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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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I am happy to hear it finally worked and you enjoyed my small game :) No idea why the transitions were causing issues, but hey that's programming for you. Thank you for your kind words :)

A lovely premise for a visual novel. Don't beat yourself up over not finishing in time. You made something and that is what counts! I am happy to read that you will keep working on the game :)

Don't we all? Thank you very much :)

Thank you :) Happy to hear that you managed to get the game running fine.

Thank you very much :) This was my first attempt at making a game and doing pixel art. Happy that people seem to be liking it.

That might be the issue indeed. Bugs are hard to avoid if you make a game in a week for maybe the first time ever. Mine def has some bugs to iron out.

Wonderful. Let me know what you think and more importantly if the game works (y)

Oh yeah it's more manageable in fullscreen. I didn't think it would change the viewport size to go fullscreen, so I didn't try that option ;)

That's the spirit! Try is all we can do.

Ah I see! I didn't get that at first but in retrospect it makes a lot of sense.
I made my game in Godot 4.2 and didn't have any trouble exporting to web with default settings. So maybe you could update the project to Godot 4.2 and try again :) It would be a shame if only a few people tried out what you worked so hard to create.

Yeah I know. It's hard to see your own game from the player's point of view. I made my game a little too cryptic for the same reason I think. But we will learn from this and create something a little better next time :)

Same for me sadly.

Very cool art you have here dude! I love myself a good clicker game.

Lovely art style you have here! Though I am not sure what this has to do with the jam's theme. Exporting for web in Godot would probably also attract more people to try out your game :)

I love what you did with the theme. Placing items on random shelves and watermelons into the freezers is definitely a crime against humanity, but somehow legal. Good job!

(1 edit)

Very nice art and adherence to the theme! Would love to see a more fleshed out version of this.

Don't beat yourself up over having overscoped and not finished what you set out to do. Learn from this for your next attempt, or continue working on this! Just because the jam ended, you don't have to stop working on a project you enjoy making. Lovely artstyle by the way :)

After the first round at least one of the stuffed animals spawned outside of the screen every time, so I couldn't play much... But a very cute idea!

It's really hard to see the enemies coming and hit them at all. A larger viewport and tighter controls would have helped with that I think. And I am not sure how it relates to the theme. But you made a game in a week and that is what counts!

I adore the visual style of this game. The humorous dialogue was also executed pretty well. Good job!

Cool game that is definitely not about pirates and their highly illegal endeavors. Maybe tune down the enemy ship density a bit since I got swarmed by like 10 of them really quickly. Otherwise a really impressive game for a short game jam!

Interesting concept for a horror puzzle game. Keep at it and be proud of what you've built :)

Funny dialogue and a very cool interpretation of the theme! But having to guess which hole to jump into without any hints, not seeing the deadly salt you fall into before it's to late, and very tight margins for error in general make this game too frustrating to play than it needs to be.

Great submission! Fits the theme really well, great art and music, simple yet challenging gameplay. Good job team!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the positive feedback :) I am running Windows myself and don't have access to a macOS machine so I can't debug on that platform. I will upload a version without the transitions later so you can see if it fixes the issues you are having.

Edit: Just added another .exe without the transition animation.

That is one scary looking librarian dude. Not sure how to escape from her once she starts following you. She just kept staring at me when I stood still ._. Be proud of this game you made, even if it's just a prototype!

An interesting take on the "Tetris" style of game :) Well done!

This was close. 
A relatable execution of the theme for me tbh. In the city I live, the cyclists are behaving as if they own all the roads.

I am not sure how you are supposed to get 100 points in that amount of time, or how it relates to the theme, but I congratulate you on making your first game! Be proud of what you built! (the character hopping is cute.)

An interesting execution of the theme for sure! Good job :)

Paparazzi should be illegal if you ask me. Good execution of the theme in a simple yet cute platformer!

A simple execution of the jam's theme. And don't worry about not having a lot of time, or being a beginner. All of us are. Be proud of the fact that you made a game!

I do like myself a good idle game. Though the balancing is a little off. Upgrades are slow to unlock and are not that substantial. But overall well done :)

I figured out early on that you could just pick up every type of food and talk to every customer to finish each level. That kinda trivialized the whole investigative aspect. Be proud of this little game you made, even if it didn't turn out the way you wanted!

The game can feel really punishing due to the floaty controls and the tight margins for error. I adore the character art with it's crayon like style and wish the rest of the visuals would use the same art style. Sadly I am not sure how this relates to the theme at all... But be proud of what you made here anyway!

A good if basic word search game. Not sure how this relates to the theme, but you should be proud of what you created anyway!

I wanted to add some music, but didn't have time to compose something myself :/ I didn't want to get some stock music because I wanted to make everything myself. It would have definitely added to the atmosphere.

Thank you :) I wasn't sure how to differentiate the interactable objects from the rest due to the limited color palette and in the end just trusted the players to figure it out based on the objectives. A good suggestion though that I will keep in mind for future projects!

It should be. I tested it on Firefox, Chrome and Edge and it all worked fine. If it isn't working for you, you can grab the Windows executable instead :)

I am sorry to hear that :( It's working fine for me in Firefox, Chrome and Edge...