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A member registered Sep 02, 2015 · View creator page →

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Neat stuff. Would maybe be good to add rotating with the "up" arrow (clockwise) so people can play more easily with one hand.

Fun game. Reminds me of some other single character auto-battlers, but the element combining is clever. Found a few bugs with UI elements shrinking and/or not having any, but either way great job!

If you push a block and then undo sometimes the block arrow stays the changed way instead of also reverting. Not sure if that's intentional?

Really interesting... now I just wish there was an Undo button! :-P

Sure, but there are examples of the opposite. Look at Secrets of Grindea that has been under development for 5+ years. I dunno, I feel like it would  still be worth it to put it out there just in case.

Sure, but just make sure you highlight that fact in the description and information. Also, having a super low price point like $3 to $5 should get people to understand that?

Have you considered Early Access on Steam? Maybe with the note that the game won't be completed unless it does super well or something? Even with like a $3 price tag or something?

Thanks, probably will just keep it as a prototype for now. Maybe in the far future we'd explore something else. I'm curious to check out Hyperbolica, this upcoming non-Euclidean puzzle game built onto Unity, as it will apparently be part open source too. Might work some of the ideas we tested in this game jam in that.

Right now I'm more focused on starting up my digital hybrid board game company. Making a board game with digital components and getting it ready for Kickstarter is taking up all my time now.

You were probably playing the WebGL build which is messed up. Try the exe and/or don't use the zones on the right hand side.

Antichamber was an inspiration. Basically Portal + Antichamber + dash of some arcade action. Look for it after the game jam with some fixes and improvements. Thanks for the feedback.

Well, they worked on that game for many, many years. I highly recommend Jan Willem Nijman's (from Vlambeer) talk on "The Art of Screen Shake" -- seems you have some of that down but it is still a great video to learn from. =)

Neat game. Had a bit of trouble understanding what everything meant, but still won with 3 seconds to spare. Could you elaborate on exactly how the controls do work?

Great job. Love the little details like the coloring on the bullets, the backpack, and the screen shake. Were you inspired by Nuclear Throne?

Nice work. Feels a bit too unforgiving at times, like having to pay rent immediately and not having any time to pick up gold on the ground. Were you inspired by Dungeon Keeper or similar games?

Yeah, zoom was meant to be removed but we ran out of time. Crouch was going to be implemented to have meaning but again, out of time, lol. Those should be the only two that you don't need as far as I know. Definitely want to remove zoom and crouch or add some meaningful interactions with them (probably changing shape changing to those interactions).

Yeah, we wanted it to just tie into bonus points and not actually be a hard loss condition. Thanks for your comments, we were trying something super experimental. We'll probably clean it up a bit and fix the bugs and see what people think after the jam too.

Wanted to try to make it language independent and a bit of a mystery. Agreed that we could have done a bit more to push people into what the goal was. Just ran out of time. Thanks for the comments.

Thanks. We ran into some last minute issues with controls and some colliders. Just 1 more hour and we would have easily fixed those! Oh well. Live and learn. =)

Ah, okay, I figured it out. Took a while of understanding how to finagle the system to let me delete Twitter. =)

Still can't seem to figure it out. I get to $5,800,000,000 and then anything I spend is small fries in comparison.

Do I have to make money first and then lose it?

Are the secret endings working? I've done everything I can think of and can't get anything outside of the base 3.

I assume using that is technically not allowed? It is just a physics engine basically that let's you fool around with digital tabletop components. You can't really do anything there that you couldn't do in the real world.

Interesting idea. A bit heavy handed in the message, but a cool thing to explore nonetheless.