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Three Raccoons

A member registered Mar 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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try using the ship cannons to get through the defenses first 

i had 40 pages of scripts of dialogue but only about 8 ended up being used. turns out writing words is easier than making a game to go with it


sorry the tutorial was not clear enough, I've decided to give the tutorial parrot up for adoption 

The art went really hard in this one. got to admit though, i'm really bad at games and didn't actually get that far but I did watch the video you have and the part I couldn't get to (the rest of the game after the first enemy) looked pretty good as well

especially like the scratchy style of the lines. Feel like it's hard to get that right in low res but it worked really well here

If nightmare mode was not challenging enough for you, have you considered going through it again blindfolded with your little brother on the controller?

(1 edit)

We'll keep the difficulty in mind for updates, it gets hard to read difficulty after working on the game for this long. Also, the second and third bosses are more difficult versions of the crab boss, so you're not missing too much unless you're here for the dialogue

bruh why did you guys do moistcritikal so dirty. Usually you would embellish a little bit but this version is a one to one exactly correct version of the real thing, including the backstory, occupation and ongoing murder investigation

still can't get enough of your art, incredible work

Hey guys, if your team needs writing or any story-related stuff done I'm down to join up. 

You can see the other games for jams I've worked on on my profile.

I always also done writing for other games of the nsfw variety, but I'm hoping those skills will not be relevant this time around

This game was a lot of fun, but I feel like when you figure out the trick to it, there's not a whole lot of challenge left. I'm really excited to see where this goes if you guys decide to continue working on this concept. 

Overall, it was incredible you managed to get this done in a month.

Oh, I didn't even see the option to make the build for a platform. Actually I didn't even know there was an app, thanks for letting us know. 

This game definitely does seem to have ended up too difficult. But if you like, you can always use the fly function to see the rest of the game without grinding through the climbing if you haven't done so already.   

Thank you for playing our game. It definitely seems like it was too hard this time around. I guess messing with the mechanics for hours every day affects your ability to tell how it difficult it is to some degree. 

I hope flying over the walls did not mess with your enjoyment of the experience though

Yea, the beginning of the game appears to be too difficult since the swinging mechanic takes some time to get used to. We plan on having more fleshed out tutorials in our future games

I kind of get the theme, but the optimal gameplay remains as walking in a straight line no matter how much you grow and what buffs you get. I guess when i got to level 5 and the character changed it would have been cool to have to now use a different strategy to continue. 

Thanks for playing our game and giving us your review. To be honest, the game was difficult for me as well and we'll probably work on putting in a more fleshed out and easier to follow tutorial in the future. 

But in case you want to try it again in the future, we have a Flying Mode option in the menus which you can use to skip particularily difficult areas or to just fly into space and see what happens. 

This was a fun game. The theme was used to its maximum potential, especially with the dragon scales forming the keys on a kalimba. Also the voice acting was hilarious, this was the first jam where I saw a channel dedicated to voice actors and its fun seeing how different teams used this element, either recruiting a bunch of them and having fully voice acted dialogue trees or just having some noises in there as a meme. 

Falling obstacles like the rock or the icicles appear a bit suddenly though. It might be my fps but I only get 2-3 frames to react to the obstacle before the sends me back to the start with a yoda death sound

I had trouble finishing the game because of turning became glitchy. Though I don't know how much of the game I got to experience, i enjoyed what I played. The puzzles weren't that hard, and the combination of everything in the environment made it pretty ominous even when considering how simple it was. 

It reminded me a lot of soda drinker pro, except with doors I guess

Hey guys, I'm a writer looking for a team for this 1-bit jam. I've done two games for this jam in the past, you can find both of them on my page. 

Hit me up on discord @sadkur

Thanks for playing our game. The lights are definitely something we're going to be adjusting, we're trying to find the balance between lights on being less spooky and also lights on being a gameplay buff. 

Also, yes, the first survivor's death is scripted. We're figuring out how to make that clearer while still keeping the game cutscene free

Thanks, we really wanted to go for the kind of horror you experience through sensory details as opposed to the kind which is explained to you

Basically, as the writer, I'm satisfied we barely used any words

I thought being able to jump on the fireballs was really clever, but was confused by what kind of things you can freeze a fireball on. 

The controls weren't the most intuitive though, it would have been easier to get used to if I could also jump with up. Also the controls in the first screen was wrong, the jump and attack keys were switched

I really liked the way it looked but I think the game might have bugged for me. I could go in and out of dark mode but only walk extremely slow and couldn't get to any of the game as a result. 

Also some of the text at the beginning went off the screen. I think those might need to be adjusted to show up lower and maybe a bit wider horizontally to make up for it

I went through the three levels but didn't know whether I won or lost. 

Overall, the game itself was good, I just wish the UI was a little clearer when it came to how much time we have left and how much of the bar was filled. 

This game was a lot of fun, the selling point for me was mostly just how funny the protagonist was.

I couldn't figure out the trick for the battles so I never managed to deliver the poition though

(1 edit)

Man, this game was a lot of fun but it's not running that well for me, I hope it gets updated eventually. 

With how colourful and lighthearted most of what's happening is, the fog seems kind of off. I mean, I guess you are trying to save the dog but it's not really horror so the way the fog looks with how grey and ominous it is doesn't really fit with the atmosphere the gameplay creates. 

I wonder how this game would play if it either went all in on being colourful and fun or on being sp00ky

I think I understand what you mean. You felt it was more advantageous to have the lights off than on, right?

We'll work towards making the lights seem more like a buff

I really like the idea of being forced to look at something for a bit and not knowing what's happening behind you. Got to say though, in my opinion, the sound design was the best part of this game. It's not constantly setting the atmosphere so you get more relaxed than usual then you get rekt. 

It was kind of hard to see what was going on though

There was this one gameboy game I played a long time ago so I don't remember the name. But I do remember it was a shooter and the way they made strafing work was if you only pressed the directions, you would turn like in this game. When you held down R, it would freeze the direction you're facing and you'd go into strafing mode essentially. 

I don't know whether that's the best idea or if it would work for this game, but it's just an idea to think about right

Hey I know you couldn't finish it so I don't know how much this means but

It was pretty hard for me to see what was going on. I know the aesthetic you're going for but maybe making it slightly brighter or having some bold outlines or indicators you can see from far away would make playing the game easier

The game doesn't progress further for me than the screen where it says the year is 2080

I don't get to see the whole text, maybe it's a resolution problem

This was pretty fun but I didn't get very far. I do have a few suggestions though

The strafing is pretty difficult since you need to walk towards where you want to shoot for a bit, start shooting and then start strafing. I wonder if there's a way to separate where you're shooting from where you're walking

Also the level restarts kind of quickly when you die and I always take damage immediately upon respawning. Would be nice if there was a second or two where we get to prepare 

I think we need the controls posted, I don't know how to play this game

Hey, I write games. You need a game written?

I've done a few jams here and there and used to work for a game company, taking a break from work to get my master's rn though. 

I have few jam projects on this account I think

Also this is my portfolio if you want to see some stuff I've done over the years:

If you feel like you need another writer/narrative designer on your team, respond to this post or add me on discord at @sadkur#0000

Hey, I'm Michael, I write games. You need a game written?

I've done a few jams here and there and used to work for a game company, taking a break from work to get my master's rn though. 

Click on my account to see some of the games from past jams I've done. 

Click on this link to see my portfolio:

If you feel like you need another writer/narrative designer on your team, respond to this post or add me on discord at @sadkur#0000

Hey, I'm Michael, I write games. You need a game written?

I've done a few jams here and there and used to work for a game company, taking a break from work to get my master's rn though. 

Click on my account to see some of the games from past jams I've done. 

Click on this link to see my portfolio:

If you feel like you need another writer/narrative designer on your team, respond to this post or add me on discord at @sadkur#0000

It's not just putting together the story, also writing the UX and page on 

Down for anything, just let me know

If your team still needs someone to work on the story, writing or design I have you covered. I'm a professional narrative designer and can send you my portfolio of games and mods I've written for before. 

Add me on discord at sadkur#3087