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A member registered Jan 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I need about 15 voice actors to provide voice snippets for my RPG game. The lines will be used throughout the game to provide a sense of tone to the characters’ lines. More details and contact info in the document linked below, but for the sake of speed, I plan to pay $40 minimum unless the recording takes longer than 2 hours, at which point I will pay $20/hr


Thank you for the extensive bug report! I’ll have to see what I can do about each of them.

About your last point… I don’t know either, that shouldn’t be there, I’ll fix it and as many of the other issues you listed here as soon as I can.

As for the progression issue, It’s been a minute since I actually played through the game, I’ll have to go back through and hopefully answer that.

(1 edit)

Sorry that I’m slow to see this, but if you’re referring to Greasy Gris, that’s a “fast travel hub” with multiple exits that unlock as you visit the locations in each major area.

Editing because I realized what you meant, about the secret area. Sorry, that was meant for test playthrough access.

I’d like to get a couple simple acoustic guitar tracks for my current RPG project, and potentially to be used in projects after that. If you think you can provide this, either reply here or send me a friend request on Discord (timelineman3225)

At time of viewing this, I am listening to this specific track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKtg_0XY3T8

The Itch Desktop app seems to have some issue with this game, but I managed to get it working from the website. Strange issue, really.

I’d say the ““easiest”” way would probably be to try to get your name buzzing around by working with a variety of people who could use your art for projects. cast your net as wide as you can, that’ll increase the chances that there’ll be eyeballs on your work, which means more possibility of getting customers.

I’ve been working with MV for a little over 3 years now. I sent a friend request to Kina, but I’ll also link some of my free projects here (though they are a little outdated from my current experience point)

https://timelineman.itch.io/diced-up-biomes this is the most recent jam game I made.

Wait, Are you trying to get games that are made specifically for this bundle? Or could I submit a project of mine from well in the past? I’ve never been part of a Co-op bundle, so I’m not sure how it all works either, but I’d love to be a part of this.

Thanks for the heads up! Whoops

I don’t see why it wouldn’t be allowed, I’d be selling a printable file, more or less

I have to guess that my added files must have added the 400mb, though I’m not sure how. But yeah, my other, free projects are both under 400mb, though there are certainly other factors that might play in, such as the number of maps and events, though I have no way of knowing how much that adds up to.

Sunset of the Elements is the Default RPGMaker MV package with the addition of exactly: -3 1.5 minute or so music tracks -4 sprite sheets -3 500 x 500 pixel PNGs If I had to guess, the reason a lot of RPG Maker games come out a lot smaller is that a lot of them either surgically remove the default package pieces they aren’t using, or they use entirely custom assets that allows them to remove the entire thing and come out to smaller file sizes.

you are correct about the state of my social media. It, like most forms of advertising, has a very low turnover rate. I believe marketing is considered “effective” with a 2% turnover rate? I think combined, everything might give me something like a 1.5% rate.

Yeah, the way discoverability is now, twitter isn’t worth it, and I’m probably an idiot for continuing to use it, but also getting any following to move anywhere else is nigh impossible, which is why the venn diagram of my followers here, on youtube, on twitch, and on twitter barely touch or crossover. That’s one of the frustrating parts of social media. Most of my twitter followers aren’t going to be tapped in to me leaving, so they’ll just assume I died or something.

Maybe those people aren’t the most valuable traffic, but they are eyes, and thus a chance to get a player.

I’ve seen a number of TTRPGs, books, and comics on Itch, things that are usually made in print formats. A while back I made a card game and tried printing a few copies to sell. Now, I run into the issue that is printer ink pricing, so I was wondering if people have released sort of make-it-yourself card games where the purchaser would prind out sheets of the cards themselves and cut it all out.

I found out about this platform because of a game jam, and I’ve enjoyed a lot of what I’ve gotten out of it as an incredibly new game maker, or at least found it valuable. I was allowed to founder with some pretty meh releases without being out a sizable lump of change, and just today was the first time I got picked apart for my store pages, and they were really detailed, so even though that stung my ego, it was useful and helpful.

Thanks for the input. I… Used to have a demo for the game I released. I accidentally deleted it while making an update and due to what was, at the time, poor file management, I lost much of what allowed the demo to exist.

Oof, that is a detailed look into what I’ve got going on. I admit, my social media presence isn’t exactly “focused”, but I have my analytics, and both Twitter and YouTube have added traffic to my Itch.io page. Granted, part of that is, before Elon took hold of Twitter, I did use the promote feature, which got my stuff to a decent number of people for a relative pittance per tweet.

The reason, I believe, that that hasn’t translated into followers on my itch is that I post more information on my other platforms as opposed to here, this just isn’t the place I tend to be most of the time as of yet.

I use YouTube and Twitter the most. I use Twitter because I’ve had it for a while, I wouldn’t recommend starting now if you haven’t, but posting things like screenshots, clips of dev footage (Good, bad, or funny), small rambles about the dev process works well in that setting.

YouTube is a much showier affair, and I do devlogs there, showing off “checkpoints” in development, or any major setbacks that could use addressing. As a solo dev, it also helps as a way for me to verbalize certain aspects of development and solve issues.

When I made The Masked Man, It was the first, and currently only, time I worked with a partner for a video game, and there’s a lot to learn when you do something like that. In my case, I was effectively doing all the engine work or implementing the game part while they made the art assets for the game, and this setup requires clear communication about expectations of when each piece is to be finished, what it should look like., etc. Teamwork is a skill, and making games with a team requires that you never grow too attached to your single “vision” of the game.

I saw this jam without any real context in the middle of the night, loved the theme, and wanted to participate. However, I’ve since looked over it again and want to make sure I have everything understood before I go about making something that doesn’t fit this jam at all.

This jam is for making physical-type games, and not video games, correct?


Join Liam and a growing cast of characters in a mission to save the world of Talachrann from certain doom as the elemental crystals which govern a balance of the world's forces are under threat from a mysterious enemy.

The game's resolution seems a bit big for playing on the itch.io page, and a fair bit of it is empty space. Great game otherwise, though

I'm using Chrome, and as far as I know it was every bit of audio that was skipping.

I had some serious audio skipping while playing.