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Studio Hip Sword

A member registered Jul 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Awesome job with the atmosphere. Really neat low poly art style. The title screen and opening crawl set the tone perfectly. Great audio, too! Gameplay was a little sluggish, though I think the main issue there might have been the lack of landmarks on the map making it hard to know where you've already explored. Even a few rocks or elevated areas would've helped a lot. 

Good stuff!

Oooh, it looks great. I'll try to take a look before the weekend is over!

Let me know what you think of state;NOMINAL, if you get the chance :D 

Glad you think so! Thank you :)

Cheers! :D

Sorry Frogsrop & Co for taking so long to get back to you after you left such a detailed and thoughtful review of our game! Being back to my usual game dev project, making sure we're hitting milestones and designing in such a long-term way is stressful in a completely different way than doing a jam is... 

Which is why I appreciate very much the type of game Hook Line & Chill is. No challenging enemies, intricate tutorials, no frills. Instead, its a serene experience that accompanies you into a relaxed state of mind. It was the right game for the right time. 

Taking the theme so literally, "nothing can go wrong", was actually a really welcome change after having played through countless jam titles with somewhat weak takes on the theme. 

Your team nailed the vibe! The music was inviting and the rest of the audio cues were well done. Hook Line & Chill is also pleasant to look at, and I loved the snails <3

There isn't much to pick apart here. Maybe the music transitions could have been more dynamic? Though sometimes the quiet spaces in between led to a welcome reflectiveness.  There are features I'd like; translucent water to see the shapes of fish, a music "mood" selector, and tons of random clickables like the snails! 

I'm looking forward to seeing what your team has in store next! If there is a place I can follow you lot, let me know!

Oh man, I see you really did write about it! I'm crawling into bed for the night (it's the evening for us New Zealanders) but I'll be sure to follow-up with a reply on your feedback post and try to give the same thoughtfulness for your game in return. 

Thank you so much for all the awesome feedback, I'll forward it all to the team :D 

The little laugh after "Game Over" is the best part! Somehow I felt better losing.

Great work team, I wish my dad got me into game dev at that age. It's like the coolest toy you could hope for <3 

Yaaay! Thank you.
It's definitely survival horror inspired, though admittedly I've not yet played the classics D: 

Let us know if you ever make it to the end!

Thank you! I've had a yearning to do sci-fi, so hopefully I'll return to this idea or something similar.
Unfortunately, an indicator of where the failures are got left on the cutting room floor! As things do...

Also, damn D; that sounds like a bug! Were you playing the Browser or the Windows version?

Possibly too hard! xD 
Thank you, we tried hard to nail the atmosphere.

Also wtf!? Only 9-people have rated this... 
Post in the "Rate for Rate" community threads!

I.Was.Not.Prepared. Hands down the funniest game I've played all jam! xD 

I don't know what's going on in those big brains of yours but you guys cooked. I had multiple laugh-out-loud moments - replaying the "intercept kid" mini-game to see both outcomes was beyond great.

Also big props to you guys for implementing a level selector afterwards... someone should've told us that would've been a good idea! D: 

All thanks to Kylie :D she kicked ass with the SFX work!
Another trick we used for the engine room was to remove the walls entirely. It almost exists in an otherworldy void. I wanted all the focus to be on the engine itself.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for giving it a shot!

Admittedly, I am very proud of that title xD So thank you for pointing it out!

Sorry about that! Though thank you for the kinds words about the artstyle.
Check the tutorial section on our page for a little more guidance.

Thank you! Spot on feedback btw - we wrestled with knowing all of this, but just not having the time to adapt.
Originally, the map room was going to be dynamic and each of the failures were going to have "tells" to clue you in what was going wrong. Such as flickering lights for Engine/Power failure. 

There is one tell though. As hinted at on the room terminal, [L.I.S.A] controls the door. If you encounter a locked door, you can bet on [L.I.S.A] failing! Maybe try Day 4 with that in mind? 

Regardless, thank you for the kind words! I'll make sure to rate Alredo Fishing :D 

Thank you for your thoughtful words, Quentin <3 I will share this comment with the rest of the team.

I'm really happy you took the time to explore the environment and learn where the three systems are. If we'd had more time, we would've polished the opening a little more to ensure more players got to experience what you did. But alas, live and learn! 

I see you submitted a game of your own (congrats!), I'll be sure to rate it today or tomorrow :D 

A couple of us devs loved Mouthwashing so that's a huge compliment! I'd say our most direct inspiration was Signalis - would recommend it if you liked Mouthwashing. 

Yeah, unfortunately, it took us a long while to get a working, testable gameplay loop in so we never got around to adding a tutorial or an "ease in" period. I'd suggest reading over the tutorial section on our Itch page - hint: look south on Day 1.

I believed the nice and cosy Itch page... then I picked up the knife xD 
Immaculate vibes.

Congrats on the first game jam! I hope to see your team involved in even more jams in the future. This game deserves more ratings

(Cool to see another dev tackling 3D for the first time. The goal for our submission was to test 3D for the first time too!)

Hmm, picking a favourite is hard! But Mythic Moon Studios' Maiden Voyage was one of the more well-polished entries with really great atmosphere and tactile controls. 

Madz_3's TYP-ZER0 is fun, creative and criminally underrated atm! Give their game a look, rate and comment. They deserve it.

One more... this one is spooky, so be ready! It's Just Another Day Again from LucSar, you've been warned. It's an awesome, well-made horror game that builds upon itself surprisingly well given it was made in only a week.

There you are! Go let those awesome creative people know what you think. 

Super weird and creative! One of the more unique jam entries I've tried :D You nailed it.

Now... I wanna know all about the lore of this strange game! What is going on? What is this strange creature?? And what are they thinking, if they think at all!? 

If you've still got the time, my team would welcome your insightful feedback on our little sci-fi horror: state;NOMINAL
*Check out the tutorial section on our page before you get started

And I'll be sure to rate Hook, Line & Chill. 
(Let me know if you want feedback too <3 ) 

First game jam? First game? And a solo dev!? Big congrats to you :D

It's actually super playable, I've tested many more higher fidelity entries that played much rougher than this one. It felt super satisfying landing on a collection of vases.

Well done!!

Are you suuuure you're down for 50 more? (That's insane, props to you!)

Here's a little science fiction horror adventure: state;NOMINAL
*Please check out the tutorial section on the itch page first

(And I'll make sure to rate Vase Guy!)

If you're an enjoyer of sci-fi horror, check out: state;NOMINAL
*I'd recommend reading the Tutorial section first.

(I'll be sure to Alfredo Fishing a rating too!)

I just wanted to bump this little thread and say we're still around to rate more games if anyone out there wants to check out ours :D (see the opening post for link)

It looks like you've already received the feedback you need and know.
Besides all that, I wanted to say congrats to you two on submitting your first game jam. That is an awesome achievement that you should be proud of <3 

As far as the game goes, it kinda kicked my ass!
I was able to find a flow and keep my rage going on my third or so attempt. It was enjoyable enough, I'm sure with more time it could be polished up but live and learn! That's what we're here for :D

I was told I need to write a positive review or else...

Truthfully, what an awesome little piece of horror! The atmosphere is on point and the scares got me more than once. I'm glad I stuck around to see it through, no spoilers but you made some fun and creative meta scares. 

My only feedback: too much mashing 'E' could've been toned down 50% xD

We'll take it! xD Thank you
(The Windows executable should perform better than the Web version)

(1 edit)

Thaaaank you! "palpably tense" is a great compliment.

I think the browser version is freezing due to a lack of optimization - this is our first 3D game and our first web build. But you're right! It adds a little something to the atmosphere, so we weren't toooo worried about it :P 

Also, I'll make sure to check our your game too!

I managed to beat it on my forth life. Running back to your death spot without having enemies to reset the timer had me on the edge during my last attempt, but I barely made it.
PS. I love the little bounce you make after dropping a long distance >.<

What a cute little game. The pixel graphics were so endearing!
I think the text could have stay on for a bit longer, some longer passages were hard to finish reading in the given time for me.

:D <3

Thanks for giving it a go! I'll pass on your compliments to the team :D 

My favourite thing about the game was doing a surprised double-take at whatever the prompt at the top of the screen told me to do. Under these circumstances I can see myself shooting a man dead in the panic of it all xD

The main character is kind of lovable as well :)

The others weren't kidding, this is hard! It was oddly addicting slowly improving my progress. Kinda reminds me of the chase sequences in Ori, which is definitely a good comparison :D

Great stuff for your first game! The controls felt good, which is one of the most important things to get right for a platformer. My only real feedback is that sometimes it was a bit hard to tell which tiles had collision and which were just background decoration at times.

Not sure if it's just me, but the button to start the game doesn't seem to work? Will come back and give it a shot for sure if it gets fixed - that backstory was too intriguing to ignore!

Fun concept! Once I realised how the premise worked, it was fun trying to predict how each gag would play out. The voice acting really sold it.  I liked the character designs! It's a shame their epilogues are probably not so fun for them xD

All in all a cute little experience. Well done!

PS: The crafting menu reminds me a lot of HipWitch, a game we made a couple years back. So that was a bit nostalgic for me :P

Thank you very much!

Much appreciated!