:D Thank you kindly!
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Possibly the cosiest game I've played so far. I ran into a couple of little bugs which confused me at first, the smile carving works for every type of request and your pumpkins never get used up from your inventory, but once I'd worked these out I couldn't help but play to completion :DD the other colours were a really nice add and I liked the selection of pumpkins you could make overall. Music was lovely and game was neither too short nor too long! Great work <3
Very cute! I like that you had the arrow keys included for movement as well as that made it a lot more comfortable to press E and Q when moving around. I agree with some of the other comments about adding something, perhaps a milestone or fixed goal/s to complete? I very much enjoyed the detail of varying gold-amounts depending on the quality of your pumpkin at the time of picking - refining that and timing my planting became my goal ^_^ hopefully that was your intent!
One of the cosiest feeling games I've played out of the whole lot - I was tempted to just lay down and listen to the music ^_^. I found the controls took a little getting used to and once I built the lab I er...kinda got a bit stuck and it crashed. Very sweet game though, nice job :)
Me feeling just a little bit too cosy! ^
Nice platformer, cute squirrel and the hedgehog scared the **** out of me when it first came at me! I did find it a little unforgiving that I was right at the end of returning the last bit of food to old-slim there and when I dropped down from the 3rd step to the 1st on the tree I crashed. Perhaps it was me being greedy with that last step though - the character control felt very smooth to me.