At first I almost gave up, but then I understood how the game worked and couldn't stop playing until I beat it.
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I apologize for not having explained it more clearly: the version available here on is very outdated. Only a small group of testers had access to new versions since then.
About the defense towers: they are kinda underpowered because I wanted to favor an aggressive playstyle. They are useful, but you shouldn't rely just on them for defending your base.
About the AI: I'm aware the AI isn't strong enough to beat a high level player, but it is good enough to provide some challenge. Also, I suggest to not take the AI as a parameter for balance. For example, early versions of the game had some serious balance issues that went completely unnoticed until I started playing multiplayer against some friends.
I'm open to keep polishing the balance based on feedback from multiplayer matches.
"Besides, the mouse wasn't very accurate. I had to click like near a centimeter away from the target to get it right."
This is news to me. Can you provide a screenshot or/and steps on how to reproduce?
I implemented WSAD controls as a toggleable option.
Just to be sure: You know you can move the camera with the middle mouse button, right?
You played the "Challenge 2" of the first campaign. I just tested it and it is working (maybe an old bug I already fixed).
About the mountains, it was a design decision to make it block all land units (in earlier versions infantry could move on it just like in AW).
Forest slowing down units - implemented.
Buildings do give good defense bonus to units, it just isn't shown when hovering the mouse over it... something to consider, thanks for pointing.
Game not ending due an stealth AI unit: possible, it happened to me once. It's easy to check by using cheat codes (currently only my special dev build allows cheats). You can reveal an enemy stealth unit by moving an unit over it.
Yes, in C&C games the radar is necessary to show the minimap. I consider this an obsolete game mechanic. I once thought about a radar sweep ability, but it was scraped and ended being just a tech building.
1)No problem, but any particular reason?
2)Implemented. Just hover the mouse over the button for a few momments.
4)Implemented. There is Easy, Medium, Hard and Cheater difficulty levels for skirmish games (AI at campaign mode always behaves at Hard difficulty).
5)A delete button is now available at the load game menu.
6)Initially it was planned to implement different movement types for vehicles like in AW, but the idea was scraped. Further changes that alter the game mechanics would break most of the existing maps.
7)The building isn't damaged until the unit above it is destroyed. The only exception is for units that causes splash damage (the center tile takes a fraction of the damage just like the 4 tiles around surrounding it).
8)Will consider. The only inconvenience is that "A" coincides with the shortcut for (A)ttack.
10)I understand your point, but such large scale changes are kind of impracticable at this point as I'm planning the launch date (this game have been in development for more than 4 years). Of course, nothing prevents me from adding more features on future.
Thanks again.
Hello Patrick.
Do you play strategy games?
I'm working on a turn-based strategy called Eternal Warfare. It was inspired by Advance Wars series, including stuff like base building, resource extraction and tech tree.
There is single player campaign mode and local/online multiplayer.
Hello there, my game is called Eternal Warfare. It is a turn-based strategy game inspired by Advance Wars series, including stuff like base building, resource extraction and tech tree.
It features single player campaign and local/online multiplayer up to 8 players.
Hello AgentXMan.
I'm working on a turn-based strategy game called Eternal Warfare. It was inspired by Advance Wars series, including stuff like base building, resource extraction and tech tree.
There is single player campaign mode and local/online multiplayer.
Hello there, my game is called Eternal Warfare. It is a turn-based strategy game inspired by Advance Wars series, including stuff like base building, resource extraction and tech tree.
You can play it both multiplayer or single player campaign.
Nice game. At first I was not very excited, but it gradually got more engaging. The atmosphere of the game managed to make me apprehensive. Near the end I was already thinking that there would be some jumpscare.
Good job guys!
Note: the game crashed after the "5 minute waiting", but worked correctly after reloading.
Since my router does not seem to allow port forwarding I use a program called radmin vpn to get around this problem. I have used it with many other games and it works perfectly.
When my friend connects nothing appears to happen at the game itself, but I see at the LOVE console "player 1has connected".
I also tried opening a second instance to connect to my own server. Using crashes the game. Using the local network ip puts me in a empty level with 2 players and no walls.