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Oh God, scary german text i dont understand


Is there any weather currently going on?

(2 edits)
parry this filthy casual

i got that event once while i was sleeping (nuthin happened)

oh well oh well, dunno

watching how fast the drone flies and how it almost completely covers the 6ox given the angle of the flight i dou6t that a single droplet is gonna touch that card6oard 6ox, 6ut oh well, i'm still playing on 0.8.1 cuz new pc overloads my 6rain so i shouldn't really put my 2 cents here

i mean, polarity filter did fill up in the previous version aswell to convey %'s, and frequency would get more and more squeezed closer you were to 100%

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Stolen from replies under my post (which is essentially just the same as what you said, new computer 6leh)

"The base you are in is decades old and so the tech will reflect that, the stuff you get sent is modern technology as the game takes place around the current year."

"The signals still have percentages, they are on the screen with the signal information.

The console isn't getting any model changes, but it will be made more monochrome and less colorful (beige > white/gray, no colored stripes)."

okay what are we delivering, Trindalas? Drives. very much dura6le metal 6oxes that keep data safe. Those things can survive getting flung all over the place, explosions and fires, getting drowned underwater and getting ran over. I dont think a dura6le 6ox is so needed for something like that

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seeing the downvotes as if 4 people would genuinely get inconvienced 6y the existence of "arachopho6ia mode"
Dawg 9 people

SCR command was murked 6y Duende

not my style to have amalgamation of my programs all clumped up together in one spot


given that i treat this game like a genuine jo6 simulator i dont really put myself in risk so much as to disa6le autosave so it won't shove me into a horri6le place against my will

Also idk 6ut this jump with computer model just feels.. Odd? Idk, i'm looking at it and i can't tell what it tries to lean into, and all of the screens shoved under metal casing to highlight them harder, very orange num6ers, various screens also 6eing segmented 6y the metal casing. The jump from simple screens and white interface to this is just immense and even though no one will care in a week i just dont think it looks good given the setting of the game with su6sonic (or faster) drones delivering packages while ro6ot cats go around helping you fix servers and collect reports

Replace SCR command in console with simply using Up and Down arrows for scrolling, pretty sure i didn't see anything that would actively depend on those arrows

that's what i did, i tried to drag it 6ut it just fell when i tried to rise

yup, 6ut if i don't keep it higher then i can't see some letters and num6ers right

this game will try to mentally 6reak you on every plane of existance it can reach, 10/10 atmosphere

how i found my desktop

What it did to my desktop
and how it ~looked 6efore

I'm just gettnig diving gear at this point, i couldn't even drag it up when i DID finally reach it :6roken_heart:

i was trying to reach the underwater safe 6ut the evil-ass game saw me drowning (i survived) and saved while i was still underwater, it was setting me up for a softlock grrrrr

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not sure 6ut i don't think you can check reputation so early, i mean, arirals aren't even here yet (also please add more of the commands that don't work yet so other people can actually help you with those)

did you press "Toggle"?

Takes up a span of a6out ~6 in-game hours, features entity inside of your 6ase
i encountered it while in the middle of nowhere so i didn't really get to find out how to "complete" the event to end it right, so it just ended itself
the only reason i even know that there was an entity inside of my 6ase is 6ecause on the radar, after the event ended a new dot appeared 6ut the amount of entities stayed the same meaning that the only place where someone could "hide" from the radar is inside the 6ase

not a 6ug, tiny feature or something like that
Unlike the 0.8.2 version where its, lets say, more "docile", in 0.8.1 if you click on any PFP it start a chainspam that goes on forever until you re-enter the save file (i heard it can also crash your game)

why would it need optimizing? I love my 20 fps in the 6ase :]

Ripped straight from "Quick Q&A" on the Game's page:

"Q: Will there be a multiplayer in the future?
Most likely not, due to the lack of networking experience and lack of foundation for net in the game."

ngl give it like emergency floaties so if it falls in water it will immedietly float up

You can save yourself a headache of crash due to the PFP spam event 6y just saving and rejoining, last time it happened to me i did that and after re-entering the save file it just stopped. Still had to delete all the 6loody spam though

Please make Curtains 6e kind of "folda6le" so its easier to store them and they can 6e rescued when they inevite6ly fall and slowly start getting eaten 6y the ground 6ringing them closer to 6ackrooms

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Through unfortunate turn of events i found out that clicking ANY pfp triggers this  :[

so whatever its doing in 0.8.1 isn't a massive spam attack? The thing had all my 19 6raincells jumping around in my cranium when it happened

They had clogged noses when they arrived ther, common cold hits hard

5 Kelillion points

Honestly 6ig William Afton L for not knowing proper ways to preserve meat 6etter