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A member registered Aug 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I hope so too :p

Didn't include the screenshots bc I wasn't thinking of them at all when I was uploading the game, it was a few minutes or so after the gamejam officially finished lol
But we'll update everything in a while! Thanks a lot :D

I've mentioned in the description, but we just didn't make the rest of the stuff we've prepared in time. Decided to submit it anyways, still...
...and we're gonna finish it some time after the jam too!!

The whole team feels really confident about finishing the game completely, despite the fact that further development would be outside of the jam. I'm ready to bet that it's gonna be great after that ":D

It's very heartwarming to hear this, thank you!  

At least there's something graphical in this game that still can charm people with it's weirdness! >:D

Hi, sorry that it happened. It's kinda strange, cause with all the bugs that this game used to have, we didn't see anything like this :0
We'll check it out after the rating period tho!

Extremely good, especially for a game made in 48 hours

Decided to speedrun the game just for fun & got 00:14,67. GL beating this record what can I say >:D

Thank you for your feedback! To have no problems reading the text, you should avoid moving while reading it -- I forgot to block user input when they are in dialogue xdd

Pretty hard to get through the levels with this small jump. But still, it's playable

The bounce was so hard that it bounced me into the walls

A pretty nice idea! Had some meatboy vibes in this one (which reminded me of the horrible days when I tried to play it), but it's an interesting demo for a platformer game!

Sadly, it's almost unplayable. But it was submitted almost one day and a half before the deadline, so it's still pretty impressive

That one's good! Didn't think that anyone would try to go 3D here. Got some amnesia vibes with that sanity bar xd

Pretty well made! Fast-paced games are usually hard to test and design, but hell they're fun.

Though the art has some issues, it's still really, really impressive
Also everyone's gangsta until the random note starts speaking Cthuvian

The game's too hardcore for me, but I still had a lot of fun! Espeically liked that it has a tutorial (which, still, doesn't explain a few things) and whole 9 levels! Well done!

I had fun! A lot of it, actually
And the idea with the achievements that show us a bit of lore is also marvellous! This game deserves its high rating

Holy hell, what a drama, what a plot!
Actually, despite the artwork, it really seems that you worked hard to make that game be a thing. The cutscenes are a piece of art by themselves. Good job dude!

It's ok for a game made in 72 hours, but it's not too easy to understand what's going on and what should you do
But still, well done!

Мой вопрос почему-то не открывается, но он идентичный. Разве что, в случае, если команды разрешены, есть ли ограничения по количеству человек в одной команде или нет?

Вопрос простой: разрешено ли в этом геймджеме выступать не одному, а с командой? Если да, то есть ли ограничения на её размер?


Glad to see you're interested! I'll work on the more... Playable version once I have time xd

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I had great hopes for this one, but hey! I got a lot of experience from those 35+ hours of development.  It might become a good game in the end, when I'll deal with most of its problems, buuut... For now we have what we have, yeah :p

Oh! Being stuck by terrain is another problem, yeah :D
I'll work on that in future!

It's kinda weird that you were able to lose, cause once you kill a few enemies the hunger bar wouldn't go down :d
But still, thanks a lot!!

Thanks for the review!

Being stuck by map generation is another thing that could be fixed just by adding 1 point to every type of speed, but... That's what I realized after posting the game :d

It's pretty weird that you had no water speed when spawned on water tiles, never saw this issue to happen locally... But I'll check it out later as well. 

The game needs a proper guide on what to do, I agree. I'll work on that too. Thanks again :3

I mean, at least the movement system works xdd

fennecs rule

Loved the design, idea & gameplay!! Give your artist extra cookies for such an adorable demonic creature c:


The idea is the best one out of most projects I saw here! Though ngl it gets a little boring over time... Might be missing the point of the game :x
Still, it deserves a high rating!

The idea itself made me crack a smile :D
Loved the gameplay, though sadly it were just three levels. I'd play this more, if you're willing to continue the development later!

Hello! Thanks for your detailed review
The game had to be some kinda survival rpg, where most of enemies would drop limbs you could collect & gain certain advantages & disadvantages. Sadly, as you've noticed, I didn't fix all the major problems in the end xd

I added the "end turn" button because on planning stage I was thinking about giving every action a hunger waste, which would result in player thinking twice before moving to a certain direction.

I'm glad that you were able to find something good in this game even in this unplayable state, thanks again c:

Привет! Да, это - одна из множества проблем, с которыми я до сабмита не успел справиться х))
Планирую починить её после того, как окончится ScoreSpace Jam, так что если заинтриговал - следи за апдейтами!

(1 edit)

Heyo! The amount of dice effects should have been equal to 6 (edit. In full version), so you could make different variations and act differently from different situations. The right side's effect is just a dice roll - you can't predetermine it. 

But... Yeah, we messed up a little because of lack of time. Hopelite already fixed a few major bugs in an unloaded build though, so the game will be complete even after the time runs out, yeah! 

...and thank you for your feedback as well! ;D

Sorry to hear that. We posted the additional information on the game page - it has all the controls and all the things you should avoid for now to evade bugs :c
That will be fixed!

Hello there! The rolls work only during the first battle at the hallway. Sadly, because of the bug (that WILL be fixed one day), the input system doesn't work in other fights...

The combat system works like that:
- You can put dice either on the left or on the right part of the deck.
- The left part is responsible for so-called "effects" - the drawing on the dice defines this effects (either dealing damage or healing in this demo)
- The right part is for modifiers. Adding dice there next to the effects dice will result them to roll when you press R. If the drawing on the die matches the drawing on the effect - it becomes stronger.