Wow, what a beautifully simple game! So calming!
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Pretty cool game! The mix of resource harvesting, building, and tower defense works really well.
The movement feels a bit clunky, especially with the elevator, but that’s understandable given how little time you had to make the game.
This game has so much potential! You could expand it further by enlarging the map and increasing the tower size (maybe to 3x3) and introducing more resource and block types.
I absolutely love the concept, amazing job!
Hey man, great job! It’s a cool upgrade from your previous sledding game. It’s always impressive to see procedural terrain generation of any form.
One small point - you might want to consider packaging Linux versions of your games as AppImages so they can be enjoyed by users of distros other than Debian-based. ;-) It’s still cool though that you made a DEB package, I haven’t seen that anywhere on before!
Keep up the good work!
Oooh, it’s a nice spin (no pun intended) on the pong game! Good job! I made a similar thing back in the day, though unlike you it took me 3 days instead of 3 hours. xD
Thanks so much, that’s very sweet! ^^ I didn’t expect anyone to find this page. I’m really happy someone appreciated my small beginnings. :-)
I’m still sort of amatuerish game developer (despite some of my commercial experience), and unfortunately I don’t have a lot of free time recently, but when I do, making small games for game jams or just for myself is one of my most favorite and rewarding things to do.
I hope you have a fantastic day. ;-)
Very cool idea! But I couldn’t complete it sadly, the dialogue with inspector suddenly stops when he says “Can you spell out your full na…”. I tried blindly typing my name from the passport, but then he just says that my name is invalid.
Also, it’s strange that you have to use Craliand’s date format for the passport code in the Lizerbourg passport. If I was an inspector this would raise a red flag for me. :-P
Awesome! I find free aim much more pleasing. Thanks for listening to the feedback!
Another thing that I think is worth looking into is making the levels shorter, at the moment each one is 7-10 minutes long, which feels a bit stretched out. Maybe make the number of waves configurable? 3-5 minutes is I think how long they should be. But maybe when you add more content to the game it will feel different.
Very nice twin stick shooter! I like the simplicity of it, which is what you were going for. The graphics are very nice! And the upgrade mechanics is pretty good.
I have only one major gripe - the aiming feels very cumbersome. I keep hitting the terrain or shooting over the enemies, especially the flying ones. And I think it’d be nice if the crosshair wouldn’t be locked at a fixed distance from the character.
I think it would be nice if the game paused at the beginning to let you read the tutorial.
I also think the game could use some music!
Very nice job overall, good luck with this game!
Tim, I just wanted to say thank you for listening to your community and not letting this awesome game die. As much as I would love it to be open-sourced so it would be given a second life, having a way to play it at all is infinitely better than nothing.
Would you perhaps consider doing the same with your other 2 games, Sky Break and The Free Ones? I bought them on Steam when I had the chance and I really enjoyed them. I want my friends to give them a try as well.
This is a cool little action game! It is so simple but very fun trying to dodge and collect the “time”. I love the story LMAO. :-D
For the criticism I think you need a different background, one which doesn’t blend with the character so much. And also map some other button to start the game (like Enter), so you won’t exit fullscreen in browser by pressing Escape.
Very nice puzzle game! It’s cool how such simple rolling and matching mechanics makes for such challenging levels. Getting gold is really hard. :-P
20 levels is really impressive for such a short time, I probably wouldn’t manage to make so many.
I wonder how did you come up with the most efficient solutions? Did you write a solver, or are you just really good at this game? :-D
Oh, it seems that AppImage requires FUSE 2, but you only have FUSE 3. Interesting! What distro are you on, out of curiosity? On Arch Linux there are 2 packages: fuse2
and fuse3
, I have both of them installed.
Yeah, it’s tricky to find a window for the cooldown! :-D But you don’t need to cool down all the way to 0%, I usually try to keep between 60% and 90%, because the laser actually deals more damage when it’s heated more.
As the error says, you need to have FUSE installed on your system to run AppImages. But you could always download the LÖVE file and run it directly with LÖVE. Or just run it with Wine like you did. Sorry for the inconvenience! Distributing LÖVE games is a bit tricky.
Good point about precise aiming, it’s actually implemented for joysticks, but a different solution would be needed for keyboards, like using acceleration. But I found that rotating back and forth a couple of times does the trick as well.
I actually more enjoy the game with short ranged ships, it is more intense that way. Basically the gameplay comes down to spinning constantly, and finding a short window of time when you can cool down your laser.
Thanks for playing and for the helpful feedback! :-P
Very cool game! I really like the ability to control the tank remotely. I like the variety with each level, you got space, urban, and medieval setting, all with some nice puzzles and platforming, which is neat. You also spared no expense on the arsenal, there’s almost always 2 to 3 ways to blow something up, LMAO. Pure destruction! :-D
Wow! Really well done game. The art and animations are amazing. The bouncing mechanics is very fun and challenging, along with TNT and lasers that you have to neutralize without getting harmed. Levels are well designed and form a nice difficulty curve. Sounds and music are nice. I just can’t find anything to complain about. Incredible that you made something of such a high quality in only 72 hours! Congrats!