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A member registered Apr 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great take on theme and making a complete game!

10/10 would cheese the game by firing hooktails at ay kind of wall!

Great artstyle & artistic vision.

Though the game was quite short and the fun parts for me (combat) were a bit too few. 

Would love to see this when developed further or when given some more time.

Same as the others, after the 3rd press, everything stays the same? Bugged?

The base idea is good, but something else also needs to motivate the player other than score.

Either it be destruction being satisfying or some type of progression.

In short good idea, could do with some more polish / features.

++A volume bar is almost a must in any game I feel, nearly blew my ears the moment the music began. 

Fun take on voxels mate.

Though dunno if I messed something up the first time I was gonna craft a bomb, the menu got stuck and I couldn't close it.

Otherwise fun, great job!

Quite fun.

Cool idea of having multiple object you have to control at the same time.

Good take for the gamejam.

most of the critique / improvements has been said said by Dreybolio but by far the biggest problem I had was enemies spawning way to close / inside the player causing unavoidable damage.

In future a proximity check before spawning or a small delay with some visual flair to where the enemies would spawn would be appreciated as otherwise it just feels like unfair unavoidable damage.

Simple game.

Though gotta admit I got stuck and had to redo the last level like 5 times. Boomer reactions are setting in...

Great feedback!

Was meant to be quite short.

Hence why I gave Lizzy some hidden dialogue.

Seems that some people have that problem or the game not launching at all.
You could try another browser and see if that solves the problem.

Fun little game, got stuck by the human spawncamping me otherwise.

Slime/5 experience!

Yeah a lot of improvements can be done but motivation kinda died at the end and was just waiting to get it done.