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The Mr. Cepper

A member registered Jul 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very well made stuff here, lots of stuff I'd add to my playlist here :] also love the bit of cuica in the first 2 tracks, it's an underappreciated instrument

Thanks!! Love Tribe Called Quest

Very nice music. Digital Landscape is especially a favorite of mine; Love the sounds used in that one a lot. I also really love the slight bit of offbeat/swing some parts have, it adds a lot of character to them. Do agree with Room 308 that some ideas could've been fleshed out a bit more (Muse was pretty abrupt), but oh well we only had a week. Also love how you interpreted the theme to be about your own personal world rather than a character's world

This made me say "Ough I love music" while it was being streamed in the Jam server's VC. Really great work I love it, if it were to be uploaded to YouTube I'd absolutely playlist it

Very nice composition :]] love the choice of synth used for the chords & the looseness of the piano adds a lot of character, makes it kinda feel like the piano's just going about its day and exploring and stuff

This game is really really fun. The character designs are so cute & unique - the sound design really adds to the fun of the characters as well. The thingy with the deer antlers I especially love, makes me feel bad whenever one gets hit. The gameplay's also fun as hell with really unique mechanics. You all don't need to make a longer game out of this if you don't want to, but if you ever wanted to I'd support it through & through oh my god. Love this game