Thank you! Love the work!
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This is really cute. I liked the whimsy the music gave the entire time and the portraits and images do give a really cute atmosphere.
Some of the tilesets are a little mismatched with modern boards and cones being in a fantasy world, but those are minor little details to get into.
There's a couple of mapping errors with being able to walk through things. I thought it might be a magic secret at first, but probably just some doodad errors.
All in all, any more development to this game would help with an already solid project!
There's a lot of good ideas brewing here and it shows the foundations of a good game. You started with a pretty big world and every so often, I would hit a soft lock that would throw me back a few steps. With some more polish and dedication, you've got a good game to show here!
Right now it's rough, but you've made some good strides on making content where I know where to go, what to do, but there's a few odd choices. The biggest being having 'shift' be the decoration button. My RPG Maker brain just auto goes to 'shift = run' and I kept hitting it. Part of that is on me, but I don't think I would be alone in that mistake, so binding to another key might be a lot of helpful, like 'alt'.
There's a lot of work to be done and polish to be applied, but the foundation is good!
Really cute!
It took a little time on the second level to get a firm grip on the lag between the movement and the step off, but once I got familiar, the game really flowed for me.
The music is really nice to listen to while getting through the puzzles.
I think this game has a lot of promise and potential to shine as an indy puzzle game or a mini game in a larger game.
The use of pictures also made for a more engaging play through too!
The game is in really rough draft mode right now. The first act success/failure is mostly just resource management as the mystery goes into the second and third act where success and failure become more impactful, but I'm still trying to implement the system in the most streamlined way.
I may need to go back to the built in dialogue system rather than using the show image route I'm trying
Thank you! The easy part of putting it together was just the fact it was one giant map, but some combat hints like enemy health would definitely be more helpful!
How well did you figure out how to use the cards through clicking or using buttons? Did you like the equipment switching for different cards aspect?
Thanks for giving it a play! The other two Calamity of Camille and the Star Valkyrie Rising are both first attempts for development.
Valkyrie Star: Cacophony Choir is the starting point followed by Winter Wonderland. Eventually the entire game will be combined into a single game!
Let me know what you think of the game! The end is still not complete since the jam hasn't technically ended, but all three puzzles are complete! I plan on going back on the first two games and redoing the puzzles since they began as crossword puzzles and I want to convert them to logic puzzles- and, I've got updated character art to add to them.
The music was great. I liked the interaction and the story was quaint and perfectly cute.
The early combat was a little tedious- and I found myself just escaping most of the fights in the Northern Forest.
The sliding floor puzzle was very well implemented, but there is a slight skip on the frame moving from tile to tile. It could just be a browser lag issue though. I found out the puzzle with a little bit of Googling 'number of vices' (although the number of vices can easily be 4, 7, or 8 depending on who you ask.
I liked the character and am interested in finding out more about their lore and the world they live in.
Thanks for giving it a play! I posted an update with a few hot fixes for some problems that popped up. If you download that, you should be able to copy over your save and pick up right there- it most likely will fix the problem with the blue dungeon!
I'm still trying to get the UI on the plug-in just right, and it isn't there just yet, but I think the newest version is moving in the right direction.