Thanks for the suggestions, and for sticking with it lol.

Very fun gameplay, I had a real blast lol. We really don't see many worms-likes nowadays and they're very fun sandboxes to just cause chaos.

One problem I had was sometimes the same key presses were controlling multiple units simultaneously, which I think is unintended.

This was fun, and I'm glad to see more vehicle games. I feel like we never get enough of those nowadays lol.

Very tough difficulty, I like the addition of the Dev's high score to rile the player up to try harder lol.

The theme and mechanics are very cool. I very much liked the bestiary as well, very charming. I personally would have preferred WASD for movement, Space for jump, and Shift for Dash, but there's nothing wrong with the presented keyboard controls either.

The text is all dots for me, which I took to be a quirky "He is a primordial being that speaks languages we don't comprehend and also likes to hum a lot" but the preview images show dialogue in those spots. I was particularly confused when the game over screen had only dots for text lol. I see that others have had this problem on certain browsers, so I can confirm this problem can occur on Chrome.

Overall, even with the browser text bug, I'll be rating this one pretty highly, great stuff.

Thanks for the feedback, that's worrying lol.
We had a game-breaking soft lock if you melee killed a scooter until the due-day (which is now fixed, I think), so I'm curious about how to replicate if you have any insight. Thanks!

Glad to see another couple making games haha.
My wife was our artist for my 6 man team.

I like the setting and premise. I wonder if making the rescue timer shorter but having multiple ships per mission would spice up the mission a little. Fun game overall :D

I love the title art and the upgrades shop.

This could be very cool with some graphical sprites and animations.

Woo this one is surprisingly difficult lol. It kind of feels like my object isn't falling straight down, but rather jerking down to the right? Perhaps it's actually just the light source's angle tricking me.

Neat concept

I love how the UI flips into place, great touch.

Thanks everyone for the feedback. I agree the camera is disorienting, it was essentially a compromise between our original two cameras due to time constraints, and it could have used more time in the oven lol.

I love metroidvanias, I had a lot of fun with this one.

My only complaint is sometimes holding the attack button would cancel my attack entirely.

Oh my god, this hit me right in the Crazy Taxi haha.
Fantastic, I have zero complaints, very fun.

My wife and I own 5 cats, so of course I had to play this game haha.

It's very cute, and could be interesting with more development.
I will say, the font when the cats are talking to each other is hard to read on its background. Maybe more contrast would help.

Ooh this was creepy, I loved it.

So from what I gather, essentially all the creatures are named based on what The Speaking Friend (or an older entity if it exists) named their corpses.

1. My Still Friend:
This one is clearly a corpse. My Sleeping Friend asks them to make its noise once more, the death-rattle we later hear from The Frank in ending 3.

2. My Sleeping Friend:
While Jubilant and happy to be, their name tells the dark story of them being a corpse essentially before their transformation. Likely killed by The Speaking Friend. This one's name is probably the most hidden as they're only ever introduced to the player as already part of the "friends."

3. My Speaking Friend:
This one seems to be the oldest, and the progenitor of the situation. Its name likely comes from the fact it can talk to humans and read their language.

3. The Frank:
This one is well-spelled out in ending 3, and is essentially the name written on the poor victim's suit. We watch this man die, seemingly without any transformation (though it's implied that may come later after the story ends.)

4. My True Love:
Not sure the exact reason for the name barring it being a woman. Perhaps because My Speaking Friend specifically made them to be My Sleeping Friend's companion at request for more "friends."  Regardless, her situation explains to us how this all works. In endings 1 and 2, we see the difference in mindset that can be made with My Speaking Friend's "magic." In one ending, she is horrified by her mutilated and mutated form, clinging to her previous life. In the other ending, she very clearly illustrates the mindset change that happened for My Sleeping Friend.

The child-like wonder with which these monsters carry out their unspeakable acts, was a wonderfully creepy juxtaposition. 

Hey Rishi, here's my thoughts:
1. It's great that you're learning to develop games at such a young age, I wish I had lol. So great on you for taking the initiative! 
2. The audio when you finish spamming [E] on the hand to fill the meter was agonizingly too loud, even for a horror game. 
3. I don't know how to explain it, but your game gave me the feeling it might contain malicious software(?) or be questionable. I'm not sure exactly what precisely gave me that feeling, but there was a lot going on that had me sketched out. If that's not the case, then I am very sorry. I think it was a mix of the too-loud-jumpscare, asking people to try the game in a lot of places, the weird naming of the files, the repeated talk of a specific illegal relationships/materials, mixed with having the book discussing that stuff stuck on screen centered my entire playthrough.
4. Anyways, if #3 is just me being paranoid, then please don't give up on game development. This is my first game jam too, and I wish I had started doing this stuff at your age.

If things don't quite work out, that's okay because you'll learn something from it, meaning the next creation will be even better!

I actually really liked the button mashing to control each leg. 

I can confirm it now works, nice!
I liked the angler fish using the cog for a lure, and the freaky worms busting out of the ground.

I was able to beat the game without even going into the scary parts of the deep because the prevalence of items was high enough to skip it, so you might want to cut down on some of the safer items to force the player to experience the horror parts.

This one looks great and has good atmosphere, but unfortunately I was having a lot of trouble with no-clipping through the map and soft locking. I was unable to finish it after several playthrough attempts, sorry :(

Steps to replicate:
1. Explored away from the first objective on the outside and jumped off the map (knowingly and just for fun) but when I respawned my Tab tablet was displaying a long gibberish string instead of "Find the lab entrance". This resulted in a soft lock upon entering the lab without the marker.
2. Monster appeared frozen before she super speed teleported through the walls away from me, before I too then fell through a wall I got too close to when trying to get a better look at the fanged fish through the window. This resulted in a soft lock.
3. I opened a door that opened towards the player and it clipped me through the wall. This resulted in a soft lock.
4. I was told to look at the experiment on the table, before the game froze me in place, killed me, then respawned me with the same garbled tablet text and eventual lab door soft lock as incident #1.

I loved the low poly environment, and the sound design was great. It was fun to get a good rhythm going on the flippers, but I do agree I would have probably liked it better on a different set inputs. Then again, that would have been easier and perhaps your intent was for it to be a bit harder to keep a high speed.
The first major chase scene had me clumsily lose my rhythm and accidental into a wall so that was fantastic and gave me a good panic haha.

The escalation of the environmental storytelling details was incredibly well done. 
My only real complaint, is just that the choice you make at the end could maybe have 1-2 more words more than just "Choose" to make it more clear if I'm choose who I'm giving the short straw to, or choosing who I'm giving the long straw to. 

Thank you, this was our first jam and I appreciate all the feedback lol.

You're absolutely right, unfortunately we got to a state where others could playtest it too late due to my wife giving me COVID.

The first playtest was significantly less user friendly unintentionally if you can believe it haha.

Sorry guys, I'm having the same problem with it missing UnityPlayer.dll. 

This ruleset does a lot with only a d6, and 6 rules. I especially enjoyed the inclusion of machine types, though their playstyle is pretty suicidal lol.

I'm a sucker for PS1-era graphics, and absolutely terrified of deep water so this was a great mix for me lol.