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A member registered Jan 18, 2024 · View creator page →

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Les animations sont ouf !! Le jeu est propre, bien que très rapide (je SAIS qu'il n'est pas fini !)

Aussi, j'ai pas vraiment ressenti l'usage du thème, je pense que vous auriez pu aller un peu plus profond dedans !

Sinon overall le jeu est très propre et les controles sont coooll

Jolis graphismes, pas mal de bugs et des controles qui surprennent (on s'attend pas à ce que le perso revienne au milieu). L'utilisation du thème aurait aussi pu être un peu plus poussée que ça 

Jeu correct dans l'ensemble, bien joué ! 

Très cool platformer, utilisation réussie du thème et jolis graphismes.

Les controles sont un peu étranges à prendre en main (surtout sur clavier), et parfois la construction des niveaux semble un peu "injuste", mais sinon, un projet vraiment très bon


Omggg ! The death message is randomly picked in 20 messages x) so yeah the joke happened one time i'm so happy !!! Thanks for playing !!! 

yeah i think this sound is pretty bad too.. but at least its not always there x)

thank you !! i'm sad to hear u disliked the sfx.. what were the annoying ones ?

Hey thank you ! Yeah the biggest flaw of the game is the lack of tutorial, but i ran out of time...

Ty so much !!

Yeah the game is endless x) you just kinda go through it and try to get the best score ! I'm so happy that you played it till wave 30 tho !!

TY SO MUCHHH <333 i'm so happy u enjoyed the game !!

ty so mucchhh !!!

lawl x)

yeah i played it when i was rating all the jam's game, but i replayed it later because it was soo good x)

amazing game ! It's really difficult, but the feeling when you get the solution is amazing ! Good job ! 

ty for the feedback ! 

Gonna be honest, the fact that its difficult to pick up the currency is totally intended ! am i going to take the risk to lose hp but i'll get this shiny eyeballs, or am i staying safe from my tower's bullets ? That's a decision to take x)

Thanks for the feedback ! 

Yeah, the UI is a big flaw of the game :c

thank you for the feedback !!!

thanks you for the feedback <33

yipee ty !!!

yayyy thanks for trying out my game !!

ty so much !!!

I understood the tower's prices were unclear so i made an update and it is now displayed (fixed a few bugs too )

I understood the tower's prices were unclear so i made an update and it is now displayed (fixed a few bugs too )

I understood the tower's prices were unclear so i made an update and it is now displayed (fixed a few bugs too )

I understood the tower's prices were unclear so i made an update and it is now displayed (fixed a few bugs too )

Thank you so much !!! And yeah if i make an update on the game i'll update the tower's cost...

Very, very nice game !! I enjoyed it very much, congrats !!

Nice ! 

Congrats on the art and original concept ! 

Very good looking visuals !! The gameplay is a bit confusing, but overall nice game, congrats and keep going ! 

Good looking art, the gameplay is a bit weird, but still good job !!

Little and simple game, good looking

nice job overall, keep going ! 

Very nice and fun game, the controls are a bit odd but its okay ! good job and keep going ! 

Incredible visuals and feedbacks, however its IMPOSSIBLE to aim like idk why but its just so strange 

And also i could just run through the levels and never fight

but the ambiance and all was amazing, great work !! 

Little platformer, working well and all, and the knight does a backflip YOOOOOO 

nice, however where is the theme and limitation ? 

Nice concept of the walls moving, even if its not really impactful you got an idea here ! The music was horrible tho x)

great work, keep going !

Just a simple yet very good and working game, congrats ! 

Very, very good game, and INCREDIBLE art like you put so much effort in that, its amazing ! Congrats, it was really  a good game !!

Cool little game, however the controls are a bit clunky and all it's hard to truly dodge the bullets... Still a nice work ! 

I also made a bullet hell if u want to see !