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A member registered Mar 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

So, I almost finished my game. 
Tested with stage view, everything was working. 
Now time to update to live environment. 
API key in Lootlocker SDK updated with live key-> Checked
For liveKey guest sessions enabled -> Checked
For live env created a new leaderboard and updated leader ID everywhere with live leaderboardID -> Checked

Expectation : Similar to stage view work. 
Actual : 

Could not start session

UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)

Server Response: POST v2/session/guest completed in 0.3333 secs.

Response: {

    "success": false,

    "error": "Game not found",

    "error_id": "NjNhMGMyZDY0Yzc2NA"


Information available online to debug this none. 

Well fault lies with me as well. Could've just used something else. 
But still feels terribly bad. To work in a new kind of project only to be screwed by something you're not used to. GG

I so much know that feeling xD

Good work mate. 
This was fun. 
I can't wait to try the full version of your project.

Thanks !!
Really appreciate it. 

You know red ones are like that only xD
I ran out of time to find some assets. But they're like super ghosts who will chase you out of nowhere

Great project. 
It's been a while since I played a decent tower defense game. 
I would love to see this one expand

Yay this was quite fun. 
Great job.

Yep I got that feedback.
Next time onwards a tutorial scene it is. 

Yeah number on the top right was health. --> Need better representations for health 

That red guy thing sounds weird though. 
It is not supposed to instantly come towards you. 
Like it is supposed to chase you around until it traps you in one of the walls. Or just destroys the player Object. 
I will give this a look. 
Yep arrows on background were supposed to guide you towards exit. 

Thanks for taking some time out to play this and give feedback.
Really appreciate it.

Hey , 

So this was my first game jam. Quite fun and painful cannot wait to start working on some new projects. 

But before that I guess some feedback will go long ways. 

Let's play each other's project and help each other grow. 

This is mine

can't wait to play yours :)

Congratulations on submitting your project. 
I played it for a while, and have to say I like the movement. 
Felt smooth. 
But art, while the level design was fantastic. It was making some interactable objects invisible or hard to see.  For instance, I guess in level 3 there are some blocks on which you can climb and some blocks which are just decorations. 

I am not particularly a fan of dying-to-get-power-up, so that is one aspect that didn't click with me.
(I guess death is only the beginning xD) 
But I think that is only me. 

From an art perspective, your asset selection was superb and I cannot wait to use that asset in one of my projects.

(And last I want to play more levels after good ending pls)

All in all great job mate. 

You know there is one thing in platformer games called coyote jumping. 
If you ever planned to add this feature to your project please let me know.
Can't wait to play with that. 


Congratulations on submitting your project great job. 
There are some bugs that you might wanna check. 
I got stuck in walls quite a few times. 

All in all, good job finishing this project. But like @Brohmyr mentioned below, the character assets are not technically free to use, So you might face some problems there. 

hey man,
First of all congratulations on submitting this project. 
I think you've put your fair share of effort into making those assets.
Great job on that. 

But controls felt a little weird.  Also, it takes some time to build momentum. 
All in all superb project. Just need to tune movement a little. 

Thanks man!

This is some great feedback. 
I will try to do like a tutorial scene maybe ?

So that it will be easier to understand. And a health sprite.

Thanks mate!! Your comment made my day.

(1 edit)

Finally submitted this project. Feels great to submit this one. 
Had to make it solo due to office timing issues. 
Made with all the OTB assets. 

Wanted to go to some advanced enemy behavior. 
Ended up staying basic. 

Making this project was quite fun(And painful at times)

Do try and I cannot wait to try yours;
So return to the lost style of pacman with this  project of afterlife__guide 


Your project is fantastic mate!!