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A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Big fan of the added juice. The movement really helps sell it a lot.  I also totally get the vibe of the time constraint the number of bugs I learned about only after the time limit, it was too many haha!

I also think you have something here in being able to customize your own die. You could even have the dice you roll in the corner match the icons you as the player selected. Certainly lots of places to explore with this concept I think it definitely worth exploring if you have the time.

Absolutely stunning visuals.

But pretty generic gameplay. Card games are difficult to make each card feel unique. Working with the two mechanics you have health and defenses, putting both effects on a single card could help. Even adding one extra mechanic, some kind of mana could help a lot. Where the smaller number cards have cheaper mana costs, it would really make cards start to feel unique. After that you get into more time-intensive ideas, like designing unique mechanics for new cards, or unique visuals. 

Great work with the beautiful visuals though you certainly have that nailed. The cinematic black bars was a nice touch.

What I liked:
Very visually pleasing game! Loved the dice explosion, we had similar ideas in that regard :D

The controls felt quite nice to use, and the game felt very responsive.

What could be worked on:

Being able to tell which die value I'll roll onto next would be useful instead of trying to remember what a die looked like. Possibly like a WASD on the screen with the next dies value for each direction visualized. I think that would help a lot!

Conceptually I feel like the idea is pretty simple and personally feel it's overdone. Perhaps thinking of more ways to put a twist on the actual concept would be cool!

Creative concept, like really conceptually you have a really cool game.

Being able to control which abilities you have is very cool.

Animations are lacking, there is often times the AI will use an + ability at the same time as you use a - ability and it feels like rock paper scissors where you both pick rock. It's a little clunky and slows down the game. Being able to see how the enemy has built their deck would allow you as the player to construct a better strategy. You and the enemy should roll different dice though so you can't totally prevent the enemy from doing anything. Some abilities also feel overpowered or completely useless.  I feel like investigating the ability spread some more could make the game feel a little better to play.

Overall you have a really good conceptual prototype, next steps would be investigating how particle effects and animations could help give your game a little extra flair, and thinking about how balancing could make each decision a little more different.

omg!! Thank you so much for recording yourself playing! What a great insight into how someone who hasn't seen the game before would react. We definitely have some issues with not explaining the game very well at all, so something to work on! Again thank you so much for the video!

Already sounds like you got some great ideas for more player feedback. Honestly the no text challenge works it gives your game really good feel. I think numbers should be the exception ;) :D

Really clever, really cute. Great game and great work!

The controls and the shooting felt great, art style was super cute. But was confused even reading all the instructions on how I was supposed to achieve my goal. I didn't know I needed to let the dice slow down. To be honest, shooting was just too much fun I never wanted to stop, even after realizing the dice needed to come to a stop.

The cool art style, great voice acting! But the gameplay was just totally confusing, even after reading your games page. My pinball is connected to my life somehow, and I'm dealing damage with my high scores sometimes. The game was really pretty but the visual feedback for how my pinball actions were affecting the battle was sorely missed. During the attack sections, some on-hit particle effects as my score increases would be nice to see. I could never tell what the dodge or chance sections did. But just think of more ways you can surface that information to the player. Interesting concept!

Super pretty game, there is no doubt about that. I'd love to see the health bars swing up and back down in between battles, to give that extra feel that they are on strings. 

It also wasn't super clear inside the game that the other dice added to my ability. It looks like you tried to do that with the different colours and the dice flying up. I think you could make this even more clear by having the dice be thrown at the enemy for damage or at self for shield and health. Or possibly the animation is the dice combining in the value for the damage you'll deal.

The combat feels like it goes on a bit too long, almost like every opponent is a boss. I also wasn't sure if my shield was supposed to go away and his to stay between rounds. Finally, I feel like just surfacing the health information number and damage number to the player would be super useful for strategizing. 

Overall though I really liked it, the art style continues to blow me away. Really unique concept for a game!

The game could totally be helped by adding some difficulty modes for sure! Thanks for the feedback! :D


Thank you for the feedback! I think some visual indicators for like player abilities would help to quickly at a glance know what you got switched too. We also played around with the idea of making slightly different additions to the character model. Like a wizards hat or something that might help with that as well.

We took shifts of 3 hour naps only. haha just kidding, really just had a ton of help from my team and cut any features to keep it in scope and get it done on time.

Hey, the other 3D6 project :D I think you called us out on something that would be difficult to notice ourselves. We originally were going to have a countdown timer for the hand and thought it would be more chaotic without it. I think in the end we made the wrong choice. A minimap feature or some enemy approaching arrows was a feature that bounced around in my head for sure. You also nailed the feedback on the melee weapons, we wanted them to feel different but they almost feel determental. Thanks a ton for some really useful feedback!

Thank you! I got lucky my partners were feature-first focused, because oh boy do I love to polish something till it shines even if it does nothing... haha

nooo! someone pointed it out ;~; well it's a time crunch you gotta cut something :3

Thanks for appreciating those hands ;)

Thanks for the feedback! Love to know what to work on and make better next time! Making games feel truly juicy is still something I'm working on!

oh my goodness. With this concept, I did not expect to be both very into and very frustrated by your game. The controls seem intentionally clumsy in a way where I feel like I have to be careful with every press of my key. It's skillful incompetence and it's very fun. Though I'm sure I'd never play any other jam game here if I tried to beat it. Great work!

Really, really neat concept! The combat could use some work. But the different dice sides being unique biomes to fight in, is super sweet! I love the world spin and change animation. It would be very interesting to see a version where the enemies change per side. There are certainly lots of opportunities for good stuff with such a creative idea!

We knew we wanted a chaotic ability spread and tight controls. Had to change from platformer to arena shooter because random platforming abilities felt clunky. Thanks for taking the time to comment! :D

Really cute game! With some clever solutions to puzzles. Definitely made me go "Aha", which is what you want!

I could see fighting all the different casino game pieces! Fun idea.