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A member registered Jul 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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Really unique, I love it! The art is cute and the puzzles are fun, great job!

Really cute!!!! Great job!

Really fun concept. I think the mana system conflicts with the rearranging the buildings stuff. It's a shame because I really enjoyed that part of your game! 

Very creative puzzles, the SFX makes it a 10!

bunny :)

Cute story, the wrong answers made me laugh, well done!

Fun game! Dyson spheres are so cool. I'd love to see more in the future!

This game has a big robot, therefore this is a good game.

Love the art! The UI being held as a sign is charming. I find the goal of the game a bit confusing. I didn't notice my tower was attacked until it was destroyed. How are you supposed to defend yourself? Otherwise, the building mechanic is really fun, good job!

Clever concept, well done!

Love the art, the gameplay is super satisfying! Big hammer goes BONK!

(1 edit)

It is quite fascinating to go trough all those old video game and it feels good whenever you discover a new screen ! You enter and must sneak until you get the weapons, and then goodbye poor ghosts !

What to say except that we are really impressed by a game like this created during one jam. We must admit that even if we were quite bad at the game, we enjoyed it a lot ! (We still have a lot to learn, and your work is inspiring !)

Impressive music and graphic art ! We didn't understand the gameplay mechanics easily though... Maybe a little tutorial would help beginners ! By the way, the possible answers were funny !

Thanks for your feedback ! We're happy to hear that you found our game entertaining !

We're glad you enjoyed it ! It was indeed quite challenging !