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A member registered Oct 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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That seems very weird using two different types of controllers for VR lol! Glad it worked out though. I've had mixed opinions on the grabbing system even by myself using it. I'm currently working on fleshing it out properly but I actually took the physics grip from Valem's physics character tutorial series and converted it to unreal. Throwing things will always feel weird depending on certain factors like the distance from the grip point, weight, strength. Some helpers would give a better experience but a fine tuned gripping system is the desirable outcome. Glad you were able to enjoy the game!

Oh well! Maybe its a good thing I didn't package to quest then cause they probably would have caught on fire!

Oh damn that's really annoying! Most likely is from the fire since it is pretty high quality compared to the rest of the game and of course VR is intensive but I couldn't imagine it would ruin performance that bad. I do have a pretty decent PC though so I wouldn't even be able to check unfortunately.

Some good chaotic fun! Maybe a little too chaotic. I feel if there were some guard rails on the belts and the package had to make it all the way before awarding score would be better since all it needs to do its touch the correct belt even just once and it can just bounce right off again! Fun game otherwise!

The art style of this game is super amazing. Sometimes gripping the packages was a little weird and might also be why throwing them was weird at times but nothing too annoying. The package robots definitely add for a fun challenge!

Thanks for the feedback. I was going to use the unreal template vr project and use that grip mechanic but I decided on using some physics based gripping that I had been working on that would be quicker to work with so that's why it is a little weird because there is no proper snapping or anything. I also considered the more points aswell and there was a "stamp" mechanic aswell that would give more but I ran into some issues with chance based spawning so every package actually has a 20% chance to spawn. I tried many different ways to stop the boxes getting stuck there but didn't want to spend all my energy on that but I found that if enough were they it sort of corrected itself so 🤷‍♂️. I wanted to make it a bit more fast paced and hectic but unfortunately head ideas sometimes don't always end up in the game!

Pretty fun ngl!

Gonna add my take on the quest 2 version just so you have a bit of information before you get your headset to start developing it.
Firstly I love the game and it's incredible the experience that you can have in a small room walking around in endless environements and i can't wait to play it without getting tangled u in cables.

With the quest 2. Sometimes my left eye will just freeze... thats it. right eye will be perfectly fine and i can look around but the left eye will freeze, other times it is fine. When loading into the start area with the first door the hands / arms are there but they are like a transparent thing like they arent being rendered on the correct layer or something, same with some door objects and enemies. 

Just thought I might add my take aswell :)