what's the other one? i really wanna know how other people designed it :)
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just tried yours. pretty cool! making most of the models is really impressive stuff.
here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
super short puzzle: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
hope you like it!
cool game concept btw! are you going to keep working on it?
try mine if you have the time: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
tried your game and gotta say the level of polish is unmatched, especially the sound design!
we're both beginners so if more people could play and give us feedback that would be great :) https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
I saw your game on stream! I want to try it once I have a bit of time off work
I worked with one other person. my partner had been telling me that they wanted to try making some sprites in aesprite for a few weeks. a couple days before the deadline, I learned about the jam and impromptu suggested that we submit something. they got to practice making art and I got to learn how godot and combination locks work, so it was a win win :)
met a few years ago in a course.
ours is more spooky than scary: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
try ours if you want: https://tapirjuice.itch.io/lock-under-the-clock
also, nice rowlet/brindibou avatar :)
trying yours now. good luck with ours! https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
see if you can crack the lock... https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733

if you have a computer with a touchscreen monitor, I'm curious to know if it works with my game and feels better than using the mouse. let me know! just trying to see how consistent touch screens are across devices :)
here's the link: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
reached 56. I'm so bad at pattern recognition hehe
here's ours if you want to check it out: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
just checked out your game and it looks really cool! i don't really understand how to play to be honest so I can't get past the first 2 fights though.
here's ours: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
here's ours: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
liked yours! reminds me of early 2010s flash games. those were the best.
this is ours: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733 it's about cracking a lock.
I liked your game ! ragdolling the blocky guys is so satisfying
should be pretty quick to finish :]
here's our lock cracking puzzle game:
I liked your game but couldn't beat it due to my skill issue unfortunately.
presentation was awesome! only complaints are if you're on the edge of a platform, you slide off slowly. I think it would be a little less frustrating if the hitboxes of the player were slightly smaller than the sprite to allow you to have close calls. also for the section where you're being chased by the shadowy eye wall, it moves a little too slow I think, so it doesn't feel threatening. a cheap trick you can do is make it so that its always at least at the edge of the screen so the player doesn't feel safe.
here is ours:
you can beat it pretty quickly. we'd love some feedback!
liked the dialogue in your submission! always love me some 4th wall breaks hehe
we're from 🇨🇦 :)
the 3d transitions in your game were so cool!
we'd love feedback! this is our first project and we have a ton to learn about gamedev, design, art, sounds. all of it!
(web version of the game doesn't work on macos though)
our game: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-11/rate/2535733
hope you find it fun (and winnable!)