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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you a lot for playing. I'm happy with what I got done for a first jam so enemy types being mentioned in comment is always great to hear. No worries that's fair. I knew going in that it wasn't going to be a too original to start with. 

I just replayed through it just to see. Yes it was the last jump. If that what you intended that is fair enough. I think I just had harder time trying to get it the first time around I guess. With know how high my jumps were an all, but didn't have nearly as much bother there now.

Really beautiful game. Took me a minute to understand what I was doing, but found myself curious as I went on. Love the idea. It was lovely experience to play. Great job and well done on first jam for GWJ. Love the art style.

Thank you very much. Just reading this at work and has put big smile on my face. Good start to the day :)

Appreciate the comment and happy you like the name and enemies. I thought the name was cool. Hoping more these ill do ill have better management of time and have more time like you say to polish things better. It was a bit of mess the last day or two haha 

Got 130 moves on my first attempt.  Real cool concept using chess. I found the last part of the the final level to be bit unclear that I could do certain things. But other than I  enjoyed playing it.  Would be cool to see this expanded upon more.

Cool little platformer. Liked the concept of being vampire and avoiding the spot light. Music is a pure bop. I found the jumping little hard to get the right height but other than that. Great work :) 

Cool concept. I thought having the tablet as something you can pull up and look at was really cool. I always like seeing things like that in games. Loved all the art in the game really great looking and fits the idea of being in mansion. I did find myself wondering why I couldn't walk across the carpet till realizing it was part of the wall. I don't know if that just me being dumb or not hahaha.

Really fun idea. The idea of the light blocking paths as well as creating them didn't come to mind until I went to go back the way I came and found it blocked. Gave me a real ohhhh moment. Loved the idea and the tutorial part made what's going on clear. (even if I didn't internalize my path being blocked haha) Like the colours you used and I like your little guy you play as. Would love to see more mechanics with the light and more levels.

Thanks for very much. I'm happy you liked the enemies variety as that what I found most fun making. Next time around I'll put focus on having some sound and visual feedback. Appreciate you giving it a go and making time to comment. Thanks.

I appreciate you giving it a go and glad that you liked the variety of enemies. Yes, totally agree by the last day or two getting the game to be in played state took more priority than the theme. I could have put less time into the enemies and more into visuals and sounds maybe. But glad to have got something out for my first jam. Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep what you said in mind for the next time.

Thank you for playing. That alone means so much. Yes I do get what you mean with it needing to be faster. I'll keep that in mind as well as visual hit feedback. I did plan to do a lot more, but that never came up so I'll remember that going forward. Appreciate the feedback boss.

Really amazing and very much enjoyed it. Loved the look of it in that black and white sorta look it has. Don't know how to describe it. Found it fun to throw around the orbs and how it snaps it to spot. Could see this being a full game. Loved it great job. Amazing.

Good bit of fun to play through. Favourite part was holding right in the pacifist mode and trying to dodge and weave by everything. Boss as well as the background is amazing to look at. Awesome work!

Always love seeing the light creating shadows like that in game. Great use of it and great work. Great to see :)

After seeing this game shown off in the video. I had to come straight here to try it. The art and the idea is so cute. Absolutely loved it. Great work!