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A member registered May 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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The moon stole marble boy's limbs because he's evil! That's why he did that, glad you enjoyed the game.

devlog 1:

so me and my brother found out my game engine isnt the best si i started on a simpller game before learning unity

I like this idea! I'm not a collaborative jammer but its a cool idea so everyone can improve

Aesprite is really good and i couldnt reccomend it enough, making animations on there is easy too! However it is paid but i would say its 100% worth it


for legal reasons my upvote acts as an annoyed button

The rules say you can use any game engine, i've never see core or heard of it but as long as its a game engine then it works

It's my first time and i'm also reallyyy happy and exited but a bit nervous

there are alot of people on the community here looking for coders

i chose stay positive, stronger together and the end of the book is a new chapter

i dont know any for making sfx but i know has a bunch of free assets and sfx 

(this is my opinion by taking some of the suggestions on this post) I want something vague and short, that can fit any genre.
Someone suggested happiness, that gave me the idea of emotions which i think would be pretty cool!

awe thanks

wow very cool this totally not done by me good job creator!

(1 edit)

the weapon roulette is a very fun concept and having to adapt to each weapon is very fun!Would recommend

its very fun to figure out wich citizens are infected,great work!