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A member registered Oct 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yeah, same. working on it!

I can probably add a way to speed up the animations if you want to skip. Implementing a proper skip is a bit tricky with how things are, but if scaling by 5X gets the job done, that'll probably be the way I go about it

Thanks for playing!

You can control zoom with scroll wheel, I forgot to put that in the instructions. sorry!

Yeah, I'll address the other stuff for sure, thanks!

I had it out of order before, which works if it's just simple find xyz. I want to tell small narratives, like orc camp having goblins take over, or prison break out, aliens breaking out, etc. With narratives in mind, it gets more complex very quickly, forcing linear finding solves lots of issues with technical as well as player-ux on that front. I think, perhaps hope, it'll make more sense as I get more content going with it.

We're just getting started

JESUS CHRIST, it's fucking good. Visuals, audio, feel, it's all really well put together. Excited for full release.

Working on it!!!! It'll get there, I promise

Very interesting puzzler. Some changes to visuals would be nice, but more importantly maybe a tutorial? If you can set the game up to introduce mechanics/hiearchy over some stretch of play, I can see it hooking many players.

Reminded me of very early Tekken 1/2. Looking forward to future versions. Directional inputs for combat are nifty, how are you going to go about combos and all the usual fighting game stuffs?

Yeah, the plan is to have multiple series of interactions that are layered/branching. Not only do you have a prop hunt, but you also have a hidden ending hunt and whatnot.

Plan is to setup series of interactions; I have a few special animations for some stuff, but involved interactions is what I think I can go further with it all. Will eventually add audio as well. Thanks!

That bug is browser specific and engine level as well, can't really do anything about it :(

If you play download build, it won't happen. 

Yeah, tons of small QoL features I have on my todo list like confirmation that you found/activated stuff.

lol, lmao. Good work with it, excited to see what comes of it 

I will make more, life has just taken so much of my time and I've been doing tons of pre-production work. Most of the pre production is done, so should be able to crank some nice basic levels and then get to work on advanced gameplay features.

mother bitch you! AHHHHHHHH

It's gonna be a collection of levels that are essentially "where's waldo". Go around the levels looking for stuff. The first level is the easy-freebie tutorial. Working on orc camp right now.

This week my goal is to setup a few levels with some basic content. It'll take a few weeks for them to probably feel full enough with basic content. After that, I want to add more complexity, having stuff move around, maybe some more involved interactions on top of that as well, ie, an NPC is locked inside somewhere and needs the player to unlock the door which allows npc to walk to other area etc etc.

Was initially toying with idea of just generic asteroids shooter with the gimmick. Maybe some levels and variety of rock types. Haven't touched the game in a month, got busy with other work. Wanna guage interest to see if I should get back to it

Ah SHIT, I forgot to turn that off. I have a setup with start at wave X for debugging purposes.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll put up a build soon putting that back to 0 along with some other fixes I made past couple nights.

Nice work on the visual elements that are there. Having the option for a singular jump at the very start comes across as absolutely hilarious, love it, keep that in there for sure.

I do wish I could use spacebar to increase downward speed once airborne.

Please add WASD controls, I can't really play with arrows :(
Looks good, but I have a hard time with the control scheme lol. Gave up on pit when I restarted and it took me back to previous area :(((

Not yet; I'm making core systems first and will then hand craft levels for sustained play. 

The plan is to make more combat elements, in the form of more enemies, weapons for the player, and various additions on top. I have various movement related mechanics ready made, so now I'll be focusing on enemies and weapons. Once I have a good variety, I can plan out stages with real content and get people playing the core loop with real features in, as opposed to just having a repeat of basics.

Love the items, but I have an issue. In the item sheet, there are several items I can't find in the zip. Some are the chests, book cases, the target dummies. Bar4 also seems to have been exported wrongly, it's not an actual bar. I would love to use a number of these items, would you mind checking the pack?

The use of what felt like a bug to cling to ceilings was a very nice subversion.

Solid design and aesthetic. Think balancing could maybe be changed a bit. Great game.

Interesting concept, UI could use light touch up to keep the counters visible at all times. 
I think it might be worth while exploring this concept further out.

The audio is excellent, lovely stuff. Art is good. 

I would really like to be able to play with WASD controls if possible.

The timed sequence in first area was very excellent. Having the corner bumps was such a fun moment, and I liked the blockage changes to facilitate that moment. 

Your level design, in particular enemy placement to diegetically tutorialize ideas like pepper plants destroying larger boulders is cheffs kiss. 

It's late for me right now, but I'll play the rest of it tomorrow.

(1 edit)

Huh, really? I had checked the page and didn't see them, which is why I made the comment. I would have been alright with controls on itch, as that's what I did lol. 

I see them now, not sure if I was blind earlier, sorry.

What are your plans with combat? I was drawn to play because I saw the cauldron and hoped there would be some sort of alchemy involved.. please tell me there will be.

I figured out the controls.

 Played it. Framerate and visuals were both good.  Hope to see more soon.