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A member registered May 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the notes! 

• Indefinite jump - I will say I had this happen a couple times, but it wasn’t consistent enough to try and figure out. I turned off the friction if the character is colliding with a wall bc it kept getting stuck with any friction. That’s super weird gravity isn’t bringing it back down though.

• Slipperiness - I had a hard time adjusting the physics because it would slow down a ton on my computer, then get slippy-slidey on my phone. It’s not a very intensive game so idk what that’s about but oh well. 

• Round end UI - whoops! Thought I put all those back lol.

• Hanging on to wall during jump - weird. I’ll check if “grab ledges” is turned on at all.

• Coyote time - I hadn’t even thought about coyote time, but that’s a great idea!


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Thanks! Do you mean faster paced in the pre-round, where you’re waiting for the characters to walk in a circle, during the actual gameplay, or just in general? 

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Thanks a lot!! It was a lot of fun to make and see come together :)

Thanks for the feedback - glad you had fun! We had talked about adding a “Go!” or “3,2,1” to the game but simply ran out of time to make it a priority. Sorry the mechanics weren’t super clear for you! Outside of the when to run part, was there anything specific tripping you up?

Cool game! This is a cool idea. And the art is great! I know you said it's still kind of a demo right now - the only thing I noticed to suggest was that the opponent is able to draw their own cards from the deck. I noticed they weren't collecting anymore to fill their hand and I could do it for them. 

I feel like I had missed something after reading the other comments. I did notice the three people stuck together, I just ran through while continuously shooting. I did not realize there was a shield. I do like the style though, and I like the idea now that I know what's going on.

Thanks for playing, and for the feedback! The dishcloth was *supposed* to be toast, hence the toaster, but that’s on me for not making the art more clear. I know it needs some work anyway. 

I’m glad the overall theme made sense though. I definitely want to work on it more after the jam!

I like the idea, and the art is cute! I do wish there was a little more explanation on how you win or lose. I did get that each element has its opponent, like rock-paper-scissors. I just wasn't quite sure how much damage I could take, or if I had to take over a certain amount of the board or what to win. 

Thank you! You're not the only person trying to open things, lol. I think it will be a nice mechanic to add when I work more on it after the jam. Also, that game you linked - I just played it and I'm crying a little. Wow. I will be playing that way too many times over. 

What even. This is too much. Thank you. I am crying.

Thank you for taking time to give feedback! Those are all really good suggestions. I had considered adding some extra moving parts (cupboards, drawers, etc) but I didn’t even get done with the static drawings much less😅 

There is hover on the next button (changes from orange to yellow), but I hadn’t considered the other buttons. Another commenter suggested being able to flip between flashlight buttons with keys, and a highlight would be really important in that case. 

I agree on the needing to click next so many times, but I couldn’t figure out how to get one piece of text to start typing after the other text in my engine. While there is *technically* a function for it, it just didn’t work when I tried. Something to play with later though. I’m sure the feel will also be affected when I add in the voicing. My friend who agreed to voice the therapist couldn’t get me the files until a couple hours after submission (cause I misread the deadline and put him on the spot), so it just had to be cut.

I did know the button clicks at least need some audible feedback, but I like the idea for each object having its own unique sound. I think it would be cool to have them tween to the list instead of just deleting too. Also changing the bar at the bottom to an actual paper list.

And yes, the art did😂 I had to do some serious critical thinking to get the perspective in the kitchen to any make sense. 

Anyway….lots of cool ideas to play around with in my further development. Hopefully by the end it’ll have like 15 levels instead of 1. But I’m glad to see that even at this rudimentary level people are getting something out of it.

That’s really helpful actually, thank you

At least what I noticed playing: I believe you get a point if you are both allies, or you betray them (maybe two points if you betray them, but they'll catch on if you do it too many times). You lose a point if they betray you. You get no points if you both betray each other.

There is a tutorial menu on the start screen that explains how the characters make a decision on whether to ally or betray, and when you get to each character it states their individual ideals above them. You have to either make a judgment call based on this information or use your chips to persuade them.

You must earn a certain amount of points to beat each threshold (like every 3 to 5 levels they up the ante). If you don't have enough points, game over.

VeryLukley, please let me know if I understood that all correctly?

I played one round, having not read any of your tutorial information not quite understanding what to do. Then I tried again, actually reading what you wrote (lol) and had a lot of fun. I made it to level 18 or 19. I think the sound effects and jokes are all cute. Overall neat game! 

I’m glad the mood is coming across, thanks for playing! Hint: check the fridge and the sink

Thanks for the feedback. A detective game would be interesting! You have my blessing if you want to explore that, lol. And noted on the color swapping - I hadn't thought about switching via keyboard. That's a good idea. 

I really like this game! Well done! I made it to day six before I had to get off. This is a game I want to just have around for rainy days. Polish is great, music and sound effects fit perfectly. I don't have any comments. It's just lovely.

Haha, thanks for trying it! Definitely a lot of polishing and gameplay balance to be done after the jam, but I’m glad you liked it!

Yeah, I didn’t have time to make one either lol. Absolutely!

Great game! The colors, music, all of it. I spent the first playthrough just reading the answers (obviously not good for Katie's cash). Very funny.

I enjoyed playing this a lot. Great game! It took me a few tries to realize "don't scream at the police!"

This is so good. Thank you.

This is lovley

This is hilarious. More difficult than expected, but I liked it. 

Thank you so much!

Neat game!

This is so well done. I played for at least 15 minutes. Slow and steady was my strategy for sure

This was cool. The description felt pretty impactful. Fun game!

Thanks! A leaderboard was definitley on my to do list, but I ran out of time. 

Thank you!

@WrongWayGames is right, unhinged! Love it!

I've opened so many tabs for games to tackle tomorrow! I looked at the "games in need of rating" section, and it looks like there are around 60 lacking a rating right now. Very glad there are 7 days total to do the rating.

Nice! Thank you! They do admittedly take a little practice to get the hang of. 

Adorable game! And really fun!

Okay, cool! I'll have to check back in on it then!

Awesome! Thanks!

I understand! My game also lacks a tutorial, haha. I ended up writing out the mechanics in the description, upon someone's suggestion.

I would download this game outside of the jam and play the heck out of this game. My only criticism is that it feels like things are a little too close together in level 3 - I tried multiple times and couldn't get past it. I think if there was a bit more easing into the challenge, it would be perfect.