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A member registered Nov 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey Everyone, 

So after a little trial and error, and some help from some wonderful people on discord I was able to figure out how to get my Player to "eat" the enemy, with the ability to spit the enemy out (like Yoshi)

Here is a look at the mechanic in action. I'm still using placeholder images until I get all my mechanics figured out.

Now if I'm lucky then I am hoping to finish adding some behaviors to my Enemy that can be copied to my player when I have them in my mouth.

For example if the red block is a bird, that will give you the abilty to glide, combined with the walker ability this allows you to walk or fly (as well as eat enemy or spit attack)

If your player is a bird and eats a frog, this gives you the ability to both fly and jump but not walk.

I'm hoping that the various combinations that I can come up with will lead to some diverse gameplay options to get to the end of the level.

I do want enemies to be present. I have an idea where you can eat the enemy unit and then either absorb it, heal for one health or spit it out as a projectile

Hmm, Thanks for the suggestion, that is a good idea.  Once I've figured out coding for the mechanics I'll start experimenting with unit types. 

Anyone have other good ideas for unit types?

Hey Everyone,

A little about me, I'm a 36 year old who has been learning Unity, C# and Blender for the last 4 months or so.  I am experienced with most of the Adobe Suite programs to varying degrees and this will be my second Game Jam following an entry for #myfirstgamejam a month or so ago.

Now let's get to business.

I will admit to being initially stumped when the Theme was announced and not getting much done as it was Valentines Day.

However after a little time I decided I am going to create a 2d platformer. 

You will start as a walker, with only the ability to eat other blocks and walk.

If you eat the bird you combine your abilities (stronger together) and gain the ability to jump/fly or glide and walk (Walker Ability)

Other types are a Spider which will be able to crawl up walls and maybe ceilings.

Another a Digger type which can mine through tiles.

The idea will be to combine abilities to become stronger together to overcome obstacles and get to the end of the level.

Im still debating doing smaller puzzle style level or more Mario like platformer levels but I'm leaning towards platformer. Also considering how many types of enemies to introduce.

Now that I have the concept I just need to code it.  So far all I have is a walker and a few different colored blocks in a unity scene. Tomorrow I'll start on the eating mechanic. And some enemy programming. If I'm super lucky maybe even get into some art.

Thanks, Much appreciated.

Hey all, 

So I just patched my game with a newer version, the last few days have been dealing with a high score system, particle effects, getting my canvas sizes right for the build, couple new title screens and some polish here and there.. its not perfect but for my first game im pretty happy with it. Thanks again to everyone that provided feedback and to everyone who gave it a chance. Hopefully you enjoy the changes

Hey this game was alot of fun, I laughed out loud at several points. Great work.

thanks for playing. Ive got some tweaks done to the gui and other things added but I haven't patched them in yet. Hopefully by the end if the day I will.

So far I've  gotten 42 as my best time.. thanks for playing

Hey Everyone,

So I've gotten some really good feedback from some people so far and today was about dealing with that feedback and adding some features to make the game just a little better.

So the first thing I did is fix dragging that happen when you touch the bottom of the screen as per some feedback I'd recieved.

Next I moved onto some animation for my player. This was my first time using the unity animator and coding in some transitions but I am pretty happy with the end product. I do think i need to make the switch a little faster.

Then I had the joyous task of hunting down some bugs, but I think I've squashed them all for now. Tomorrow I'm hoping to jump into the leaderboard and scoring system.

Thanks to everyone that provided me some feedback and I hope you come back to try it at the end of the Jam.

Thanks for playing, I agree that I need to move the explosion behind. Much appreciate the feedback too

I like the atmosphere of the game though you do die pretty fast. Love the Music

Nice feel to the jump, cool little puzzle game

This is pretty fun, satisfying sound effects lol

(2 edits)

Hey everyone, 

It's starting to look like something, for my first game I'm pretty happy with it but it still needs quite a few things.


I created some menus and a restart function to make something playable, for the purpose of playtest and submitted a build of it. So if you would like to give my game a try in this early and unpolished version I would love to hear what you think or any feedback you would like to give. I still need to add things like particle effects, more sounds,  some player Animations, a leaderboard and tweaks depending on the feedback i get. Also I would love to add a little intro animation to set the game up a little more. 

Thanks alot, I really appreciate that. 

Thanks, Yeah things can get crazy pretty fast.

I still want to tweak the difficulty but am pretty happy with it so far. I haven't made It past 35 seconds yet

The art on this game looks so good, it almost makes me hungry.

Day 5: Animated a Parallax script to move my planets but I haven't done any Particle effects yet. I'm pretty happy with how it looks but I may add a nebula to spruce it up a little bit. I haven't added my new ship model to the game yet but i've gotten the art done for it already.

Finally got some audio added to the game. still need to put some sounds into it but I have a couple loops for the (upcoming)Menu and for the actual gameplay.

So far it's come a long way from being a rectangle chasing a circle around a Screen


Heres the updated version

Very interesting,  I like the random generating dungeon component.


Heres another look at the progress. I'm going to change the UFO and probably the asteroids but things coming along nicely. No sound yet though :(

Day4: Got some more Planets done(Ones I'm moderately happy with), built a scene using different layers and gonna play with the animator. I am going for a cool parallax effect so I made a few different layers of planets and space and I'm hoping to have the parallax effect happen with the planets and possibly a nebula travelling through the scene eventually. Also need to deal with some particle effects here soon. Screen Boundary is finally working now, it's not perfect but I will be playing with it tomorrow. I spent a little time dealing with all the problems I was having in the code and then set up missiles to spawn every 10 seconds. So far things are going along nicely and i'm hoping to get some sounds in here by the end of the day tomorrow.

also contemplating making the meteors bouncy, but it may get a little crazy then.

Day 3: Spent some time on some art.  A couple placeholder images and some that I may reuse for the title screen. Also tried to fix anything that I wasn't quite happy with codewise, though I may still tweak the movement a little. Also whipped out the Girlfriends keyboard to make some loops for level music though im not quite done that. Having a blast with everything in the jam so far but this may have been the most fun I've had lol.

 Currently I'm having some problems getting my screen boundaries right but once I have that solved am going to add a parallax planets and space scene.

Then I hope to move onto some of the features I want to add like leaderboards, chaff and maybe shields and whatnot and then sounds. 

Here's a short clip of the game so far

Really like the pixel art of the characters in particular, but all of it looks good.

Day 2: worked on some art (starfield and starship)  until the wee hours but didn't come up with anything am super happy with yet. Using a temp spaceship I drew as a placeholder until I make something better. 

Created a timer but I have yet to implement a leaderboard. 

Currently working on keeping player locked in the camera boundaries.

Implement my first object pooling system for the meteors. 

Difficulty is going to ramp up as time going on but I haven't full figured out the kinks yet. I'm gonna try to get a good balance for normal difficulty before I start tweaking anything.

Hoping to get some art done tonight.

Locked on.

The idea is you are the pilot of a spaceship trying to navigate through an asteroid field while escaping  from missiles that are locked on you.

Hoping to implement a chaff system and possibly forcefields and and lasers. Also might have meteors that break into smaller pieces if I have enough time.

I tried to pick something relatively simple in scope as this is my first game jam and don't want to be overwhelmed. I have alot of experience with Adobe products but I only have about 4 months experience coding and using Unity.

Day 1: Set up source control, got my homing mechanic and asteroids spawning working.. Think my scoring will be based on longest times on a leader board with difficulty ramping up as time goes on.. perhaps more asteroids spawning at faster intervals and more missiles.Set up a prototype to make sure everything is working. Started working on a starfield in photishop but not happy with the result yet