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A member registered Nov 01, 2018

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Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback!

I've added some instructions to the game's description. If we were to release more versions in the future, the depth and interactions between the cards and the wheel will def be looked into :)

Thanks for playing!

The game is finished in the web version, but there are many things that we would have liked to add if we would have had more time.

That being said, you are supposed to be able to play your entire hand. I've added some instructions to the description that will hopefully clarify things. In short, the crux should be to play them in the best order possible together with the sigils on the wheel. Although, defeating 10 monsters on turn 1 is not intended to happen every time, so the balancing would have to be a bit more polished if we were to update this game further :)

Thanks for playing!

I've added some instructions to the game's description. Hopefully that will clear things up a bit :)

What a great game! I had really fun playing through the levels and listening to the music. The graphics were gorgeous and I think that you did a good job interpreting the theme as well :)

I saw that a few others mentioned the order of the arrows, and I have to agree on that point. Another thing that I really would have loved would be some indicator of the beat. I felt lost a few times since the space between the arrows are only relative to other arrows and not a  constant change in the background color or a vertical bar over the arrow lines.

However, these are minor things. This is still a great game! :D

Nice one! Fun to see traditional cards used in an untraditional way :)

Really liked the smooth animations!


Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback! As you said, the infrequent battles is something that we tweaked right before release to not have too many encounters. We'll have to tweak that further in the future :)

Ah, ok! I can see how that could be confusing. Will def try to make it more clear in the future.

Again, thanks for the feedback :)

Thanks for playing our game, and for the feedback as well!

Not understanding why you lost is not intended, and a "training"-mode as you suggested, sounds like a good addition.

If you don't mind, was there anything specific that you thought was unclear? Just so that we can be more clear about it possible future updates :)

As others mentioned, I sometimes had trouble understanding why I lost because of the angle, but I still really enjoyed it!


The movement feels really solid!


I felt the spooks on this one! Really liked the art style and the sound design.


The music was great and really helped setting an eerie mood to the game!


It was kind of hard to play with the unorthodox choice of moving with ZQSD. With WASD it might have been easier to get around without thinking about how to move. But other than that, I like the idea of a FPS TD-game :)

I enjoyed running around in various stores, trying to get around without being run over by other people's carts. Just like in real life!

Loving the artstyle!


I am notoriously bad at bullet hell games, so I couldn't manage to kill the cat, but I think it was a neat little game! I think that more sounds and maybe some texture to the floor would make it even better :) GG

Thank you for your comment! I've added the controls to the description so that you won't miss that it is WASD that's being used to move around the map :)

Looks like we had similar ideas for this year's jam! Your game has a few more types of enemies though :D Well done!

Looooved the flow and the how smooth the movement felt. VERY hard without the slomo on though :D GG

GG! I got real spooked, but I'm not going to say why or where :D I, as someone else mentioned, had trouble understanding the first puzzle. My mind just never went there. I don't know if it could have been introduced in another way or if I'm just not that good when it comes to puzzle games. Either way, I loved it!

Wow, this one really caught me by surprise! Well done from start to finish!

Neat game! Would have been nice with an indication of the amount of action points something took, but i figured it out after some trial and error, so no biggie :)

Awesome mechanic with the word-grabbing! Sadly, I walked off the edge of the map so I couldn't finish the game. One thing I thought about was that the text was a bit hard to read sometimes since the rows had a tendency of floating over each other. Other than that, really good game!

Really like the idea! Had trouble figuring out what to do in the beginning, but it turned out to be a RTFM-issue on my side. As previously mentioned, the game could have used a fast forward button or similar, but other than that, good game

Well designed puzzles and overall great game!

I flipped over and started flapping downwards countless times. I like the idea and i think it could be even better with some sound :)

Really liked the atmosphere! Found it to be a bit wonky to move downwards since you had to hover with the mouse over the bar with the collected stuff. As previous commenter mentioned, didn't really understand that you could do anything else than pick stuff up and I always seemed to do worse than my opponent, but the feel of it was spot on :D

Loved the local multiplayer addition! Really good music and visuals imo. Took me a while to realise that you couldn't get up to the next level if you were standing right next to the wall :D Overall, great job!

How nice to stumble upon a turn-based game! I think that some music and sounds would have made the experience even better :) That and maybe some more clarity when it comes to the different roles of the party. I thought that the sniper would do a ton of damage, but instead, he did 1 dmg per shot which took me a while to realize. Not a necessity though! Overall, neat game :)

While the controls of the FPS parts had different sensitivities and levels of "floatiness" (the part with the rifle being the better imo) I kind of just enjoyed the ride on this one! Didn't really feel like I knew what was going on half of the time, but I had fun :)

Really enjoyed it! Feeling bad for the piggy though :D

Solid game! Liked the look and the feel of it :)

I liked the audio and overall feel of the game. It reminded me somewhat of an old HL1 mod, cry of fear. Although i didn't really get if I did the puzzle the correct way (found the numbers, brute-forced the combination), but i did enjoy it either way :D

Well designed puzzles and great theme interpretation!

Got to wave 11 on the first try! I don't know if it was an intended feature, but it really helped that the gunmen fired one shot at the exact same time. Gave me some time to dodge and plan. Solid game that I could play for more than 12 waves if i had some time to kill :)

Really liked the artsyle! I don't know if it's because I'm pretty bad at puzzle games, but it felt kinda hard haha :D

Had a slight issue with moving the coke can(?) on the computer level and combining it with other items. The other items would just toggle between selected and unselected really quickly so it was hard to see if it actually worked or not. Other than, neat game! 

After reaching the moon in 20 launches, i can definitely say that I would continue to launch the cat to mars if it was possible. I would absolutely waste my time on this if I had it on my phone and if there was more progress to be made. Very well done!

Well, the gravity changes and the sudden deadspots where your ship does a full 180, completing the levels is truly a moonshot! However, I really enjoyed it :D I completed all five levels, although, i didn't get all the stars and while it was frustrating, it was really fun! With a fix for the deadspot I'd definetly play more levels :)

As someone who is terrible at fast paced FPS, it didn't matter one bit in this game. I had sooo much fun! I just loved the voicing, graphics and the smooth controls. Great job! :D

Tried it with a friend and it was as stressful as it was fun :D However, I couldn't really differentiate between the green cheese and the yellow since i'm color blind so picking up cheese was always a bit of a gamble haha