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A member registered Mar 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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This was so much fun! It's really impressive that the levels all felt so unique with such simple mechanics. I really wasn't expecting the skateboarding, it was a very welcome surprise!

Very cool concept! My only criticism would be that the fov is a bit small for me and it was hard at times to know exactly where I was standing - maybe because you can't look all the way down. Overall really great, pretty too!

Very very fun! The sound and screen shake add so much to it. Well done!

Well done! Yeah a victory screen would have been my next addition if I had more time. 

Thanks for playing! I would have loved to do some proper disco music but I'm very new to making any music at all, so I just did what I could in the last couple ours of the jam.

The visual style of this game is so nice! The whole thing feels very cleanly made. Very interesting time system with the flying/not flying, I can see how that can have a big impact on speed run times. Awesome game!

Very easy to understand, a fantastic use of the theme, lots of fun details, great sound and art. This is exceptional!

Yeah sure! I think the main thing that could be improved is the level design. Everything being square makes getting around corners pretty difficult without air control. Including some slopes and curves might allow for some more variation and make the movement flow a bit better. It's definitely something you could add later if you add more levels. 

Awesome game! Makes me want to play around with some post processing. It's great for speed running because there are so many things you can upskill in to get better times, moving, finding the shortest path, aim. Really well put together too. Fantastic work!

This is an amazing submission! The gameplay is interesting, unique, and uses the theme very well. What impressed me the most though was the character and the UI!  Clearly a lot of love went into this game and a lot of skill too. Great work all of you!

This is amazing, plays well, has great a great tutorial as you play through the levels, beautiful particles, and great ramping difficulty. Perfect approach to the theme and the jam as well. Well done!

This game has so much personality! Great mechanics as well. I'm pretty bad at the game because my timing is terrible, but I really enjoyed exploring the levels. Awesome work, love the cats!

This is awesome and you clearly put a lot of work into it, this should have way more ratings by now! These sort of games are great for speed runs once people get good at them, though for a while even completing the game is a major challenge. Amazing work! 

Very creative and nicely polished, would be a great mobile game! 

Was really excited to try this! Love the aesthetic, works really well. The gameplay is solid, just needs a couple of tweaks here and there to make everything flow. Great job!

Had fun with this! Great showcase of this mechanic with a nice set of levels to play through. 

The sound is awesome, I suck at the game though lol. Very satisfying mechanic, great looking game. Nice work!

Interesting mechanic, took a bit of getting used to but I got there in the end. Made it in 2:05. Great use of the theme!

Awesome game, love that you used the snowy tops of the mountains as the obstacles. Some of the best gameplay I've seen so far! Perfect for speed running. Great work!

Great concept! Love the art as well. I think it would be fun to increase the speed of the player as levels went on to make it faster paced as you go on. Awesome work!

You managed to make a fun, good looking, and awesome sounding game in three days and to top it all off it only uses one button. This is an amazing approach to the jam. Well done!

Took a couple of tries to get used to but I managed to do it in 51ish seconds in the end. It's amazing that you came up with something so original! I could definitely feel that with some fast reactions you could get to be really good at this and achieve some very quick times. Awesome work!

I used the same mechanic in my game! If you take a look at it you'll see that's about where the similarities end though lol. I love this approach to game making, taking something simple and elevating it with something new. The art is really nice, consistent style throughout and a cute character too. Very clear potential to be developed further with some more levels. Great job!

Very creative use of the theme! I love that you gave it some personality by creating a story out of it. 

Oh man this blew me away honestly. The mechanics are unique but I loved them, made the game much more interesting! The art and music is phenomenal, especially loved the trail and particle effects. Went back and played through it again and managed to do it in around 131, pretty happy with that but I know I can do better, great speedrun game!

This is an amazing use of the theme! Taking a few simple mechanics and elevating them with the varying gravity was a great decision. The animations traveling between planets were a very welcome surprise as well. Great job!

Awesome work, it's crazy that you managed to pack so much into it in 3 days! The visuals in particular are really great, nice touch with the slight warping on the camera.

Putting a burger together in zero gravity is super cool! Love the environment as well, very fun. Some bugs, but that's to be expected given the time frame. Great concept!

Thank you! Yeah I watched my housemate try level 8 for a long time, could do with some tweaking for sure.

This is unbelievable, I love how you did the menu - something I definitely want to try. 

Great work! It's a really good challenge!

Very cursed, but a lot of fun! Good job!

This seems like it would have taken a huge amount of work! Love the concept, well done!

Really great work! The tail movement is amazing!

Awesome work, I expected no less from you guys! The people fleeing in terror are amazing. Giant crab made me think of this:

Awesome game! So funny, with the sound effects, music and the characters. The ocean looks great too, I think we would have preferred something more stylised like this for our game. Well done to the whole team!

Hi! Thanks for playing our game :)

There's a lot more we wanted to get in before the deadline. I definitely should've focused on getting the core gameplay working properly before setting some of the other stuff up. To catch a fish you just need to click within short time after the bobber dips below the surface and you hear the sound effect. If a fish doesn't get added to your inventory, it's probably because I messed up somewhere. I know there are definitely a few that you can't catch in the version we released a few hours after the deadline, and in the version before the deadline the inventory is completely broken. It was a good learning experience though and I'll definitely revisit the idea some time soon.

I'll give your game a go right now :)