I'm stuck at the diner, after Rocky saying im going for a walk
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Sometimes the idle activity when finished in personal mode will stay stuck at idle done and not move to the next activity. It can take several minutes or only take a few activities after the last pause for this freeze to occur. It seems to happen most frequently when the next activity is to play videogames or watch porn. changing the speed to 1 or 2x speed seems to fix it, but sometimes you have to wait a second after switching it.
I've been trying to trigger state changes with monsters and want to know if I've been fighting monsters with bugged status changers or if I just wasn't lucky enough to get them to use them. What monsters have status change attacks? I know slime and werewolf do, but the bees, spiders and bats, so far haven't done anything and i haven't lived long enough to find others due to the overpowered werewolves spawning so frequently over other monsters.
Aside from that the other bugs seemed to be fixed from my playthroughs though one of the signs, specifically the one in front of the road that leads to the village with the tent inn and the merchant who tells you to go south. that sign can't be read, you can't even interact with it to see where that road leads.
After reaching the area after the ship part and entering the tent where the guy tells you to enter the other tent for equipment, I couldn't exit his tent.
Also in the same tent if you walk up the the swords mounted on the wall you go out of bounds and can walk outside the walls.
If you walk to the colden city guard at the entrance he doesn't let you out even after getting the travel visa from the institute.
I just unlocked the true ending so I know what I get for it, so that fixes my issue to that problem I posted without starting a new game, so my personal criticisms fall flat now and I'm satisfied, so I deleted the post before I saw your reply.
Do you plan for the monster forms to play more relevance in the next game such as interacting with characters in the next game in the different forms or unlock skills by leveling in those separate forms kind of making the monster form a separate class instead of a status?
Do you maybe plan in later games to make means of transforming the character without combat, such as using an item, or interacting with something in the world?
Sorry about all these questions and constant edits, I am worried if I'm saying too much. I've beaten the game and I'm now really interested in this series and can't wait to see more!