oh totally, im the same way. Ive tweaking little things about the game here and there and i have my friend playtest it and seeing them notice the improvement feels so awesome. What also feels great is that there are some things im noticing that needs more of a fix and it excites me because the next time they playtest, theyll be like "Ah man this is way better". Btw its not letting me download your zip file. It just brings up the .rar which idk what that is
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Very reasonable points, thank you for your honest and soulcrushing feedback! Lmao just kidding but I do appreciate the criticism. Time was honestly our hardest constraint. We only spent a little over 4 days working on this and that was only for a few hours after our day job was over, but if given more time, I know we couldve crushed it. There were so many things we wanted to improve and throw in, which a lot of, you have mentioned. Totally agree that the enemies should have been color coded. Though compared to the things on my list of requirements, this was pretty low on the priority list. My other programmer couldnt participate on the last day so i had to continue working in all of the mechanics at the last minute and there ended up being way more than i thought needed to be done. There are actually 5 different enemy types which i unfortunately didnt have the time to balance. Lots of the behavior for these enemy types actually feel pretty cool, and in the editor, the player actually feels so much smoother. I had no idea how big of a dynamic change the player's movement would have until after the jam, because i didnt really get to test anything since i was busy throwing in a lot of last minute mechanics and features that were necessary for the theme of the jam. All this just to realize that i made a mistake in the code and in order to truly see the potential, you have to reach level 5, and of course, in this build you were not able to. On behalf of my artist, he spent a great deal of time working on the player model for the ship and at least 5 different variations so that the player would have a new ship each time you scrolled up to a new level. On top of texturing and all of that other artsy stuff he created the phenomenal intro screen that you saw in the main menu and probably worked harder than everyone on the team to make the model look good along with the main menu . Sadly because the model was so small in-game, you arent able to see the details of his hard work. And yea, the powerups and all that stuff were super last minute so i couldnt give them the best visual let alone any visual at all. I was desperately trying to make the deadline. Check out the updated version which i believe is way better. Could use more tweaks of course, but i think this is how the game should have at least been polished up to this degree. https://gamejolt.com/games/starfighter/581320
I definitely like the idea behind it where you have a bunch of levels to complete but you have to complete each one in different ways. Totally cool. I wish there was a bit more hand holding with some of the levels, especially with the flying one. I thought it was a bug and almost quit the game but then, after many attempts, i read the name of the level and figured it out.
Check out my game if you have the time! :)
Oh absolutely. It isn't really even that complicate d a process. I made a super tiny game in like a week a few years ago just so i can learn how to ship a game to IOS. You can ship it, as is. Just attach buttons to the screen and continue porting it to the app store. You need to have a developer profile on apple to ship games and it's like 100$ a year but if youre continuously putting out games on there, it's totally worth it. Especially to throw that on your resume if youre looking into game dev jobs. One thing for porting to the IOS store is that you need XCode which ive only found to be on MAC. There isnt another way that I know of but hopefully there is something else you can use if you dont have a MAC or maybe you dont even need xcode. Something to look into.
Dam dude this is awesome. I honestly wanted to give up after the first few tries but then decided to continue but after another try, i saw that i got a different weapon and i DESTROYED, so i kept playing and playing . Really fun game. A little too difficult for my taste, coming from a person who isnt too fond of enter the gungeon, and other games alike. I definitely think that the different weapons every ten seconds is the highlight of your game. It's always a key feature for me because it gives it so much replayability. Would love to see this game further developed with more and more weapons. Final thing. Your instructions confused me a bit. I thought that if i shot the enemies, they would multiply so when i didnt shoot, and they multiplied, i was very confused
i got frustrated at first because i couldnt get past the big blue thing so i just tried to speed run it and along the way, something beautiful happened. I got hit by and enemy as well as a laser beam and got SUPER fast and this allowed me to finally get past that blue thing and into the next room which felt awesome! One thing i would say though is that having the door open on the Up movement does not feel good. Especially since i was trying to maneuver through those lasers and ended up going through the door again unintentionally, then when i went back into the door again, i died immediately. Opening doors on space bar would feel so much smoother. Great game!
Definitely love the opportunities to hit multiple enemies at once. This is definitely the shining factor of your game. Id love to see more out of this mechanic. Itd be so cool if you could ricochet your arrow off of a mirror or something then you get a collateral. Ouuu baby lots of potential here. Great stuff!
Definitely love the opportunities to hit multiple enemies at once. This is definitely the shining factor of your game. Id love to see more out of this mechanic. Itd be so cool if you could ricochet your arrow off of a mirror or something then you get a collateral. Ouuu baby lots of potential here. Great stuff!
Definitely love the opportunities to hit multiple enemies at once. This is definitely the shining factor of your game. Id love to see more out of this mechanic. Itd be so cool if you could ricochet your arrow off of a mirror or something then you get a collateral. Ouuu baby lots of potential here. Great stuff!
Hey bud i tried your game and couldnt get past level two but after looking at the comments it seems you werent aware of that bug until afterwards but hey, it happens! I have a sorta game breaking bug in my game as well where you can only make it to level 3 and not up to 5 :( please dont take offense i just want to be constructive for your next game. I felt like the theme was a bit lacking. I just feel like there wasnt too much creativity in the theme aspect. One thing that felt off to me was the control scheme. It wouldve felt much better to have the jump button bound to the W or Up arrow key since those buttons were not used for anything else. I really like the music though. Very well done!
i made it to the second to last level then hit shift by mistake. It took me to the main menu then when i tried to resume, i was back at level one. Kill me pls lmao solid game though. Love it. My only issue with this is that the use of mechanics is inconsistent. It feels weird when im able to jump when both characters on one level, then only with one on the next level. All in all i really enjoyed it and it fit the theme quite nicely!