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A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! It was my first time learning how to make a tower defense game, so most of the jam was spent developing the tower side of the game and trying to figure out how to get it to work, leaving the mice side of things lacking. Looking back now, there are quite a few things I should have fixed before the deadline or added, such as more levels and a health bar or something to gauge the progress in the level, as well as making sure the mechanics weren't so one-sided.

Agreed. Near the end of the jam when I exported the game to HTML5 lots of bugs apeared last minute. Some were game breaking and others were mildly infuriating. In the end I decided that randomly dieing to invisible enemies over and over instantly after restarting a level was more frustrating than the aim being slightly off. The levels were made so that it would be hard maybe even imposible to get all the graves so that you had to stratergize the best route to geting the most graves and score. Most of the dice themed parts of the game were behind the scenes and in the code. Looking back these things should have been displayed better to the player. For example the fact that the enemies will spawn in random numbers usualy from 1-6.

Thank you for the feedback! I was really rushed at the end of the jam so when it came to the how to play and controls part, I had to quickly rush something out to be able to get the game submited on time.

I enjoyed the game a lot! It had a cool Idea which was exacuted brilliantly all I would change is the time between switching wepons as it felt a bit too long, but apart from that well done!

Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Great game with superb execution loved playing it, it's a shame you couldn't include audio but thanks for the experience!

This is an amazing game with a fantastic mechanic that is easy to understand with beautiful but simple art and  amazing sound but most importantly it's fun!

Glad you enjoyed it! I tried to get a system which showed where the mothership was but I couldn't get it to work in time unfortunately.

A fantastic short game with a good risk and reward mechanic, great art and brilliant sound design!

Thanks for the feedback! I do need to work on more tutorials in my games and I'm glad you liked the physics for the lasers!

A great  3D shooter which is simple and quick to understand but most importantly it's fun to play!

I downloadede the file and got a windows warning which I bypassed. I opened the game and Norton automatically booted it. I do have my security quite high, so maybe this is the issue. I will stick to reviewing only in browser games from now on. Hope it goes well for you.

I struggled with controls a lot. Got the hang of it. Could have used clearer examples or easier starting level to get the hang of it. Otherwise quite nice game.

I struggled with controls a lot. Got the hang of it. Could have used clearer examples or easier starting level to get the hang of it. Otherwise quite nice game.

Sorry, my system would not let me download and run. Maybe save as html next time

I could not download the game as my system (Norton) said it was unsafe and blocked it. Maybe save as html next time.

Originality, retro art and audio iswell as a fun idea made this game perfect only complaint are some of the controlls like jumping.

I like The amount of stragety when picking  a priority move. I also like the text adventure design of the game. Overall I would say its more interesting then fun to play.

Its a really great game with a great mechanic but the dark humour just makes 10 times better. I also like the glitch effect when the keybord binds change. So well done on a great game!

Smooth animations. Whould be better with some sound effects like a crunch when getting ran over.

But over all good job!

Great idea. Game play was understandably slow, but still too slow. Fell through floor glitch at one