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A jam submission

Inside My World (WIP)View project page

Submitted by naujmaga — 1 day, 6 hours before the deadline
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Inside My World (WIP)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1353.8573.857

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

I don't really know how to label the genre... To me, it's simply a blend of instruments that resonate with my tastes and fit well together.

My goal with this soundtrack was to capture the essence of life's soundtrack, drawing inspiration from what's important in my world, in the hope that others might relate.

As for the game aspect, I would say it might work well in a kind of slice-of-life, narrative-driven game. "Florence" could be a good example.

I always use Reaper for my work. Balancing a full-time job made it challenging to keep up; originally, I aimed for 14 or 15 tracks, but I'm genuinely pleased with what I've accomplished.
Typically, I start with chord progressions on my guitar (since I can't play piano at all), fleshing out the chords and adding embellishments. From there, the creative process unfolds naturally.

Special thanks to @jazartu for the incredible artwork!

Message from the artist
I thoroughly enjoyed participating in my first Jam!

I plan to refine these songs further and release more to create a complete album. If you enjoyed this first taste, stay tuned for more!


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
As I mentioned earlier, I've taken elements from what's important to me—like my cat, music, video games, and more—and woven them into my songs. This is how I see MY world.

Regarding the picture, it served as more of an inspiration for the sound itself, particularly for certain tracks that have a water-temple-like vibe.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Oh... what do we have here?

Cool and full ambient +a variety of musical instruments+different and cool motifs +incredibly beautiful cover art +great sound = I LOVE THIS SOUNDTRACK. Heh)

Thank you very much for an exciting journey!

Submitted (2 edits)

Super cool ambiance in my opinion. I guess (I might be wrong) or at least it feels like you do music very instinctively. Without giving too much attention to what theory says and not trying to reproduce a style/genre. I like this approach a lot cause I find myself in this :)

From time to time some melody parts or harmonisation seemed a bit jarring. But the way you make everything flow together make it work perfectly for me. I actually really liked how you developped each song, their movement and evolution. This gives a unique kind of composition, and a skill at it that you've already well grown, and will still grow I hope. 

Hope to see you next jam :)

Edit : The artwork is sooooo cool 🤩


YES, another Reaper user!

This is a really nice soundtrack. I love what you've done! 

There is really interesting voicings in your compositions (maybe because your starting point is the guitar). My favorite one so far is Mother.

Can't wait for listening the whole album!!


Hah, with number of tracks i have opposite situation. Aimed for 4, but made 14 =)
Nice atmosferes there, but there are bunch atonal stuff, not shure if this made on purpose or not. Music parts (maybe chords but especially melodies) need more work. Sound pallete overall is very nice. Keep up!


Oooh I love this one!

Each track has at least one detail I adore about it - the polyrhythms on Digital Landscape, the guitar on Music, or the pure ominous-ness of Feline!

The melodies flow beautifully with the accompaniment, which creates a juicy soundscape. And the instrumentation choices are so beautiful and serene, while still being pretty unique and interesting.

I really enjoyed this one! Great job!


Really nice ambience in the beginning. I really like digital landscape super enjoyable to listen to and well crafted. Really great job!


Amazing dream scape of instruments! Artwork you have really suits the music well too.

Favorite track: 😺


Thank you for your review!

I'm glad you noticed the artwork!
The artist and I aimed to incorporate all the assets mentioned in the songs—music, video games, cats, psyche (represented as a ghost), and more from other songs that I didn't manage to include before the deadline.


There are lovely textures used here. You’ve got some really interesting ideas and you can feel your own personality in the work. Some of the harmonic choices feel a bit too abstract in places, but it does give it a more unique soundworld and overall there is some great work :)


Whatever glockenspiel you used it sounded really cool and close to my ears which was neat!

This was a very nice selection of tracks you have and I liked the artwork a lot too.

Great Job!


This was such a nice experience! Thanks, your submission was quite unique I really enjoyed it a ton, couldn't pick apart really anything. Great job!


Really love this entry, your music have a personality, love the water vibe, really well done and not to invasive !


Day 2 of Rating Submissions with few Ratings to get Ratings in Return

I can really feel the process you had when making this. The focus on arpeggios feels subtly guitaristic and the slowly harmonically shifting chords have a kind of "noodly" style to them that I often discover when just shifting notes around on my guitar, seeing what works and fits. The harmonic framework is this OST´s strong suit. I can definetely see this supporting a slice of life type game. The OST is gentle, but represents an inherent tension - just how life can sometimes feel. 

I don´t know if this is accurate but I feel an anime influence here, too? Maybe its the instrumentation or the fact that the chord progressions aren´t very directional (as japanese music often is). 


Hey! Thanks so much! I’ll definitely check out your work later.

You got it all right! Most of my influences come from Japan, like Kevin Penkin (he’s actually Australian but works mostly for Japanese media), Keiichi Okabe, and Nobuo Uematsu.

You nailed the guitar part; I just mess around until the chords work out.

I loved your review! Thanks again!


You´re welcome! I am a music reviewer on a blog, and I try to give similar feedback here that I would give there. 


I love your style ! It definitely puts you in a certain mood. Very cool choice of instruments, I especially like your use of glockenspiels and music boxes.


Very nice music. Digital Landscape is especially a favorite of mine; Love the sounds used in that one a lot. I also really love the slight bit of offbeat/swing some parts have, it adds a lot of character to them. Do agree with Room 308 that some ideas could've been fleshed out a bit more (Muse was pretty abrupt), but oh well we only had a week. Also love how you interpreted the theme to be about your own personal world rather than a character's world


Hey! Thanks for your feedback. It's really difficult to get people to listen to your music, so I'm thrilled that some are actually giving it a listen, lol. I'm surprised that's the one some people like the most; it's the one I wasn't even sure I would keep.

I agree with your last point. A week wasn't much time, and I went overboard trying to create around 15 different tracks. In the end, I rushed most of the songs and ended up dedicating more time to the longer ones (like 'Mother,' for example).

Thanks again for the review! I'll be sure to check out yours!


Hey fun soundtrack! Each track felt unique to one another but the material tied then together really well and created a nice, cohesive experience. I think you could have developed the material a bit further in some of them but otherwise this was a cohesive set of tracks, good work!