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A member registered Jan 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Not yet, but I'll continue working on the game when I get a little bit more time to do it! Then, I'll make it available in most of the platforms!

Thanks! I appreciate it!


The "reset" command was meant to reload the level for the player to check again ^-^

(1 edit)

Thank you for the amazing feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the game! The reset button is unfortunately glitched, and I only found out after the deadline, so I couldn't fix it... The rest really are things that I should work on, thank you for pointing them out! Again, thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

Thanks! Yeah, so... I'm sorry to hear that... The reset command is glitched, I only found out about it after the deadline... You should be able to move after the cutscene. Try moving the max amount to the right. Then, have fun!

Thank you! I appreciate your feedback, and I'm glad you liked the game!

Thanks for the amazing feedback! I'll look into making counting moves less frustrating for players... The theme is not really that transparent through he gameplay, but it is basically two sides: one where you can move, but can't see, and one where you can see, but can't move. Not that well implemented, but was what I could come up with...

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it even so!

Thanks! I've already rated yours!

That's sad... I don't know what could be causing it... Well, thanks for trying anyway!

Yeah, certainly!

The game concept is pretty interesting, and the pixel art is cute. The music, is, as you said, trash (no harsh feelings). You could try learning about scales and harmony! 

Overall, solid entry! Great job!

This is a solid little game! It was a bit frustrating, but I dont have anything else to add. Great job!

I really like the concept of having the two sides of the coin, but the flipping mechanic only makes the game a tile based "get the key, go to the door" kind of game, and just makes it have a input in between horizontal movement and vertical movement. The concept is fun, but it wasn't that well executed...

The visuals are great, though! Great job on that!

The game concept and idea are well impemented. I didn't like the movement, but it was part of the concept, so I'll let it slide (got the pun?). For a first game jam, great job! I wish the background tileset was a bit darker, so it makes the scene stick out. As it is now, it can be a bit too much on the eyes. Overall, good job!

(1 edit)

The music is REALLY good, great job on that! The game concept is interesting, and well applied, but I wish I could know beforehand what switching views will show me, as I don't have any control over that. The animations are really well done, and the simple aesthetic adds to it. I am just a little bit held back by the "Press Z" text, as its font does not blend well with the game and does not scale well.

Overall, amazing job! I'd be glad if you could try out my game, too!

Thanks! I appreciate it!

(1 edit)

This concept is interesting, to say the least, but it is really hard to think about what the player could think and implement it. I couldn't progress past the tutorial key because none of the lighting methods that I tried worked. The eyes on the title screen were not that well handled. They could be easily overlapped if the mouse hovers over the face of the character. The ideia is incredible, but it is really hard to execute it. Good job on making the game, though!

I'd be glad if you could try out my game, too!

(1 edit)

The game concept is really interesting. I think that with a litlle more polish, this can become a great game! The music is a bit repetitive, and you could definetely add more instruments to it to make it a bit more interesting and less tiring! The SFX are great, though. Good job on that!
The level design is a little bland, but it is hard to think of some way to explore this mechanic to its fullest, so I understand. I'm glad that the collisions were well handled, so I didn't clip on the walls every time I switch sides!
The visuals are basic, so they do their job. I think the menus deserve some work, though, as they don't fit that much with the game. 

Overall, I see great potential with this game. If you continue work on this project, I'd be glad to play the final version! Excelent job!

I'd be glad if you could try out my game, too!

I think the game difficulty overall was not really that balanced. You can complete all the levels without even moving the sun,  and the frenzy looks like it's stuck in the same level. You can go up to infinite points without even trying, as there is a clear path to the left where the moon can go through. The music is a bit repetitive, as well. It is a good concept, but needs to be fleshed out a bit more. Good job on finishing it, though!

I'd be glad if you could try out my game as well!

Thanks, I very much appreciate it!

Thanks for playing and rating the game! There are two sides as there is one side of gameplay that is focused on looking at the stage and remembering it, and the other one that is focused on giving the commands, and they're separate from each other! You could also interpret it as the side of the one cube, that is on the dark side, and the side of the player/command giver, who's at a control room of sorts.

Thanks for the feedback, also, I really appreciate it!

The tutorial doesnt teach you that well, I noticed... You're supposed to tell the player to walk right until reaching the next screen. I could've clarified it a bit more... The music was completely made by me, and most of the sfx also. I grabbed some out of royalty free websites, but most of them were made by me. Thanks for playing the game and letting me know the struggle, and thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!

Thabks for the lovely review, I really appreciate it! It is really sad that the reset glitches the game, but I only found out about it after the deadline, so I couldn't fix it ;-;.

Thanks for the feedback! I thought about giving some sort of clue to counting, but didn't think of colors. It's a great idea, I think I'll implement it! I'm glad you liked the concept, thanks again for the feedback, I appreciate it very much!

Thanks! Glad you liked it!

Thanks! I noticed that after submitting, but only after the deadline, so I couldn't fix it. Thanks for letting me know, though, I really appreciate it!

(1 edit)

There is a C missing on the title screen controls tutorial ("spae")... The concept is interesting and the gameplay tighyt and dynamic, I liked it! the timer and the spikes hitboxes are a bit punishing, though, and there are times that the jump doesn't register, probably because of registering the jump only on the ground. It's a bit frustrating, but I felt nice when I completed it. Excellent job!

Yeah, so, the narrative and backstory are lovely, and I like the atmosphere of the game. The music really adds to it. As for the gameplay, the collisions are a little bit fiddly, and the circular hitbox doesn't go well with the precision platformer and fast movement of the caracter. The visuals are very pretty, but are a bit desynchronized with the gameplay. The walk/run cycle doesn't really work out with the speed of the player character, for example. The concept of the game is interesting, though. If you continue to work on it, I would love to see the result. Fantastic job!

I'd like if you check out my game, too, if you can!

(1 edit)

It's a cute little puzzle/memory game about a little cube in the dark. Please play it and rate it, I'm really proud of it! Thanks!
Here you go! I'll gladly play and rate yours as well!

Thank you for the message, I appreciate it, and I'm really glad you liked it!

Thanks! I found out it is not very easy to start at it, but decided to leave it at that as I didn't have time to remake the tutorial all over. Thank you for the feedback, though, I really appreciate it!

Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it! I think you have a good point, thanks for letting me know!

Thank you for the message! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it!

The funny name got me to get here to give it a look. It's an interesting concept, but I think that the collisions and movement are not really that well handled. Besides that, it's a really interesting game! I think that most of my frustration came to the collisions, and tile-based movement would have solved it completely. It would be greatly appreciated if it had a win screen when you save all of the fifteen people... Anyway, great job!

Thank you for playing the game! I was going for exactly that feel of fighting games, glad that you felt that way! I wanted to apply more difference to the mages, but the time constraint really hit me like a truck. I'll implement more unique skills to each one as soon as I continue working on the game! 

Thanks for playing and rating the game, I really appreciate the feedback!