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A member registered May 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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The aesthetic, graphical design and comic look? Absolutely amazing, visually this is a genuine treat to play. Good variety in the people dotted about, the environment is interesting with has a solid memorable layout and the UI clearly had a lot of love poured into it; also, the dot-printing shader really complements the overall feel. Frankly it’s a shame I can only give a max of 5 stars for presentation. 🤩👌

The mechanic is pretty simple, navigating the world to collect the pizzas, largely made difficult by the car’s handling being very physics-driven. My first run I only just managed to keep going from a near-empty time bar and 4 pizzas, clawing back and getting to 8 off lucky spawns, only to get the car stuck on geometry… 😂 Had fun though, which is the main thing. 😎

I’d only say the car is a little too slow, hard to handle and physics-y for my taste, but outside of that an impressive achievement, particularly for the 48h timeframe. Great work. 🍕🚗

Amazing little game, love the core mechanics - even if it took me a while to get to grips with timing my moves, specially on Lv.5 - and the variety of platform types in later levels; could definitely see this being expanded upon with other types of platform, additional “player” movement mechanics and perhaps other dynamic obstacles like enemies or deadly lasers you could block with platforms.

The cute pixel aesthetic really suits the game and I particularly like the little arm flapping animation when jumping/falling. 😁

My only real complaint would be that platforms could easily be controllable by click-drag or tap-drag, instead of requiring WS/AD/QE to move them, which would also make this work very well as a mobile game; overall though, fantastic work for a 48h jam. ◀️▶️🧑‍🚀

Sidenote; excessively professional look to the main page image, gotta be honest, wondering if one of the artists was dedicated purely to that - love it! ✌️😋💖

Looks like a lot of effort went into this, shame about the softlock but I can at least give honest feedback about the first part!

The sprites are well made and aesthetically pleasing, the level design is interesting and fun - I particularly liked that the “reversal” included literally traversing the first level backward as the other character, was hoping that might be a recurring thing later! - and although I have to say that M is definitely an odd choice for the attack button imo, it was suitably challenging to actually defeat enemies and time movement with attacking, when combat was necessary to continue.

Very well done in spite of the softlock bug, would love to see this get updated at some point in the future to fix and see how it ends! Saving it for later. 😎👍

One of my favourites so far and an amusingly literal interpretation of the theme! 🧙🕰️

Great short puzzle game with a cool core concept and a fun aesthetic, clever use of the time-reversal in conjunction with objects that are only physical when either controlling or not controlling a bot; made one of the later levels an interesting solve for sure, and the level with the platform give me a fun “Ohhh, that’s clever…” moment. Fantastic work for a 48h jam! 😊🪄✨

Well-designed graphics and introductions for each different shape type, indicated the varying mechanics very well. Enjoyed the “story” beats between levels as well, fun little addition to an already great little physics puzzler!

Biggest issue was in “Test No. 8” where, if the ball gets stuck in a corner, it’s very difficult to get it back to the arena again - maybe could be solved with a gravity-box bordering the whole level to shunt it back to the middle - but being able to reset the level was workaround enough to make it to the end. 😄👍

Awesome work for a 48h jam, easily one of my favourites so far! 🐍🔫🍎💖🍎

Starting as a more helpless form that needs to reach the gun first is a great two-stage mechanic, and with the throwable apples it has a fantastic stealth-game style that almost immediately becomes a really cool “My turn… 😈” moment. Having the two types of snake with different weaknesses makes it a lot more dynamic too, plus the touch of them getting longer like the classic Snake was neat to realise.

Sprites are very aesthetically cool, love the soundtrack and the retro sounds fit the vibe well. The boss fight was a really pleasant surprise as well, simple but effective way to end; also liked that the “Apples Saved” message at the end does challenge you to play again in a sort of hardmode, very simple addition but a nice touch!

Only issue I noticed is the snakes getting stuck on each other if they pile up in a corner, but you can use that to your advantage, so no complaints really. 😎👌

Bossfight at the end was a nice surprise, had a lot of fun. Great work for a 48h jam game. 🐍🔫🍎

Short, but oddly relaxing and very enjoyable! Having the nest both be the thing you elevate the bird with and use to remove obstacles introduces a fun risk-reward element to a solid combination of bullet-hell and pseudo Classic Helicopter Game styles of mechanics.

Could see this getting pretty hectic with more levels, or possibly a procedural survive-as-long-as-you-can mode.

Sidenote; took a while to realise the sun was the level progress indicator, but that’s a nice touch. 😎☀️

I love and must protec the friend 🐦💖

Conceptually interesting, good use of randomisation to keep levels interesting, my biggest complaint would be that the ball should move faster once it starts, or you should be able to continue placing/removing blocks during that time as well - otherwise, great idea of a little sequence-matcher. 😊👍

Fun concept, but I’m a wuss and don’t want to be mean to imaginary people that don’t deserve my wrath 😂

Amazing little game, love the core mechanics (even if it took me a while to get to grips with timing my moves, specially on Lv.5) and the cute pixel aesthetic - specially Bob’s little arm flapping when jumping/falling 😁 Great work for a 48h jam!

Very true and yep, the intention was to add hit points and projectiles from the dice, amongst other things - but hey, jam time constraints! Thanks for the feedback! 😄

Genuinely funny writing, great artstyle and concept - also really like the character sheet introduction, has a cool aesthetic and the personalisation touches are fun extras. Overall a great start, would love to see more of this! 😄

Creative interpretation of the theme, clean appearance, fun levels and mechanics that are interesting yet easy to understand. My only suggestion would be ability to have minor control over the rolls, based on something like the speed you hit the dice or possibly actual physics - but as-is, it’s still great fun. 😄

Love the concept of this game, solid shooter and interesting use of the dice - my only mechanical criticism would be that when the dice collide with each other they seem to get stuck bouncing off one another and are difficult to recover, but hey, jam game. High points for creativity. 😄

Forgiving the “technicality” of meeting the Roll of the Dice theme with the rolling and the dicing up ingredients, nice pun work, love it - altogether a very fun little puzzle game, the orientation mechanic makes it surprisingly challenging and creative honestly! 😄

(1 edit)

Wow this game is really great and stuff and I sure hope we- I mean they get a playable build finished, published and submitted soon 👀💦