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A member registered May 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

What I did was use the Third Person Camera extension and use an Always On event that makes it look at an invisible marker object with a set angle and distance.

Then I add an event for the A and D keys that apply a force to that marker object relative to the camera's angle.

You could also use the Camera Impulse event, but I haven't used that so I'm not sure how it would work.

I got further in the game this time and made it to the outside area. The A and D keys don't seem to strafe properly, they instead seem to apply a force in a single direction, which can be added to the force applied by holding shift and pressing W. This feels unintentional.

I also was unable to click the "Go Back" prompt on the folders in the lab without hitting escape. 

Interesting story though. I'd like to see where it goes.

This is really cool! I love the ambience, and the visuals are really well done. Also, thank you for being one of the very VERY few entries that actually shows where we are on the map :p

Very well done!

This has so many cool details, and so much heart! I was confused during the first playthrough, I thought I was already drilling and the drill lever was something else. Bad ending for me...

I agree with HW, with a bit more polish this could be a cool game for streamers who like dark ship-control type games.

I found myself getting caught on the maze's corners and seeing thin areas that looked explorable, but weren't. But I want to see what's in that unknown area! Thanks for making a game that hooked me :)

The maze looked nice. Reading a map in amaze isn't fun though.

The game didn't explain that I need to drive into the arrows to progress.  I would've made them a portal or a bullseye or something to attract the player. An arrow tells the player "turn in that direction, away from this spot" not "come towards this spot".

The truck was not great to handle. Can't turn or adjust very well.

Didn't look very good or feel very good to play. Not sure what the vision for the game was. Thanks for the warning about the loud noises though.

Thanks for the kind feedback! Mouse wheel turning seems unpopular. I'll have to think of another way to turn while clicking and dragging. Maybe just the q and e keys. That was me trying to account for mobile and keep keyboard controls to a minimum. 

Thanks especially for noticing the water effects, I spent a lot of time on them. I was inspired by Wind Waker's water effects and did my best to emulate that artistic style.

If I'd had more time, I'd have put more heart into my game. It works alright and has some flashy paint, but it's kinda soulless as is. 

I'll fix 'er up :)

I totally get that. I implemented mouse wheel movement in my game with an eye toward mobile friendly controls as well. I like the forethought you put into it.

I'm sorry if my feedback made your heart sink, I genuinely like your game and rated it very highly. I was hoping to highlight the areas I felt it could be improved.

Really great to hear that you're already hard at work on it! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

I really like the idea of deliberately hitting rocks and other obstacles to maneuver. It would be nice if the shooting sound was less repetitive.

"Navigate" comes from root words that mean "to drive a ship" so technically you're on point thematically.

Thanks for sharing!

This is irritatingly designed and just not fun. Between the random spawn points and the non-existent margin for error, it's like a worse version of I Wanna Be The Guy.

Look at Don't Die in this Game Jam to see the same idea done in a way that's challenging and fun.

Thanks for sharing.

I liked the innovation of being a creature made of boxes, though I didn't really understand what it meant when it asked me to "hit things with my tail".

I had the most fun just laying down as many boxes as I could. Silly stuff like that is fun to mess with.

I felt a little bit of heart in this game, I'd like to see what you can do with more time.

Thanks for sharing!

(1 edit)

This game has so much heart and I love it!

I laughed out loud too many times to mention, and I even took a few screenshots of my favorite jokes. Sir Longneck's portrait is a perfect "blend" of creativity and comedy :p

A game's job is to let someone trade time for happiness. You made the game with the best trade :)

My only bit of sad is that it freezes at the last store, right when he says "this is the last one". I was looking forward to seeing whatever hilarious ending you had to offer. Please update it!

This is hilarious XD

I liked everything about this game! The look, the sound, the challenging nature despite the simple approachability, and getting sent flying through the wall by the psychotic cop car. Tighter turning would be nice, or maybe a skill based turn like a brake turn or a drift.

One of the best entries, you should be proud :)

Congratulations on making something for the jam, it's a good first step.

I guess I'd like to see some more heart. Give me a sword that looks distinct. It sounded like a laser gun, maybe it could have been a laser sword? Maybe there could have been a counter on the door to show that it's tied to how many enemies are left?

There's a lot of directions you could take it. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Thanks for sharing and good luck in your future projects!

This is good! I especially like the visuals of the characters and the text, it looks so nice!

Very well done :)

I fell through the floor at the elevator.

Then I reloaded and the big door wouldn't open for me.

There were a lot of typos.

I liked the Q menu, that was a good feature.

Thank you for sharing.

The box with eyes is funny. It takes a little while to understand that he wants to move sideways.

Some areas of the maze are too narrow to avoid enemies that are coming at you directly.

It lagged a lot at the end, I'm not sure why.

The maze is also kinda simple, not a lot of dead ends or diverting paths.

Thanks for sharing your game and good luck in your future projects.

I like the silly opening video.  Were the typos intentional? Also, nice job with the voice acting, the enthusiasm was great. 

The dialogue seemed a little odd and unnatural.

I really don't like walking simulators where the environment is all the same. Even Slenderman had buildings and landmarks to help you know where you had and hadn't explored. Give me a big, gnarled tree, a bunch of pointy rocks, a cloudy pond, etc. These would make the creepy forest even creepier, and help me orient myself.

The creepy audio and crisp walking and eating noises were nice, but the dialogue's volume was not balanced. I struggled to hear the opening lines from the friend, so I turned my volume wayyy up, only for there to be screaming from the right side moments later. That was a very unpleasant experience.

I was able to beat the game fairly easily, but I never saw a monster or anything. I heard the creepy music, but it just stopped after awhile.

I played a second time and tried to die. I collected no food, ran around until the number reached zero, and stayed perfectly still when the creepy music started. Nothing happened.

The ending was kinda interesting, but the odd dialogue kept it from being great. If you'd asked my name. or used the authentication feature to grab it automatically, it would have been more impactful.

Thank you for sharing your game, and good luck with future projects!

I like the opening with the voice acting, that's a nice touch. And the spaceship visuals are nice. Seeing the starry cosmos with the occasional asteroid whizzing by was pretty cool.

I didn't like that there were no clues or signs to look for when piloting the ship. I just got lucky and found earth by wandering. It's especially tricky since the planets look black from a distance. They would have some color in real life, even Mars and Venus have a visible tint when viewed in the night sky from Earth. Plus, Earth looks different than most players would expect. This is a nice thematic detail, but maybe a hint that "it's the big brown one" would be a funny way to tell the players what to look for.

I'd like to know how there are new planets so close to Earth as well.

I gave up when I couldn't find the digital chip. The environment gave me no clues and looked mostly the same all around, and the compass didn't help at all, I tried following the skinny end and the wide end, both directions just pointed to invisible walls. You can't even go back to your ship to scan for signs of the digital chip or anything, it just says "spaceship is locked".

Finally, I don't like that there's no speed boost when you're on foot. If you put me in a big open landscape with nothing to look at or interact with, I'm going to want to move as fast as possible to the nearest point of interest or I'll get bored. 

Thank you for sharing your game and good luck in future projects!

I get that, this was my first game and first time working with the engine too. It's tricky. I like that you made something serious and story rich, I couldn't do that.

Are there two card keys? I grabbed the one that was behind me in the starting room.

I'm glad you liked it! :D

Thanks! I appreciate that :)

Thank you! :)

Thank you for sharing your game

The binoculars work well

The controls didn't work half the time I tried to play, none of the guns fire, and holding down the C button teleported me to a random spot.

And since my guns didn't fire, the first enemy killed me in 2 hits.

The A key moves me to the right and the D key moves me sometimes right and sometimes another direction

And I couldn't get past the blood trail room. There's nothing else to interact with

Might have been a cool story, but I couldn't get very far

Pretty good! I especially like how you mentioned everything in the credits, it mkaes me wish I'd done something like that. Well done

Careful with mouse wheel controls, they cause the window to go out of focus unless the game is fullscreen

I love a lot about this. The visuals, audio, and overall style and tone are very cohesive and charming.

There's a few huge problems that makes it hard to enjoy though. It's a first-person platformer. That alone means you'll struggle, since you can't see your feet. It's even worse in this game since the ground turns black when you look down. But it would be fine, if you could precisely move and position yourself to make tricky jumps possible. 

But you can't. Every time you land from a jump, you slide around like your shoes are made of butter. And you can't move without jumping, so you can't micro-adjust your position because of the butter shoes. I wanted to see more of the game, but after bonking my head for the third time in the vertical level, I couldn't justify continuing. Even the tutorial was kind of a slog, since the speed boost mechanic changes the camera and makes the whole process very jarring. 

I can tell there was a lot of heart put into this. From big details like "Carrot Cake Whoa" having its own sound effect that matches the words, to little things like looking up and barely seeing the stars in the night sky. I am drawn to games with lots of heart in them.

But it feels really bad when I know what to do, I know how to do it, but I can't because the methods are so clunky.

I don't really see much navigation here. Kinda reminds me of Starfox, which isn't a bad thing

The music doesn't really fit the tone of the game. And the sounds are very repetitive. I'd suggest looking for free to use music based on the genre of your game (space, action, etc) and adding a pitch modifer to the sounds so they aren't so samey. There's a youtube tutorial by the GDevelop people for doing that.

Thanks for sharing your game.

I got lost, but had fun doing so. I really like the unique visuals, and it's very original

Thanks for sharing your game!

This was so much fun! And the visuals were great, especially loved the little guy flapping his arms and spinning around as he jumps XD

There were a few typos, but who cares? 

Excellent game, one of the best in the jam!

And in only 2 days?! Impressive!

Not sure if my shots were hitting or missing. There was no feedback or reaction, and both time I tried ended in death

Nice sound effects though

Thanks for sharing

Ok so this is barely a game and doesn't really have anything to do with the theme

It's actually fun to just click and fill the screen with cannonballs. To shoot straight up and watch them rain down. To build endless towers of them.

I enjoyed that, thank you for sharing! :D

Reflective experience.

I couldn't figure out what to do at the part with all the moving pictures. Nice use of video, by the way.

Thank you for sharing.

I was going to use the right mouse, but that would make it impossible to drag and rotate at the same time. I wanted that to be possible, and spent a day and half tweaking the motions to get it to a place I was happy with. I also wanted to keep the controls simple, so it could be played on a touchscreen by dragging and rotating the map with 2 fingers. 

The audio was very jarring. I had to mute my sound to keep playing

It seems too easy to fall off and die with how fast the character is and how generous the collision of the walls are

Thank you for sharing your game