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A jam submission

The Sacred JungleView project page

Submitted by Remy Prosper
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The Sacred Jungle's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#6072.4662.688

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

4 songs! 2 songs are Sonic Superstars inspired, whereas the other 2 are Phantasy Star Online inspired..4 different ways of expressing a jungle theme!

Message from the artist
This is a late submission because I initially submitted all the songs separately. I had found out about the Jam a day before it ended

How does it fit the theme?
This fits the theme of the sacred world of nature!

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services
To be added soon

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission


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This is a really fun OST - Lots of nice ideas going on and you can really hear the influences like Sonic in there. Nice work :)


Thanks! I really appreciate that!


Phantasy Star Online!? That isn't a name I have heard anywhere ever in my life other than my siblings!

Big fan of these songs. Really really fun and high energy! Just my kind of music!


Such an underrated game and soundtrack omg Appreciate the comment!


 luminous jungle ST01 and ST02 has got to be my favorite songs so far! 

Great job ^_^


Thank you!


Absolutely loved the two "Luminous Jungle" act songs. "ST01 - Immortal Jungle" works well as a jrpg area exploration song while "ST01 - Immortal Jungle (Battle)" nicely recalls some of the motiffs from "ST01 - Immortal Jungle".


Really nice job. I loved the groove of the first one!


This is super nice! I can tell that you listened to a lot of Donkey Kong Country and Sonic Superstars, and formed a soundtrack around it. mix is super clean too. only issue I have with it is that 2 of the tracks are in mp3, and 2 are in wav format. that’s a little inconsistent


I know smh the project files I have for half the tracks are in a laptop across the country. but thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it


that’s completely understandable! I didn’t mean anything bad by that, so sorry if it came across that way ><


hahaha not at all I totally get it!


The jungle? I love the jungle!

You have a very good soundtrack

(These flutes are fire)


thanks! jungle vibes are THE vibes!


I think I rated and commented on one of these intros before - I remember suggesting getting them compiled into a single entry? Not sure, may have been another submission but either way - these are great! Can definitely hear the Sonic influence and grooved out to it. The mix of styles here is really well done and all in all it is well produced. No glaring issues on my end, glad to see you got them all together and can finally get some proper ratings!


Ah I thought I replied to this! Thanks so much I appreciate you coming back and recommending!


Happy that you were able to compile all the tracks in the same summision!

In Luminous Jungle Act2: The way you use new age sound in a jungle track is unusual. I like it! 

Also cool harmony decisions that together with the choice of instruments make me think that there is so much going on in this jungle ☺ 


Thanks so much for recommending Layla! I appreciate it!


Clearly someone listened to DK Country here for suuuure, sounds great, the mix is nice, composition is solide. In Immortal Jungle its pretty muddy though I think you went a little too hard on the reverb. Good job !


Thanks! I know dude I'm slightly bummed about Immortal Jungle because they are both older tracks and the project files for those is on a computer in an apartment in another state so I wasn't able to fix it in time, oh well. I guess you could say its reminiscent of games in the past where there was a ton of reverb haha Thanks for the comment!


Very well made stuff here, lots of stuff I'd add to my playlist here :] also love the bit of cuica in the first 2 tracks, it's an underappreciated instrument


The cuica is under appreciated! But what is appreciated is your comment Thanks!


Great soundtrack!  Sounds amazing from start to finish!  Immortal Jungle was my favorite.


Thank you so much! 😊 


High quality production and snap to the percussion! You captured the tropical jungle feeling really well. Diggin the grooves, i actually want to play the game and run around in that world :D Nice variations in timbre and melodic ideas love the flute slides in act2. I like how you structured your track to be implementation friendly. Great work!


Thank you so much for this comment! I appreciate you saying you want to run around in that world I made it with that intention of just wanting to exist with the music and whatever world it creates! So cool you get it! :D


Oh Remy! I had already reviewed one of your tracks for sure! I remember seeing the Phantasy Star Online vibe, and the rest is really Sonic. 

I'm actually amazed you got so much done in the matter of a day. Crazy! Luminous Jungle is a bop!


Thanks for review man! Oh I in no way shape or form made these all in one day haha can you imagine?! I had actually had these done and thought man I need to do something with them so I googled ways to get into composing VG music cause idk how and found this place haha Thanks again man and good luck!