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The Lame Brain

A member registered Jan 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi. I met you at PRGE today. (Ethan)

I really like these, is it okay if I use them in a crpg rather than a ttrpg?

Still have a bug in this version where my inventory says 10/10 but there are 3 empty slots in it.

I have been looking forward to your updates! Let me know when you get a chance to push the new version!

BUG REPORT: You cannot destroy houses

Thanks! I will look into that!

Me too! I actually lost about a day trying to implement haggling, but I had to remove it for 2 reasons:

    1. I am terrible at haggling in real life, so trying to come up with an algorithm for it was difficult.
    2. I am terrible at haggling in real life, so trying to tell if my algorithm was working was difficult.

    OOF! That has happened to me too. I sympathize!


    Well designed puzzles and a clever theme

    (2 edits)

    This is, by far, the most creative use of the Unreal Engine I have ever seen! You sir, are a genius and worthy of accolades!

    (1 edit)

    Holy cow! THAT was Unreal Engine!?
    They deserve extra points for the most creative use of Unreal Engine I have ever seen!

    I really like your system! The most engaging combat I have had in a text adventure! (I did the knight's tale)

    OMG. This game is the perfect answer to this theme!

    Please keep working on this! I keep losing my game because hitting ESC closes it and makes me start over.

    Also, I would really like the ability to scroll with the arrow keys or WASD or something.

    Beyond that, It would be cool if you could scroll out so you can see more, and the ability to add custom tags to systems so you can take notes would be useful! I keep losing track of what is where!

    I LOVE how you implemented this with the genotypes of the Von Neumann probes. The whole time I was playing it made me want to go back and read "We are Legion (We are Bob)" by Dennis E. Taylor

    I like your mechanic!

    I didn't have the issues that Tyler had with the slow switch between modes, but I would have appreciated the ability to lock my cursor to the window... it kept drifting all over!

    Solid entry! Thank you for submitting!

    I don't understand what the sliding rooms thing is about.

    Didn't get very far, but it is VERY impressive, and i quite enjoyed the humor!

    Nevermind, I am a moron. It casts where my mouse cursor is!

    Cute game!

    I got to 630, way to much stuff on screen!
    I took the Blackhole spell, but I am not sure I was using it right? It constantly cast at the bottom of the screen, so it didn't really help me.

    This is just a batch file that has instructions to run the Batch file, run the game in steam, then press x to enable mod. This seems sus to me, bro.

    There doesn't appear to be a game I can play, can you link a download version?

    I liked the concept, but I keep running into a bug where if the opponent lands on a ? square, they refuse to pass the dice and I cannot proceed.

    I got to do the top-down game once, and that was fun! Not sure what triggered it though...

    I hope you get the bugs fixed, I would love to play more!

    Not sure why the robot lady was laughing all the time, but I managed to save 1.5 billion lifeforms! so Yay!

    I got it to work with the Downloadable. Played through the Red, Yellow, and Blue ranger games, but the pink and the black ones wouldn't load... just hung at 100%

    I had a blast tho! I really would like to see what you did for the other two!

    Both the Pink and Black ranger games don't load for me...

    But I had fun with the others!

    I tried to do a word puzzle game a while back, but I never figured out how to do recognition of what the player typed. I am super impressed you got that working all by itself!

    I did! When I saw the boss was a burger, I tried to eat it. Lol, that didn't work.

    I am following you on so I can see if you update this! :)

    Love the music. Really adds the vibe

    Thank you for playing my game!

    It is kind of commentary. If you stick with the safe strategy of buying from adventurers and selling to merchants, and just turn back into a human when forced to be a dragon, you can win every time.... but that is boring! killing stuff is fun! ...but it is riskier.

    Thank you!

    You can get through it eventually by buying scales from adventurers and selling to the merchants. Once you make the goal of 25k gold, you win!

    If you run out of time, you are forced to turn into a dragon, but you can change back and the time is refreshed.

    probably should have made that clearer...


    I clicked the link, entered the password. Then tried to download the file, but apparently I need to install special software to download the file?

    Truly sorry, but I am not willing to do that.

    I wish you the best of luck!

    Found some bugs: 

    1. For some reason, when dropping things, I would sometimes get to where it said 1/5 but when I open the inventory it is empty. I think this is related to trying to pick things up when the inventory is full, and it drops the extra on the ground? But I am not sure. 
    2. When I eventually upgraded my bag space, it went from 5 to 2.... so it was more of a downgrade...

    I hope you get this fixed! I love this style of game and would happily play more!

    This is my favorite game so far!

    I love the creative way you handled input!

    A couple of minor suggestions:

    1. I wish I could have held up to hold my collection boxes in place
    2.  I wish there were more red blocks, that they specifically targeted the collection blocks, and that they reduced your tower rather than killing you outright.

    Overall. My favorite game of the Jam so far! I hope you build it out further!

    This game has a great deal of promise, but it needs some time to really flesh out the platforming. Right now it is too rough for me to really enjoy.

    It would also be really improved with some sound, just a simple loop music playing and maybe a boing for jumping is all it would take.

    I am not good at this game.

    I love it. It is ooozing style. but I am no good at it at all.

    I am not good at this game.

    I love it. It is ooozing style. but I am no good at it at all.

    This game has Style!

    I wish it was longer, and I wish the control was more responsive, but I guess that is the dream-like aspect yes?

    This game made me feel good! Big Crabbo go DING!

    That was COOL!

    I wish it was longer!

    Played for a bit. I like your premise!

    Feedback: Boulders need an outline so they stick out more.

    Not sure what shooting is supposed to do? It didn't seem to affect anything.

    It would be nice if there was something that would prevent you from being dropped on a hazard when you first enter a room.